torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
1. Why is there no Flea FLE with more places for missiles ?!

Flea "Romeo 5000" offers a pair of missile hardpoints.
Flea FLE-19 has just one missile hardpoint, but it is available for C-Bills.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
2. Would Locust LCT-3S be better than Locust LCT-1M. Since it has more missiles places instead of laser ones?
That would depend on your intended loadout.
LCT-1M has less missile hardpoints, but it has got significant LRM quirks (velocity, cooldown and LRM ammo). Your choice.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
3. I dont understand the difference between Jenner and Jenner IIC. Isnt the IIC, well, better? At least it looks like that to me when I just open it to look at its items.
Jenner is the IS original 'Mech,
Jenner IIC is the Clan model. Note that although
Jenner uses the heavier IS technology, some variants have quite interesting quirks.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
4. So is there some sort of definitive answer? Between C-LRM, LRM and C-ATM ? They all require locking on the target, unlike the other one which just flies where you aim, the blue ones shoot, uhm like a
line and the yellow ones shoot a
blob. There seems to be some difference in how much damage they do, but they also have different ranges. Ugh why cant things be simple

Since they all require lock (since firing them without lock is usually just a waste of ammo), having TAG or NARC can often be useful for acquiring such lock. You can even help other friendly LRM boats, if you Narc or TAG enemy 'Mech.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
5. Also Artemis? Is it worth it, I was trying it in the testing maps and it, uhm does nothing?
It improves the spread of your LRMs. However, smaller LRM racks have a good spread even without Artemis IV FCS.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
6. So there are like no mechs that can put on the MASC thingie?! According to that website there is like 20 mechs total! And if I use the filters to look for mine its like
2?! Well no MASC for me

As I said, not every 'Mech can equip MASC.
On the other hand, the aforementioned LRM boating
Shadow Cat B has fixed MASC.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
7. Hmm I will probably try TAG for now, seems like every small mech can have missiles
and lasers but few of them have multiple places for missiles, which means I would have NARC and no missiles to use it with

Clan NARC is lighter and smaller than the IS NARC.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
8. Arctic Wolf looks super cool (even if it has human torso, kinda like a chicken-taur

) and there is even one with
9!!! places for missiles, woooow! Do they come in light ?

No, but the light
Jenner IIC has six missile hardpoints.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
9. So my Torsie1 is a "Blood Asp BAS-A" and there is a thing with her, that I can change body parts, so when I get tired of my big guns (never!) I could just buy different shoulders and use different guns. But other mechs that I looked at cant do that? How do I know which mech can do that and which cant, without having to look at them and open them one by one?
Only Clan OmniMechs can swap OmnPods in MWO, so you can ignore IS 'Mechs.
There are following Clan OmniMechs in MWO:
- Light: Adder, Arctic Cheetah, Cougar, Kit Fox, Mist Lynx
- Medium: Arctic Wolf (Prime, A, P), Black Lanner, Huntsman, Ice Ferret, Nova, Shadow Cat, Stormcrow, Viper
- Heavy: Ebon Jaguar, Hellbringer, Linebacker, Night Gyr, Nova Cat, Timber Wolf (not "Howl"), Sun Spider, Mad Dog, Summoner
- Assault: Dire Wolf, Blood Asp, Gargoyle, Executioner, Warhawk
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
10. So small heat sink and big heat sink. They weight the same, but the bigger one takes more space and is slightly better at heatsinking. But when I am messing around with them, the game still yells at me that I need 5 heat sinks, no matter which size I use, is that ok or am I missing something? Shouldnt it be less Double Heat Sinks, since they are stronger?
Your 'Mech always needs ten heat sinks. 250-rated engine has the room for all of them inside the engine. For every 25-rating less, your engine can accomodate one less heat sink. So 225-rated engine can accomodate only nine heat sinks and you must place the tenth heat sink elsewhere. Ditto for even smaller engine sizes.
On the other hand, you can place one heat sink inside the engine for every 25-rating above the 250-rating, so for example the 275-rated engine can accomodate one more heat sink. Check the extralight engine of your
Blood Asp.
torsie, on 17 December 2023 - 02:12 AM, said:
11. Why cant some mechs use Stealth Armor? Oh nevermind, it looks like you need ECM-thingie.(Wait I have that on Torsie1, can I have stealth armour?!)
Carrying the ECM suite is a prerequisite for equipping Stealth armor, but not every ECM-capable 'Mech can actually carry Stealth armor.