Hello o/ I am coming here to steal your ideas, tips, hints, explanations and sagely advice

This -> is Torsie-1, she is a very good girl and has been with me from the start. She is BLOOD APS BAS-A, or so am I told, and together we have made 705 kills!

Also these are her skills, notice that she is very skillful.
She looks great, and is fun to play, I like the big guns and I also have smaller lasers to go pew pew when I lose all my ammo. We went through several variants and finally agreed upon this soup. I also put some smaller things on her because I wanted to help others like CLAM ECM, C-LASER AMS and she can also fly a little, but I dont know if they are any good.

The issue is, the more I play with her the worse I am

So I thought, maybe its time to upgrade both of us a little!
Well the idea is that I am going to post a list of questions, ideas, problems, issues and thoughts and hopefully, someone will be able to point me in the right direction.
Well here goes:
- What does Clan ECM do? I think I understand, kinda, but I get lost in the explanations a little. So when I turn it on people cant do that "R" square around me and when there is someone nearby who is causing the static I can push the button again and turn it off. But does it help? People sometimes flock around me and tell me that "ECM is good" but I still get shot at and waterfalled with rockets. I can also put that green target square on map even if it shows that enemy has ECM on? And whatever is that about the radar ranges and stuff, I am lost there.
- C-Laser AMS I understand this one, it shoots down rockets, great! But is it worth it? I like helping others, so I put it on, but to me it seems that there is either no rockets, or way too many and I am not helping at all, is it worth keeping it? Is the other version that needs food better?
- Targeting comp. MK ** it does things and it sounds super cool. But is it?
I thought maybe if I get rid of something I could put on some, can I have multiple of them? Same ones, different MK numbers?
- Laser pointers yay
C-Tag. If I understand it, it helps people who have Missiles. I thought that since I am just standing around, I could probably get one and help others? Maybe? Would it be worth it? Would it work? Do I need to shine it at someone the whole time or can I just poke out around corner do *boop* and hide?
- Support role! Thats the name. Can I be support? Or would something different be more helpful, is there even anything like a support in this game?
- Consumables, I have 3+- skill points flying around with nothing to do, Should I invest them into the "Consumables" section? I am currently using ADV ARTILLERY STRIKE. I dont know how to use the other one, and I dont know how to use the little blue drone correctly, so usually when I see a lots of people on one place I just throw bombs at them and run away. Should I use drone instead? Is the other ADV AIR STRIKE better ?
- C-H.A. GAUSS 30 are my big main shooters, buuut I was thinking about putting them away, they are super cool and fun to shoot with, and I can actually hear them! Sometimes
. But they take some time before I can shoot them (which is also fun, when I accidentally slip my finger and shoot someone green in the back
sorry) and you need to hit with all the smaller shots. So maybe I could use the C-ER PPC , because it would be cool to zap people, but isnt it too much of a step down? Also they EXPLODE?! WHY?! Who thought that is a good idea, I bonk into the wall and poor Torsie goes up in flames because I carry two suicidal boomsticks on me! Not cool
- C-GAUSS RIFLE this one I like too, you need to be better with it! But it shoots only once. But its super heavy and takes a lot of space, so I dont understand if it is actually better?
- C-AC/** so this is just a normal pistol, I like it. I can put on 5 C-AC/2, would that be good idea? They are ok, shoot far, no heat
(so cool) but they feel a bit soft, would the bigger ones be better? Or maybe one BIG one or two?
- 12! 12 LASERS! I can fit in 12 lasers of various colours, sizes, lengths, strengths and names. BUT I can also explode when I shoot them
. Would there be a way in this? Do we have the technology for the ultimate christmas tree? I like having something that shoots for a very long distance (I dont like when people just sit on opposite side of map, plink at me and I cant do anything about it
) maybe one of those C-ER PPC and then some smaller lasers? I have seen someone running around with lots of those tiny red lasers, that looked like fun, but I dont think Torsie is made for that kind of close encounters
- SKILLS that I chose are what sounded to me like a good idea at the time, did I pick some that are super bad? Is there something that is outright bad? I had some of those that help me turn around and move faster, so I can get rid of those pesky little ones biting at me, but that DID NOT help at all!
If I come up with some more questions I will spam some more ! Great many thanks to anyone and everyone who managed to reach the end of this horror story, thank you for any advice or tips or just comments in general !
Edited by torsie, 04 December 2023 - 08:58 AM.