1)Make a paid customization of the pilot in the cockpit, let people do whatever they want with them and pay you money for it
2)add demo recording
3make it possible to write in chat while searching for a match
4)add filters to the mech store: Sphere, Clan, ECM, why do people have to look through dozens of mechs to find what they are looking for
5)add a damage indicator to testing ground, like in quake champions, when you hit an enemy, damage numbers will pop up above him (optional in the settings)
6)Return maps with high water level (flooded canyon, in spring and autumn it is flooded and green, and in summer it is dry and without water)
7)Bring back the incursion, bring back the day and night cycle (can be added as an option for voting, on the map and mode selection screen)
Edited by Corporal Adrian Shephard, 18 January 2025 - 03:13 AM.