New To Game, Store Question
Posted 10 December 2023 - 01:41 PM
If you are ever thinking of buying c-bills from the store? Don't. Buy a Cicada Champion instead! And then sell it, for a much, much better ratio of MC to C-bills. For best results, wait till it's on sale.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 03:03 PM
Void Angel, on 10 December 2023 - 01:41 PM, said:
If you are ever thinking of buying c-bills from the store? Don't. Buy a Cicada Champion instead! And then sell it, for a much, much better ratio of MC to C-bills. For best results, wait till it's on sale.
That's good to know, Few things i have noticed from playing, one of the larger mechs i like is the Dire Wolf i think its the Mk2 one, i gave the Locust and flea an honest solid try. they just go splat. Another thing is after playing the Fle-20 with stealth i am honestly not a fan anymore of stealth. Currently i spent all my C-bills and at 1.3m so need to grind out for i think 18M Dire Wolf i am in a trial mech, i hate cluttering up bays with mechs i wont play, Just want one i enjoy for grinding out event mechs That being said it most likely will be the Dire Wolf or possibly a Mad Cat MK2
Before i forget how is the Novembers Mech? seems like a decent mech i am at about 50% complete getting it acquired. might take a couple more days but, i should be able to get it before it expires.
Edit: i shouldn't say i am not a fan of the small mechs i think its just a lack of experience and knowing what or how to place skill points that is what i am struggling with. also i do want to try the Flea Heroic mech badly see if i like it.
Edited by Hello Their, 10 December 2023 - 03:23 PM.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 03:31 PM
The Flea Hero isn't terribly well-regarded. I've never bothered to get one, but the Pirates' Bane brings unique capabilities - such as not getting automatically targeted every time you're in view of the enemy (yay ECM.)
Posted 10 December 2023 - 03:41 PM
Stealth adds more difficulty to playing a Light 'mech, by reducing that Light's situational awareness. It's quite powerful under certain circumstances, but I find it to be more of a gimmick than a true upgrade - try that Pirate's Bane as just an ECM harasser with MLs and LMGs.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 04:07 PM
Void Angel, on 10 December 2023 - 03:41 PM, said:
Stealth adds more difficulty to playing a Light 'mech, by reducing that Light's situational awareness. It's quite powerful under certain circumstances, but I find it to be more of a gimmick than a true upgrade - try that Pirate's Bane as just an ECM harasser with MLs and LMGs.
Yeah i don't mind the locust Mechs they are not as terrible to play as the Fleas. But again i do enjoy the Dire wolf's and mad cats. To be honest though before i dump a bit of my $$ into the game i do want to try the November mech to see if i like it. If i do i might just play free and not dump much into the game. I know game needs $$ to survive but out of the thousands i have spent in gaming over the years. its nice to see i can enjoy this one without having to put a lot of cash in the shop in comparison to other games i have played. Out of the 1088 mechs there are few i like but mostly due to esthetics. Some of these Mechs got beat down with the ugly stick. But in regards to that, I'm glad this Game is no where near what Mech Arena is like, that game is like a vacuum cleaner to my wallet lol and its playstyle is trash compared to this one. This game involves a lot of strategy, mech arena is pay for this to win, lol
I Also forgot to mention, for light mechs I really enjoy the Adder Line
For Example in Mech arena no one bothers waiting everyone mostly runs in and dies. here. you better have a casket handy if you rush.
Edited by Hello Their, 10 December 2023 - 04:25 PM.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 04:50 PM
PS: Do NOT GET ME STARTED on MechArena. Most of the people you fight are bots - especially the ones with the gear you can't reasonably get without paying a hundred bucks. It is the most predatory monetization scheme I have ever seen.
Don't play Plarium.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 05:04 PM
Void Angel, on 10 December 2023 - 04:50 PM, said:
PS: Do NOT GET ME STARTED on MechArena. Most of the people you fight are bots - especially the ones with the gear you can't reasonably get without paying a hundred bucks. It is the most predatory monetization scheme I have ever seen.
Don't play Plarium.
I know i played ALOT of mech arena, on the note on spending $$ for mechs like i said few i enjoy out the gate. i am really loving the game. keep in mind i have been disabled since 1997 with mental health issues. so my time to play is basically 24/7/365, since then i have probably dumped over$100kCDN into gaming, i use to raid in EverQuest and my play time on my main was like 987DAYS in the Game.
Currently unless i really start to enjoy ECM and Stealthing My purchase mech list is currently that Lava Adder one, and most likely a Dire wolf, also if my budget on the 20th pans out i am thinking of getting the 25'000MCx2 I will probably get the Heroic Adder and a Heroic dire wolf, the rest of that MC will be buying SP And probably a lot of the cosmetics, Or 365 game time lol
Also i could really use a unit to group with or has active chat. The forums seem a little slow in the Faction department lol
Edit: I am probably switching to my YouTube Stream Account, FleaMarket. I have the Flea-17C maxed skills. and, 11m The spending learning curve when i first stated here sort of bankrupt me on Hello Their lol.
Edited by Hello Their, 10 December 2023 - 05:14 PM.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 06:31 PM
Hello Their, on 10 December 2023 - 05:04 PM, said:
I know i played ALOT of mech arena, on the note on spending $$ for mechs like i said few i enjoy out the gate. i am really loving the game. keep in mind i have been disabled since 1997 with mental health issues. so my time to play is basically 24/7/365, since then i have probably dumped over$100kCDN into gaming, i use to raid in EverQuest and my play time on my main was like 987DAYS in the Game.
Currently unless i really start to enjoy ECM and Stealthing My purchase mech list is currently that Lava Adder one, and most likely a Dire wolf, also if my budget on the 20th pans out i am thinking of getting the 25'000MCx2 I will probably get the Heroic Adder and a Heroic dire wolf, the rest of that MC will be buying SP And probably a lot of the cosmetics, Or 365 game time lol
Also i could really use a unit to group with or has active chat. The forums seem a little slow in the Faction department lol
Edit: I am probably switching to my YouTube Stream Account, FleaMarket. I have the Flea-17C maxed skills. and, 11m The spending learning curve when i first stated here sort of bankrupt me on Hello Their lol.
Heheh. It is insane to me that EQ is still going - I actually played up through the Planes of Power a few years back on a TLP. I really enjoyed it (and my guild, Chill Mode,) but it's just such a huge time sink, even with the modern leveling balance and experience boosts.
I'd recommend against more than one MC package. You'll get Loyalty Rewards out of it, but you'll get more overall out of simply buying Legendary packages - particularly since the Legendary variants all have something about them that's unique (an all-ballistic Stalker, for example.) Mathing it out, if you're paying for the 25K package, that's ~250MC/CDN. Buying the Onyx Legendary (I presume it's 15 CDN; it's 15 USD.) will give you 2000 MC, plus a 50-ton Hero (3,750 MC) with 2 Mech Bays (500 MC.) That right there is ~483 MC/CDN, and we've yet to even account for the GSP, Premium Time, and Cbills - to say nothing of the bells and whistles like bolt-ons, cockpit items, warhorns, and decals. The Legendaries are by FAR the best deal out there - and you'll probably get loyalty 'mechs for that too. Another consideration is that once you get rolling, you will earn enough C-bills (particularly stacking Premium Time and 'mechs like Heroes with +Cbills) to actually save up MC. I have over 34K, mostly from playing the game - I bought the Legendaries because they promised to be a lot of fun for 15 bucks. =)
For a unit, the only one I'm familiar with is my own - BWC. We've got a good group of guys, but our MWO contingent is pretty small these days - still would recommend checking us out. =] But there are a few other good, friendly units out there; be on the lookout for players who talk to you and cooperate in PUG matches. Those are the ones you want to join up with.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 08:28 PM
Void Angel, on 10 December 2023 - 06:31 PM, said:
I'd recommend against more than one MC package. You'll get Loyalty Rewards out of it, but you'll get more overall out of simply buying Legendary packages - particularly since the Legendary variants all have something about them that's unique (an all-ballistic Stalker, for example.) Mathing it out, if you're paying for the 25K package, that's ~250MC/CDN. Buying the Onyx Legendary (I presume it's 15 CDN; it's 15 USD.) will give you 2000 MC, plus a 50-ton Hero (3,750 MC) with 2 Mech Bays (500 MC.) That right there is ~483 MC/CDN, and we've yet to even account for the GSP, Premium Time, and Cbills - to say nothing of the bells and whistles like bolt-ons, cockpit items, warhorns, and decals. The Legendaries are by FAR the best deal out there - and you'll probably get loyalty 'mechs for that too. Another consideration is that once you get rolling, you will earn enough C-bills (particularly stacking Premium Time and 'mechs like Heroes with +Cbills) to actually save up MC. I have over 34K, mostly from playing the game - I bought the Legendaries because they promised to be a lot of fun for 15 bucks. =)
For a unit, the only one I'm familiar with is my own - BWC. We've got a good group of guys, but our MWO contingent is pretty small these days - still would recommend checking us out. =] But there are a few other good, friendly units out there; be on the lookout for players who talk to you and cooperate in PUG matches. Those are the ones you want to join up with.
That info is spot on thanks, for the moment i do have a couple questions, are prime mechs supposed to be Founder mechs? also why can i buy them if they are? I have a prime Adder i can purchase and also the timber wolf prime. i am seriously considering the timber wolf it has the look i like, and its a heavy which means i might not die in 1 minute in the game lol
Edit: just signed up to BWC Thanks!!
Edited by Hello Their, 10 December 2023 - 08:30 PM.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 08:56 PM
Hello Their, on 10 December 2023 - 08:28 PM, said:
That info is spot on thanks, for the moment i do have a couple questions, are prime mechs supposed to be Founder mechs? also why can i buy them if they are? I have a prime Adder i can purchase and also the timber wolf prime. i am seriously considering the timber wolf it has the look i like, and its a heavy which means i might not die in 1 minute in the game lol
Edit: just signed up to BWC Thanks!!
No, the prime variants are just the default off-the-assembly-line variants of those clan mechs. Then you have the variations of them for other battlefield roles, and you’re mixing and matching pods on them to customize your hard points and quirks.
any special versions of the mech are denoted by letters in parenthesis, like (L) for loyalty, (S) for special (which just means a 30% cBill boost), etc, just as inner sphere mechs are. There are no founders clan mechs, they came along well after beta.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 09:07 PM
ScrapIron Prime, on 10 December 2023 - 08:56 PM, said:
any special versions of the mech are denoted by letters in parenthesis, like (L) for loyalty, (S) for special (which just means a 30% cBill boost), etc, just as inner sphere mechs are. There are no founders clan mechs, they came along well after beta.
Ok that is good to know, I think i found the Legendary mech i want to roll, https://mwomercs.com...ends/moonwalker Would love to have a Gun Boat. Only thing now is wait for pension day lol.
Posted 10 December 2023 - 09:41 PM
Posted 10 December 2023 - 09:57 PM
Void Angel, on 10 December 2023 - 09:41 PM, said:
Sweet then i making a great choice thanks!!
Posted 11 December 2023 - 05:23 PM
Posted 18 December 2023 - 02:27 AM
Big Poppa Pump, on 11 December 2023 - 05:23 PM, said:
Yes, both are good 'Mechs.
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