I was reading my original Jade Falcon Clan source book the other night and I was inspired by the tale of Elizabeth Hazen to do up her Black Knight. She was originally a member of the Black Watch during her time as a Star League MechWarrior. After she left with General Kerensky, she fought in the battle that began the Civil War on the clan home worlds. She piloted a Black Knight her entire career as far as I can tell, so I did this one up how I imagined it would look. Standard Star League Olive Drab with a White head. Overlaid on the cockpit is an image of her beloved pet Turkina. On her right shoulder, the markings of the Black Watch and on the right thigh, the tartan of that unit.

Elizabeth Hazen (born April 5th, 2741[1] - died 28??) was the founding Khan of Clan Jade Falcon. She is one of four founders recognized by the Jade Falcons, and is the most well-regarded by her Clan. She is also believed to have been the first to tame a jade falcon, a genetically engineered mix of the peregrine and the gyrfalcon, designed to combat native pests if the Clan Homeworlds. Hazen's jade falcon was named Turkina, a name that became the basis for the elite Turkina Keshik of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman, while also defining much of the history and legend surrounding this Clan Founder.
The Jade Falcon species was bred on Eden in the early years of the Pentagon Worlds, to combat a winged predatory reptile that fed on livestock. Elizabeth Hazen, then the Dagda garrison commander, so when the species was imported there to perform a similar role, she obtained and tamed one of the first of these genetically engineered birds to hatch. A mix of the peregrine and gyrfalcon, she would name her jade falcon Turkina, in honor of the powerful wife of an ancient Mongol Khan's wife, keeping it for many years during the colony era.
When the colonists on Eden rioted in 2801 due to colonial hardships as well as factional jealousies, it radiated social shock waves throughout the Pentagon Worlds. General Kerensky ordered General DeChavilier and Major Hazen to quell the rebellion.
To begin an event that became known as the DeChavilier Massacre, General DeChavilier was killed during an ambush set up by Liao insurgents on Eden who were fighting against a nearby enclave of Davion colonists. Much is said in various Clan histories and legends regarding this incident. But what is known is that after after her own 'Mech was downed by the rebels, a numb and nearly-defeated Elizabeth Hazen eventually broke away from her paralyzing grief and rose up in a violent rage. She then used a katana as her primary weapon during a rampage that would see the distraught but galvanized Hazen mercilessly kill as many of the insurgents as she could find in revenge for her loved and beloved commander's death. She would go on to lead the survivors in taking the rebel stronghold, her force slaying every rebel that they encountered.
Following Aleksandr Kerensky's death in 2801, she accompanied Nicholas Kerensky on his Second Exodus to the Kerensky Cluster. When he laid out his plans to create his new vision of an ideal warrior society, The Clans, Elizabeth Hazen was chosen to be a founder of Clan Jade Falcon, named for the animal with which she so much identified.
Here is her Mech.
Edited by Max O'Connor, 22 July 2015 - 01:36 PM.