MarcinT1981, on 02 April 2024 - 12:17 PM, said:
What nonsense, the game must be balanced for the best players, imagine what would happen if one mech was so strong that it played well for a weak player and could achieve good results with it. And then some top 50 get into such a mech. He starts destroying everything around him and destroys the entire game
Then explain why they promoted sniping that much? Velocity was upped over a years across the board. Then even this was not enough and velocity was added.
In this case even a dumby can learn where the good places on a map are, sit in ecm cover and snipe away - and the velocity buff makes it easier for him - while it is straight out deadly in the hands of a really good player.
Also, if you play lights, you will realize that the 30-35t lights seem to be more fragile nowadays than ever before. This is also because of velocity - they get hit much more easily than in earlier times. If you don't believe me, just look at the armour values needed on 35t mechs nowadays.
You see, they don't follow your logic because the aforementioned things make the weapons formidable for very good players while they are ok/good for the average Joe.
At the end of the day it boils down to 2 metas:
1. Sniping
2. mid-range laser vomit
Funnily enough, the styles which should be more rewarding because they require more situational awareness, positioning and exposing your mech like brawling, dps-ing etc are not really catered to. Both, snipers and laser vomitter unload and hunker back into cover while the dpser has a gaping hole in the chest and tries to put in some shots before they target waddles back into cover.
You see, the basic rule of good game making: "risk vs reward" is actually skewed
Edited by Weeny Machine, 03 April 2024 - 04:08 AM.