It's the D configuration; but as you can see the launchers are not too horribly large, I'd imagine the launchers on the top would remain the same size as they would be pods and the LRM-20's themselves would just "slide" in the empty space. We need to remember in this very precarious scenario that it is a fictional game. PGI, hypothetically speaking, could just use those launcher pods as the generic size for all missile systems and only replace them when they are removed completely. It would work and it means balance. They aren't so large they they are a hinderance to the torso but not so tiny that they are not valid as a target.
Second point to note is that the legs and arms have a fairly large profile whereas the torso does not. It has been shrunk rather considerably compared to the standard Timber Wolf designs we have seen from the blueprints/cross-sections previously posted. This means that the various negative comments about how predominant the torso is are mostly dismissable. Yes the cockpit arguement is still valid but that aside the torso size is by no means a hinderance to the Mechs ability. Given it's speed and firepower you'd likely be more inclined to disarm the Mech then aim for the torso in most cases given how large the weapon pods in the arms are.
Also, I do wish to point out the one factor I wasn't aware of before, for anyone like me who didn't know. Apparantly, the Clan XL engine does not disable the Mech if a single side torso is lost. It requires the destruction of both sides to disable the Mech.
Given these three points and assuming the artwork from Alex is anything to go off I really don't see a need for the "ears" to be made seperate from the torso at all. I'd be more the comfortable piloting that thing given the significant profile changes Alex has made to that artwork. I say keep them as a part of the LT/RT.
Edited by KelesK, 01 July 2013 - 08:54 PM.