Sparks Murphey, on 03 February 2016 - 08:29 PM, said:

Well thought! But will they make the Hellhound (MW4's) or the Conjurer? I know the MW4's Hellhound is gorgeous and probably the best mech design in that game, but it looks nothing like a Wolverine IIC as it should. Looks more like the Black Lanner.
Sparks Murphey, on 03 February 2016 - 08:29 PM, said:
Reading the transcription, it was wrote the next standalone mech would be IS, but hearing the Townhall, I had the impression Russ didn't say if it was Clan of IS.
I would love to see the Black Lanner (or the Turkina) released in a "Totem" Pack. So much potential for a cool JF camo, like this or this. (best repaints ever!)
I play IS, but I'm really looking forward for the next Clan mechs.
PS: Arctic Cheetah could be considered another Smoke Jaguar totem mech.
PPS: for Clan preferred mechs, look here.