Akamia Terizen, on 16 September 2024 - 10:36 PM, said:
If you're expecting symmetrical arms on MWO's take on the Grand Summoner, well, prepare to be disappointed; based on the teasers I've seen, it looks exactly like a regular Summoner, but with an octagonal missile pod that might only apply to its (S) variants, or quite possibly Grand Summoner omnipods in general. (I'm tentatively assuming it's got cross-compatibility with the regular Summoner's pods, either with or without jump jets. This may not actually be the case.)
It's also not quite true that the Grand Summoner was in MW4. Its official tabletop art uses elements of the MW4 Summoner's aesthetic, true, but the configuration was different. The Grand Summoner typically lacks jump jets, for example; MW4's Summoner had them stock, and in canon, the Summoner's jets were just as fixed to the chassis as they are here in MWO. If the pods are cross-compatible and affect the jump jet count on either version of the Summoner, then that might make things interesting, to say the least.
So, I want to set the record straight on this post I wrote almost two weeks ago, as well as offer further thoughts based on what I've learned since writing it. While the primary point regarding the shape of the arms was correct as of three days ago, there were parts that were incorrect, and for others, I have clarity on things that were ambiguous to me at the time.
For one, the
Grand Summoner does actually have jump jets in most configurations, including the Prime; I failed reading comprehension on the Sarna article that day. However, we're not getting most of those configurations. If I understand what Tiy0s showed off in the Cauldron feedback Discord server, the Prime configuration is losing its jets, becoming the
Grand Summoner "P" instead. I consider this very unfortunate, and it did reduce my excitement for this booster pack significantly, but this decision was made apparently to keep it from rendering the original
Summoner obsolete. Fair enough, I suppose, but this does mean we will be without a true Prime configuration for an OmniMech for the first time since OmniMechs were added to the game at all. I don't like this precedent even slightly, but it seems that's what happens when we have what is apparently an objectively superior successor to an existing chassis and need to adapt it to a game like MWO. Fortunately, there are at least two other configurations coming that a player like myself can appreciate just fine; I just would rather have a real Prime, like we always got before.
Additionally, the
Summoner omnipods will not be shared with the
Grand Summoner, or vice versa. In
this regard, they will be treated as entirely different chassis.
Edited by Akamia Terizen, 28 September 2024 - 11:43 PM.