Cyborne Elemental, on 22 December 2023 - 01:48 PM, said:
Daeron, why not open up the Tier gates.
Let Tier-1 through Tier-5 all play together, games would be faster, and everyone would have a better chance to play with/against some of the players on the list?
At least for a couple weeks.
Who knows, it might actually be a good thing bringing the whole community together on the same battlefield.
Tier 1/2/3/4/5 doesn't mean a thing as long as the Match Maker is broken as it is IMHO so I am surprised by all these Tier related questions ?!
It's one big soup of players and you better hope and pray that your team is the right one...
KursedVixen, on 22 December 2023 - 09:21 PM, said:
Because tier 1 would annihilate any lower tiers.
Maybe that is a good thing and force them to finally start improving their skillz ?!
I am really tired of those 6-12 or worse losses in MWO !!!
Blink for 1 second and my team is gone for some dumb reason...
Or those camping Assaults... pff...
simon1812, on 26 December 2023 - 04:49 PM, said:
Event is kinda being ruined by newbies...they are just terrible...tier 1 players should be barred from event queue...or I dont know ...maybe players that only have 3 months playing MWO? PGI can tell better whats appropriate.
I think you can blame Steam for that :
Random Game has Random Free Stuff = A lot of players who have no idea what they are doing or any actual interest in the game and are only playing to get FREE STUFF!!!111oneoneone
torsie, on 27 December 2023 - 01:18 AM, said:
I am newbie who plays this game for a month and I am having tons of fun !

Are you performing or learning from others how to perform better ?!
Clicking LMB while LURMing others might be fun for some but does not really require skill and makes you one of those "I refuse to share my armor! I don't like it to be scratched !!!" players
Viltor, on 27 December 2023 - 12:56 PM, said:
After 15 minutes of waiting I finally got into 10v10 100 ton assault 4-drop deck game. And it sucked. Alot.
Assault mechs are slow, and Bearclaw map is big, not a good combination.
Bearclaw II is just a crap map...
Fantastic base for your favorite RTS game but that's about it !!!
simon1812, on 27 December 2023 - 01:57 PM, said:
I would like to think so but no, just so many ppl sucking so bad right now, too many onesided QP matches where players go about their own way or contribute nothing before dying, but 4 drops will make it better? it wont, it will just make a bad/boring match be a painfully-long-bad/boring match.
100% AGREE
simon1812, on 27 December 2023 - 02:07 PM, said:
-so? that doesnt mean anything, I dont know if sucking bad for your team is your idea of fun, I do know that one sided matches are the product of newbies, no way around that.
Moadebe, on 28 December 2023 - 07:33 AM, said:
Everyone starts somewhere. No need to be nasty to new players for being new.
There is New Players and there is "New Players"
In other words :
New Players that you won't see after this Event stuff and New Players that join MWO because they actually want to play MWO for many years to come!
Fat Larry, on 28 December 2023 - 04:32 PM, said:
Seeing as people are moaning about the events can i complain about the launch button not appearing after i've died and gone back to the mechlab for another match in another mech? It often gets stuck on rejoin even after changing mechs or loading into various areas etc and will take me back into my dead mech even if i've selected another. Super annoying and usually takes a while to resolve before it'll let me queue for another match.
It was like this for the last few events....
That's the "joy" of Flash (You know... that stuff we SHIFT+DELeted from the Internet !!) that was used for the MWO GUI sadly
It annoys me too when you just QP and lose your mech way too fast because of a horrible team and want to launch with another mech
simon1812, on 28 December 2023 - 04:46 PM, said:
start anywhere, just not at the event queue.
More like Faction Warfare but that's as good as dead so no worries there!
VaMPHuNT, on 29 December 2023 - 07:58 AM, said:
I mean... why not start in the event queue?
Newer players are far less likely to get torn apart in EQ since there are fewer guns that can be pointed at them if they expose at the wrong time or turn the wrong corner.
I think if you tell 99% of them that this game is not Call of Duty that you would see A LOT of improvement !!!
Not to mention it's a fantastic way to potentially make a lot of cbills in a very short period of time. And honestly? It's the newer players who are going to need that income boost to be able to buy different mechs, refit their existing mechs, experiment with different builds, and not feel like they're absolutely locked into playing either trial mechs or a mech with a sub-optimal build.
Some Trial mechs are perfectly fine and probably one of the best if not the best is the Orion IIC A variant
As has been mentioned before, we all started somewhere. PGI is very giving these days in terms of cbills/MC with their events and EQ payouts. Let the newer players take advantage of it, might end up seeing more stick around than otherwise would if the EQ didn't exist, and that may end up meaning some of their friends end up playing as well.
Events that actually teach those newbies how to play wouldn't hurt you know...