Feedback on the Map.
Generally speaking - there is nothing wrong.
Great map! Congratulations to us all
I like the freedom it allows in horizontal plane and in the vertical plane. No fake invisible walls. It is a multidimensional map - very cool and unusual.
" You are a brawler and operating in the horizontal plane. In trouble? Quick, switch the terraces and regroup... " No problem.
" You are a jumping spider and operating in the vertical plane, need to scout? Fly high, investigate, report, flank up..." No waste of time.
There is a lot of breathing room and not a lot of clutter - awesome! If there was more clutter, this would be a nightmare to operate in. The map would lose its "breathability" and become just another obstacle course, with very short lines of sight. Good luck finding that hiding flea. We already have those kinds of maps...
Color scheme is pleasant. Design is Classic, a bit Roman terrain themed, a bit Hawaii themed.
Good Job!