First off, I'd like to thank you, @Tiy0s, for your effort and the passion you put in our little niche game. I and many more people appreciate it a lot. MWO has been stale for years and you're working on fixing that. So again, thank you.
Next, after reading that whole thread I wonder where all the disgust and aversion towards higher PSR players stems from? Most of them are really friendly and extremely helpful. After asking him nicely, the Italian Diregod even took me into some 1v1 lobbies, trying (and partially succeeding) to improve my mechanics, e.g. stopping me from overtwisting and such. I can always pm MPG, Weaponmaster and so many more and ask for a little advice when I struggle with anything game-related and I always get an answer or their opinion. All of them are (ex-)cauldronies and compies through and through - but each and everyone will help you if you ask them nicely, telling them you want to improve your gameplay.
Furthermore if you're Tier 4 or 5 you don't even ever have to play them, neither in 12v12, nor in 8v8. Hell, even I as a T1 don't get to fight with or against many compies, because a lot of them play and prac in private lobbies so they don't have to deal with the 12v12 chaos and the skillgap issue of T1 pepegas like me.
Even if you play for fun and play non-meta builds, sure you do you it's your leisure time and you earned that, but don't say the game is not competitive. Quick play - for good or bad - has a ranking system, thus bringing in a competitive factor into it by itself. Our playerbase is just too small for seperated ranked and non-ranked queues. I think nobody blames any lower tier player to bring whatever they like into their matches but once you go up in tiers, you have to understand that you're a big setback for the rest of the team, weighing down the other 11 (or currently 7) team mates if you play weird mech builds.
My experience in 8v8 was great, both playing solo and in groups. Sure, some balancing is needed, but Tiy0s already said he'll try to take care of that in the next try.
A big positive was the more than notable increase in voiceIP communication, I had games flooding with game relevant information like never before, calling out and focussing down exposed targets, PUG lights and mediums hurrying back to get those pesky two PIRs away from my assault when asking for help. Communication is key in multiplayer games and people seem to be less shy with only 7 other guys (and girls) on their team.
Increase in game performance - I personally had 250ish FPS in 12v12 but several of my friends run MWO on very old machines and the increase in FPS was very noticable for them.
Way better overview of what is happening in the game, it's easier to come up with some crossfire or flanking positions. As someone mentioned before, 33% less blue blobs on the minimap also helps me quite a bit, making it less cluttered.
It's more forgiving to peek the wrong corner - as long as you don't peek it twice, duh.
I can only speak for myself, but the game feels way better for me in an 8v8 environment. On a personal sidenote, I even switched around some real life chores and duties this week so I can play this mode for as long as it's available.
Thank you Tiy0s.
Be nice and understanding to each others mindsets, no matter if casual or compie.
8v8 is great in my opinion for above mentioned reasons.
Edited by Herr Mauser, 18 August 2024 - 06:31 AM.