PaintedWolf, on 30 July 2012 - 02:09 PM, said:
-Same armor will protect against heat, electrical, magnetic, kinetic and physical weapons equally well. No nanotech or smart-material used!
LOL some of these are actuly plasable you know. Point in case being able to withstande a guass riffle strike. Id liek to point you to
http://en.wikipedia....Carbon_nanotube If ever figured out how to mass produce is significantly stronger than steel and significatly lighter as well. THis is a real thieretical material. Once you can make it you could probably modify it or ground it for electrical.
Brenden, on 31 July 2012 - 09:01 PM, said:
- A gauss rifle's ammunition is non-explosive, but when the weapon is hit it explodes like an internal ammo explosion.
The speeds and Force are so masive that you don't want explosives. HIgher mass> explosives Studys agenst modern M1 Tank armors (computer progections) the armor morfs to a almost liquified state. Cause masive heat and spray and yes sparks apearing very similer to an explosion.
Its actuly the oposit The fact that falling or hiting a mech with a melee mech wepon dose anything to it at all is well rediculess. Only explination is the internal stuctur is not of the same material and thats just rediculess.
Nuclier reactor don't explode EVER its tecnicaly imposible other than a normal sized explosion not a nuke. A nuke REQUIRES a specificely desinede internal explosion. Slitly off and it just detinates like a bunch of C4. I do think that mech are using the acual nuclier energy as oposed to a secondary transfer like power plants dew. Just so your all awear the most powerful nuke in the world only unleashes 1% of all energy thiereticly witin the atoms. Just to give you some energy perspectives.
As for the most rediculess things.
*No ones ever thought of making a mech on wheels with a rotating uper turet Heck cut a atlas of at the wasit and mount it on a tank base. Would go faster and you don't have to wory about stabilty. Walking is overrated.
*Rang alot of people sead that specialy considering gauss are suspectid to go for miles.
I apoligize for poor spelling
Edited by Meth Borm, 03 August 2012 - 10:11 PM.