Alright, chugging right along... this post will eventually include my 100th concept art mod.
This first the personal atlas of one Kiyomori Minamoto. I don't know much about Minamoto as he comes into play about a decade or so after I
keep (Ed: stopped) paying attention, but this was a request, so, I figured "Ok." See those white areas? on the shoulders and belly? Yeah, it was hard to make out details, but they were some kind of paintings. I did these myself, so they're not great (except that one on the left shoulder... I dig that...) The dragon on the belly isn't too far off, the left shoulder isn't at all similar, just something I made up to full the gap, and the one on the right.. I just don't know. We may never know. Thank god that Atlas will never torso twist. Liberties taken here and there.
EDIT: This is meant to represent a "command console" variant of a Dragon, now being used in the training role. I doubt we'll see command consoles in the game, but if we did it sure would be fun! I might do more of these later, we'll see. I just felt that the dragon was too perfect for it. Colors are of the 16th Sun Zhang Cadre.
EDIT: Hunchback from Able's Aces, per suggestion.
EDIT: 1st Sirian Lancers Hunchback. Because the FWL doesn't get the attention it deserves.
EDIT: Dragon's Breath Merc Unit. Because Dragon's Breath doesn't get much attention at all.
EDIT: Rasalhague Regulars Hunchback.
EDIT: Clan Nova Cat Alpha Galaxy Hunchback IIC, per request.
EDIT: Keeping with the starry scheme... this is a New Belt Pirate dragon that I started a week or so ago. Finally took the time to finish it off. As it's a pirate, I tried to go for a more whimsical approach. A couple little nods to the wider BT franchise in there.
Edit: Request. Long time coming. We'll see how it goes over. Also, this is 99. Next one is my 100th recolor
EDIT: 101. Per request.
Thanks for the support!
Edited by Hayden, 10 December 2011 - 10:47 PM.