VeeOt Dragon, on 18 August 2024 - 02:40 PM, said:
i am pretty sure that the dislike of the top 1% and comp players comes from personal experience (at least it does on my end). being someone who actually enjoys LRM (and now TBM) i get a LOT of hate and derogatory comments from so called "elite" players (this was back when population was much higher ad it was in FP but my point stands). they often also think that their play style and their vision of the game is what we should all go for with no consideration for the casual, plays just for fun majority. also with the MM in its current state and the population low yes T1s do end up in T5 matches especially when they are gaming the group system (all a T1 needs to do is be in a group with just one T5 (easily done if they have a friend willing to create a smerf or two) to pull them down low enough to end up in T5 matches).
As Quicksilver stated, the "elite" players you are speaking of tend pretty strongly to be second-stringers who get their cheap jollies on browbeating pilots a half-step below them and aping the idea of 'Gud'.
Actual competitive players don't really care about the crappy "bragging rights" - to them there's no bragging rights to be had in whuppin' on a bunch of casuals anyways. Actual elite players are far more likely to be focused on improving themselves and experiencing the game at its uppermost levels than flexing on less dedicated players.
I've been one of those 'Elite Players', if in tabletop game/TCG circles rather than Vidya Gaems. One of the people on top of a local meta, in a 'local meta' that was head and shoulders above everywhere else within reasonable driving distance. Regionals-level players would come to our location to snipe tournaments for expensive prizes to hawk on eBay only to walk away shocked and disappointed after we sent them packing. My scenario was run as a nationwide tournament event (note: not a 'Nationals' tournament, but a tournament scenario run in game stores across the nation), though amusingly enough I lost that tournament. Heh.
Point being, I am not unfamiliar with 'Elite' status, and lemme tell ye? Any 'Elite' player worth the title loves to help newer, less skilled players get the hang of the game. They want to share their love of the game, their dedication, and so they try and raise other players up to the same level. Or at least to a level where that new player can see the magic and enjoy it as best they can, whether that's at top-level competitive tiers or not.
Are there some deeply skilled and talented jackwads who get their jollies by flexing on people? Yes - but other elite players tend to shun those guys. They are Poor Sports, and nobody likes a poor sport. Any elite player worthy of the title would get
extremely mad at someone being a jackass to newbies or casuals because that person is driving off the people from whom occasionally emerge a new, more dedicated friend they can play with.