the check engine light, on 21 December 2023 - 06:57 AM, said:
HPG appears conspicuously absent from that voting list unless I overlooked it.
It's the second highest voted medium map, behind Mining. Hellebore, Caustic, and Crimson pick up the rear on the medium maps which also makes sense, I don't remember if the vote was before or after they adjust Caustic but it was pretty awful before.
I would say now Caustic is better than what it was voted on in that poll.
KingCobra, on 21 December 2023 - 09:06 AM, said:
I think it's more about TTK Like I have said there is not a map in MWO that I hate and yes some have bugs some are tacitly more difficult but for most MWO players it's all about how fast and how many kills they can get so they pick the maps they have low TTK and fast kills.
Hellebore being awful has nothing to do with TTK, it has everything to do with it pretty much being two trains smashing together and no really good ways to rotate. Hellebore is somewhat like Forest in that 50% or more of the map goes unused, the difference between the two though is that the other parts of Hellebore are unused because they are no man's lands that offer no reason to venture into them. The canyon maze that is to the south for example is just absolutely pointless other than wasting people's time.
KingCobra, on 21 December 2023 - 09:06 AM, said:
But you're not the whole player base in MWO some players like a variety of game modes to keep the game interesting even with the 4 we have only 2 get picked a lot Domination and Skirmish I wait days sometimes to even play the other 2 game modes and in MW 4 they had actually 20 different game modes not variation.
Deathmatch vs Attrition was the main ones which were skirmish with different point schemes, which is what most of the game modes boiled down to. Not saying that CTF or the mission plays weren't picked, just saying 20 badly design modes does not make a good game just like we saw with Incursion or Escort. With no server browser you have to be careful about what game modes are allowed in each queue. Ideally you would want to group game modes for each queue based on the type of player that it attracts. So for people like me, conquest and domination are all I really need for a good no respawn game mode (skirmish is the worst and assault generally plays worse than the other two objective based NR modes).
Mission play, CTF, Siege, etc all fit the more casual style of play that I think people want so that being in a more casual queue would make sense. However this is the point I'm trying to make, what we are talking about is attracting players that want to play stompy robots differently from me, and appeasing them is fine but you have to be careful from trying to branch too far because different audiences have different desires and it can be hard to balance that (which is why you have to focus on your core audience).
The video game industry and the world have changed A LOT since the MW4 days, expecting people to be successful by going back to the old model I think is a fool's errand. That said, I think games like Counterstrike have found a balance for that by allowing both custom maps, server browsers, and matchmaking to co-exist and provide options. One can only hope that if MWO2 comes to fruition, that is the model. However I will say this, with matchmaking, map voting is the way to go.
Saved By The Bell, on 21 December 2023 - 09:20 AM, said:
How about change vote: select one map, you dont want to play.
May be smth new?
I mean what you are talking about is pretty much map vetoes which how typical games do map voting, it just takes longer.
Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 21 December 2023 - 09:39 AM.