Wales Grey, on 23 October 2013 - 03:21 PM, said:
That said, the concept of a "gentleman's agreement" is another matter entirely. If I'm playing a game with my friends, I usually strive to do what I think would be the most "fun". This is different from the concept of "honour" because this is a totally voluntary restriction on my part; one I do not expect any opponent I have to reciprocate. If I think it would be the most fun to take the game seriously, then I do so. If I think it would be the most fun to goof off and mess around, I do so.
You do know that what some here are calling honor is ostracizing themselves. Honor is simple. You say what you do, You do what you say, You Prove it. over and over and over again. Even when those around you scorn you for doing it. An Honorable Leader has the loyalty of his unit, even if they may not agree with that leaders decisions all the time.
Real Honor is also defending a person you despise. I have a CoWorker that is just the biggest backstabber you will ever meet. But when Management was going to write up this person for doing the exact same thing wrong I did, The first thing I said was, "You cannot write up "X" unless you write up me." Funny thing is "X" turned around and said they had to write up me if they were going to write up "X"!

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 24 October 2013 - 05:09 AM.