If you take a look at the leaderboards in any given month and sort by average match score / KD ratio, its very obvious that people are abusing the tier system in order to 'cheat' their way to the top of the rankings.
I wont name any specific names, as that's against forum rules, but all you need to do to confirm this is to look up some of the outstanding performers on Jarls and see that the account is brand new, often not even visible due to being created since the last season started. There is just no way that lots of brand new players are getting 500+ Avg match score (and then only playing 10-20 games in a month, lol). This is obviously a case of strong T1 players making alts to abuse the T5 players.
I would imagine this is seriously damaging the new player experience, because there is a constant stream of T1 players in their games who shouldnt be there - its going to make new players a great deal less likely to stick with it when they get obliterated by someone they probably didnt even see shooting at them.
You're always going to have some people on T5 alts for sh!ts and giggles, but i think the leaderboards are incentiving this behaviour and greatly increasing the numbers doing it.
The fix for this is very easy, imo. Just have a marker next to each player in the leaderboard which shows their tier, and add an option to the leaderboard to filter based on tier. Everyone knows T5/4 players with absurd stats are alts and we can just filter them out and ignore them. I think doing this would largely remove the incentive and therefore stop the majority of the people doing it. If there is a privacy or choice issue around displaying tiers or whatever, its still simple. Make the 'Disply tier on forum' checkbox into 'Display tier on forum and appear on leaderboards'.
This does leave another method of 'cheating' these leaderboards which is a bit harder to resolve. If a T1 groups with 2-3 T5s, the average tier means they will end up in low tier games and can farm new players in much the same way as the twink alts can. My suggestion to fix this is to change the way tier is calculated for groups and just make it take the highest tier as the overall rating for the group. This does cause some collateral damage by making the matchmaker treat a group of 3 T5s and a T1 exactly the same as a group of 4 T1s, but i think that removing the leaderboard incentive for established players to farm newbies is worth it. Added bonus is the leaderboards would be less of a joke than they currently are.
TL:DR :- Leaderboards as currently implemented combine with the tier system to incentivise abuse of new players. This should stop.
Edited by Widowmaker1981, 09 May 2023 - 02:45 AM.