Ironhawk's Log: April 30th 3049.
It is nice to take some rest after fighting for so long on Solaris. Nice to know that even our old enemies from Liao grant us safe haven on one of their systems, with free access to an old paint shop. Well, come to think of it, they probably earned more C-Bills than we did on those tournaments.
It's also nice to see some of the boys together again. Laughing. Until we further recruit and rebuild our unit for Merc jobs, we can make some cash on the side re-skinning 'Mechs. And the Capellan are such a proud and fighting lot, that'll be plenty of job for a few months.
That visit at twilight still intrigues me however. I was looking outside while doing some cleaning. The landscape was almost mystical under the green sunsets. Putting the paint gun to rest, something caught my good eye. Through the gaping bay's door #3, I could make out the silhouette of a military approaching. He then stopped at the door, facing me. Grim faced. Hardened by long campaigns. It showed he earned his Colonel stripes.
"Pardon me, sir. I was told I could meet Commander Ironhawk at this hangar.
- Well, you don't look like you're from Fiscal so... that'd be me. Interim Commander mind you.
My tax status was okay. Well, almost.
A distant sound caught my ear now. I could make out the rhythm. Thumping, regular. At high speed. Louder after each step. BattleMech for sure. Instinctively, my left hand went to my belt right by my pistol. Smiling, the Colonel approached and continued.
"Commander, this pretty one will be jumping into battle in three days and needs an extra touch."
The thumping stopped. I heard the typical sound of myomer relaxing. It was by the door. One of the newer machines from the Capellans.
They called it Raven and it was a simple marvel of sophistication. It was just a light 'Mech but by any means it would make a wonderful adversary. But something was odd here... I had to ask.
"That's a 2nd Mac. But the design, the paint job I mean, is... just... perfect as it is. How come you'd want a touch up?
- Commander, her pilot would like her to shine. "As she will shine in the glory of battle, he said." Besides, I know you're able to add some spice to it. You may notice the few scratches from the last battle. Her pilot earned three more kills with it since the original paint job.
He must have heard about the Solaris repaints we did for a couple of stables. Maybe that Otomo Atlas or those few Capellan 'Mech re-skinnings before Solaris.
"And sir, I would not be so formal about the highlight scheme; some of it is conjectural.
- Conject... Who... I was thinking: who talks like that? But he interjected.
- Colonel Hayden, sir.
I paused. Hayden. That name will strike the imagination of so many among so many systems by now! Davions, DC's, FWL's... he designed so many repaints his reputation precedes him everywhere. My awed expression must have showed. He grinned for an instant, then regained his grim face once more.
"Good news is, her pilot is quite generous so your fee should be no problem. Since this is pressing business, can we discuss commission assessment?
- Well Colonel, the assessment itself will cost you a round of drinks for my boys and I! Then we talk business."
The finished assignment:
Edited by Ironhawk, 01 May 2012 - 02:55 AM.