Hey all, thanks for watching.
Tonight's third 'mech (the other ones I did today are on page 9) is one from Hansen's Rough Riders. The scheme is not an official one, but a conjectural desert scheme that I based loosely off a suggested scheme from the Camo Specs website. The pilot name plate reads "Unther". The man gets around. EDIT: As an aside, this is intended to be a more "serious" scheme, instead of the more colorful (read: fun) official schemes that I've been doing.
EDIT: This is a Hunchback from Lindon's Company. Nothing too special. You break, you buy - the maintenance.
EDIT: Draconis Combine, Ryuken-Go.
EDIT: Special request. Perhaps the most colorful 'mech I've done... maybe the most ever? We'll see. Hopefully the requester approves. I DO like how the arms turned out, though... EDIT: I can't keep away. I'm gonna go in and take creative liberties with it... I have some ideas that might really make this one pop... I'll leave this one up, as it was the original request, though.
EDIT: Aaaaaand.... version 2 of the above request. EDIT: Also, that's the ball game for tonight.
EDIT: Ghost Bear Rho Galaxy Hunchback IIC in relevant camo. I could not find good enough references for what the parade scheme would look like. This paint scheme is based heavily on a Weimar-era camouflage.
EDIT: Clan Nova Cat provisional Omicron Galaxy. Following the Nova Cat's propensity for subtlety the 'mech is painted in highly subdued colors.
EDIT Emerald Riders. This is a request to realize the vision of a Table Top gamer. I think I did alright with it. Did the logo yesterday. This is a parade scheme, the chief color is Emerald Green.
EDIT: Cerberus Garde. This was a request. Their motto is "From Hell, into Hell and back!" ...which may be the most awesome motto I've ever heard.
EDIT: Aaaaand last one for this page! Battle Corps Atlas per request. This technically does not violate my "No-Wolf's-Dragoons/No-Black-Widows-Until-We-Get-Us-One-O'-Them-Alex-Iglesias-Warhammers" because this 'mech
is not currently part of those units. So. That's that.
Thanks and good night!
Edited by Hayden, 05 December 2011 - 01:45 PM.