Adridos, on 11 January 2012 - 07:38 AM, said:
What do you think about my system Mason? It is basically the first option with some flaws fixed. It's on the second page I think.
I did read that earlier. Like an aircraft or truck or whatever comes to get you idea and it would make a great cutscene but I am not quite sure of what the purpose of it would be? Why a 1 minute delay? What happens in that 1 minute?
I did like the idea of reduced experience being given if you leave early etc. but I don't think they'd ever be able to make something like that stick without the player base grabbing the collective torch and pitch fork and heading up here to Canada.
eldragon, on 11 January 2012 - 07:47 AM, said:
"Death has no meaning" How do you know there are no other penalties for death. Imagine if every time you die you lose XP, cash, etc. Even in an unlimited respawn enviroment losing XP for each death would hurt a lot.
Unfortunately that is supposition at this point. I am only going on what we KNOW versus what we speculate.
eldragon, on 11 January 2012 - 07:47 AM, said:
Further, penalize players for death too much (forced to wait out the rest of the match or large XP penalty) and it only encourages camping.
A very valid and true point however I don't think it will be as prolific as all that. You will get that regardless and in the end they can't please us all.
eldragon, on 11 January 2012 - 07:47 AM, said:
While teamplay/units is fun and important, the majority of MWO games will be randomly generated teams, aka "pub play". There isn't much benefit to "Cohesive unit learning" when the players don't know eachother let alone regularly play with eachother.
I disagree but i can see the logic behind your statement. As an individual I can still look at my roles within a unit and say "Wow, I totally did not do well in that role" or I can say "I worked well with this group in that role. I may try that again". Again, it's all pure speculation at this point.
eldragon, on 11 January 2012 - 07:47 AM, said:
Even if Option #3 was implemented, there is nothing stopping someone from quitting the game and finding a new match anyway. So option #3 and #1 are effectively the same. Unless the team automatically loses if a dead player quits. Which would only succeed in having pickup games with random people impossible. Even if you lock the entire user account so it cannot join new matches until the one the player quit ends, accounts are free.
I am unsure as to what you are getting at here? It is impossible to police every action a player does so yes, a player can quit the game, come back in under another account and play. But that can happen in any game, no?
- Log out to windows, come back in, load up a new account, play another match.
Nothing anyone can do will change that. Would the team still dropped lose? No and I don't believe I suggested that anywhere in my post. Yes, accounts are free and thus far nobody has said "thou shalt not have more than one account".
eldragon, on 11 January 2012 - 07:47 AM, said:
With how much emphasis the devs are talking about information warfare, I seriously doubt if dead players will be able to watch the game. There is too much opportunity for ghosting.
This is a very valid point. HOWEVER if implemented correctly is moot. If you are a floating camera the only thing you can see are what the other elements of your drop/unit can see. For instance I died and am floating around, you are able to see that enemy catapult (LOS) and thus I am able to see him. You already know where he is so it doesn't matter that I know where he is.
Edited by Mason Grimm, 11 January 2012 - 08:00 AM.