Ttly, on 19 March 2025 - 01:08 AM, said:
+HSL on ACH-C sounds nice, but C-ERMLs are just so hot that 7C-ERML build on it are pretty underwhelming.
I mean for something trying to be a 35t version of the PXH-7S, shouldn't it at least get some heat quirks?
Oh also the minimap transparency doesn't really feel enough, can't really see the red targeting square as an aiming guide through if nothing else.
My ACH-C uses 6 small pulse lasers so I don't think it's effected, probably wrong though, AND NO ARE YOU CRAZY HEAT QUIRKS ON A CLAN MECH!?!?
Far Reach, on 19 March 2025 - 01:58 AM, said:
I'm glad the (brave, few remaining) player complaints are viciously hounded by prideful gatekeepers, how dare these ingrates be dissatisfied with our elitist, arbitrary, heavy-handed and self serving changes to an already dying game! The nerve!
Best to harangue them and run them down in unrelated comments, don't forget to snip their post up and reply to and paraphrase every point they make - especially the ones that hurt our feelings!
Power corrupts, does it not?
You know that explains a lot...
Reminds me of the absolute lads who gave me the runaround about my question in the game on how to get the NovaCatP(L) with some quiet lewd remarks too.
Edited by KursedVixen, Today, 03:52 AM.