Odanan, on 10 May 2013 - 03:25 AM, said:
I do hate the flower petal missile doors too, but I find all the rest of the mech absolutely gorgeous. Honestly, this Savage Wolf looks much better than the Timberwolf of the book cover. It is more streamlined, aggressive and modern, as you should expect of a Clan mech.
PS: I find the torso of most Timberwolves out there too fat and Catapult-like. I would love something more like this.
To me it actually looks more through back, with stiff industrial joints.
This GUY here has long been my BenchMark for the MiffedKitten

Sleek, Compact, bullet shaped, armed for bear, but obviously agile.
To me the Savage Wolf has a lot of the flaws I feel in Shimmering Sword's Marauder art... just too dang bulky for the mech it's supposed to depict. (Which is why I always say SS' take would make an awesome MAD II). Just my opinion, just feel the Savage look clunky.
It's also the load-out I base my "WarDancer" variant off of, with 2 ER Large, 4 ER Medium, 2 LRM 15 (16 reloads each) and 4 MG. Pretty much a balanced build with good overall heat management, able to react at any range. Also had better battlefield endurance than most stock versions.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 10 May 2013 - 04:03 AM.