There ARE some discussions going on about possible Radar Deprivation nerfs, LRM velocity nerfs, LRM "attack angle" nerfs (making them shallower) for indirect fire, and adding velocity bonuses to Artemis for LRMS. These have been things that were discussed both in the Cauldron feedback discord and a quick chat from a cauldron member in my own Twitch chat.
I am not going to call those set in stone purely because of no "official" leaks or statements, and no hard stat numbers. So I am considering that talk just talk until confirmed. So take that however you will.
The cauldron feedback discord can be found here ----->
I encourage you to join said discord if you would like to suggest things or discuss things.
I will continue to do these leak posts so long as they (the leaks) keep happening purely to help bridge the gap of discussion and transparency between here (the official forums) and the Cauldron Feedback discord.
The Osiris changes were leaked a bit ago, but I wont make this kinda post unless there is more than one leak available or its been stated "this is the last before patch." Which these were. So here we are. Due to inconsistency in when these (the leaks) are posted. I can't give a definitive date or time when posts like this will occur in the forums. So...again. Please joint he official Cauldron Feedback Discord if you would like to stay up to date sooner.
Edited by Moadebe, 05 January 2024 - 09:37 PM.