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#21 Grafvitnir


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Posted 08 August 2012 - 08:07 PM

[As with the post above, this takes place just before DeMarkus comes to the bar.]

"Well. Mostly running anti-piracy missions these days. It is not glamorous work, but it would seem word has yet to spread that the FRR is hardly a defenseless newborn."
Graaf chuckled, and relished a sip of his whiskey.
"Not at the moment. Both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine have been eager to deal with us on favorable terms, as long as each believes that our continued independence serves their purposes. For the time being, I'm here to facilitate that neutrality, but I won't speculate about the future..."

[DeMarkus arrives.]

Edited by Grafvitnir, 08 August 2012 - 08:07 PM.

#22 Listless Nomad


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Posted 08 August 2012 - 09:07 PM

James was bewildered, stupified, and just generally confused. He'd never had such a beautiful woman come on to him this strongly before, at least one that wasn't looking for money anyway. From the moment she had taken his hand, he'd been fascinated by this woman. Her beauty was undeniable, but it was her youthful exuberance that drew him to her. She was fun, cute, and very flirtatious. Since his time on Vekfaren, he'd either been in a hospital, in a drop ship, or in a combat zone. He'd had no time to relax and just enjoy a dance with a beautiful woman.His thoughts drifted to what possibilities the night might hold for the two of them, but then tried to stave off a lingering sadness knowing that it was likely not to be.

"Well? do ya? huh? huh? Do you think she's cute..? Is she cuter than me? Well.. Is She?"

James snapped back to reality as he tried to process the rapid fire questions launched in his direction. It took him a second to even remember who "she" was. He'd quite forgotten about crashing and burning with the bartender. Just as he was about to respond, likely butchering his response and making a fool of himself, his mysterious partner began to laugh.

"Relax man, I was just pulling your chain a little is all.. You DO like it when a girl tugs at you a bit don't you? (wink) Cut loose. Relax. Let me take care of everything. I'll hook you up and be your guardian Angel for the evening, no worries."

James' face immediately flushed, and not because of the not so subtle sexual innuendo.

I've been played...she's not interested in me. She's just interested in having some fun! Outmaneuvered again James...nice going.

Before his embarrassment could grow, the woman reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek. Her eyes seemed soft, and distant, as if she were imagining and different time or place. She drew him in closer and the two danced slowly together.

Perhaps I made an impression on the lady after all. A girl probably has to keep her active radar offline in a place like this. Can't telegraph her intentions...

Locked in a soft embrace, his hands rested lightly on her hips, her arms around his neck, they danced slowly together, simply enjoying one another's company for the time being. Regardless of what the rest of the night would bring, James was determined to enjoy this moment. He let out a big sigh, and began to feel his muscles loosen. He was finally relaxing.

Worst case, I've made a friend at the party, and that's one more than I came with. Even that damn pain in my leg seems to have lessened for the moment.

As the dance ended, and the couples began to vacate the dance floor, James proffered his arm to the lady.

"The least I can do is buy my excellent dance partner a drink. Having to be seen on the dance floor with an oaf like me requires some form of compensation <wink>. May I escort you to the bar for a drink or three? Ah but first, forgive me. I haven't had a chance to introduce myself. I am Major James Söderlund of the Robinson Rangers."

His dance partner looked back at him mischievously, her eyes dancing and sparkling (at least that's how they appeared to James).

#23 RogueSpear


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 01:04 AM

Captain Vantas Strider entered the atrium before the main hall, dressed in a black leather jacket with the insignia of the Rogue's Armoured Irregulars emblazoned on it's shoulders, a red angular line pattern similar to nordic runes traversing his arms and upper chest. A steel grey silk shirt is worn underneath the open jacket, black suit trousers matching perfectly. Polished leather jackboots seemed somewhat out of place, but it was part of his official dress uniform, as mocked up a mere week before. A ceremonial, and regretably blunt Skian Dúbh rode at his hip to complete the ensemble.
He resisted the urge to rub at his scalp as he crossed to the announcer and handed him his card. The servant sniffed and looked the mercenary up and down. Turning to the assembled gathering, he announced in a deep voice that Vantas was sure penetrated all the way to RAIHQ, "Announcing former Sergeant Vantas Strider, formerly of the 4th Lyran Regulars."
Vantas waited for the man to finish, announcing his new rank and unit, but it never came. He could only surmise someone who had been miffed when the Irregulars left when Felth came into his money had left a note to leave the insult. In truth however, he didn't really care. It was his job to endorse his unit and put on a good face, and he could already see a few faces, mainly LCAF or probable mercs watching him to see how he would react.
So he used the tools he had been given.
"If my lords and ladies will excuse me!" He boomed out in a deep bass rumble that at least matched the announcer's own voice in terms of it's penetration. Several heads turned, expecting some important announcement. "I should like to correct the good master here. What he intended to say, alas cut off by some technological cur that hath befouled whatever printer made my card, was that he was announcing Captain Vantas Strider of the Rogue's Armoured Irregulars Mercenary Corporation, at your good service." His impassive face shifted to one of mild curiousity. "Though my card did not make any mention of my former rank and unit. The good master has obviously remembered my name! Some good deed once upon a time perhaps." He smiled graciously at the slightly confused crowd before him, inwardly sighing in relief at sight of several amused and intrigued faces. He bowed to the announcer, who answered him stiffly. Quietly now he spoke over the resuming clamour of the ball, just loud enough for the announcer to hear, "Never challenge a sergeant, past or present to a shouting match, son. It won't go down well for you." He smiled and handed the man a 10-C bill note as a tip and calculated insult, and headed for the bar he saw in the distance across the room.
Idly he wondered how much of the corp's remaining funds he could get away with spending on booze in the name of 'Public Relations'.

#24 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 04:20 PM

View PostGrafvitnir, on 08 August 2012 - 05:57 PM, said:

Graaf turned to regard the newcomers to the bar. The older man had the clear bearing (and scars) of a seasoned 'Mechwarrior, well the young woman on his arm had a certain glint to her eyes that suggested she was far more than a simple trophy wife.

"Improving rapidly. Löjtnant Grafvitnir Holmlundsson, Rasalhague 3rd Drakøns, at your service. I hope you accept this as a sincere compliment, but you don't quite have the mannerisms of a Tharkad socialite."

[Kaylee is 49 at this point, still possessing a youthful energy and attitude though.]

Smiling warmly at the Rasalhagan, DeMarkus offered Grafvitnir his hand.

"It's a pleasure to's meet ya. "I'ms Demarkus Frankfurt, A dis a'here is my's wife..." Kaylee barged in and shook the young Löjtnant's hand firmly. "HI! I'm Kaylee!" She beamed at the man while pumping his hand fiercely.

"Oh my gawsh, Mar look at him... doesn't he look just like that one fella, the one who used to come to Solaris trying to get funds for Rasalhagian," she paused making the funny face she got when she was thinking. "That guy who fought in the Cataphract, back when you were still rolling around with One-Eye."

DeMarkus thought real hard hard. He knew his name, but was drawing a blank. He kept getting distracted by thinking how he'd never pilot 'Painbringer' again...

"Sorries, it's on da tip of my's tounge..." He shrugged giving up as the cute blond showed up with their wines in chilled crystal glasses.

"And here you go." The bar wench smiled as she placed the two glasses infront of the couple.

"I'lls tink of it..." The former Solaris champ held up a finger in a vowlike geture. Then deep in thought, he took a sip of the pinkish wine.

#25 Vodkavaiator


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 05:47 PM

Arriving at the bar Otto was pleased to discover that it was not completely empty. He noted with some interest a group of four people that resided at one end of the bar. An officer dressed in the uniform of KungsArme and a man in what could with a great amount of kindness be described as a well-fitting tuxedo were seated whilst nearby stood a pleasant looking couple just past their middle years. Judging by the quality of their dress and the brilliant sapphire blue the pair wore Otto concluded that they had to be at least moderately wealthy, perhaps a famous couple even.

The bartender who had been until then absent returned just as he arrived and presented the couple with two glasses of some pink drink before she turned towards Otto casting a second glance at him before remembering her function.

"Well then, what can I get you...sir?" She asked politely, adding the sir with an uncertain edge to her voice.

"An ale, preferably of a Belgian style if you have one."

"We have a lovely Franciscan style beer, supposedly brewed in a monastery located on Terra." The bartender suggested after a moment of reflection.

"That will do just fine, thanks!" Otto replied smiling brightly. Though a moderate drinker, the infantryman had strong preference for any sort of strong beer, specifically all manners of ale, all the more so if he was not the one paying for it. Being sent on company business did have its perks after all, besides they owed him at least a couple of beers for sending him on such a fool's errand.

Reaching into a refrigerator strategically placed behind the bar, the women retrieved a fancy looking dark black bottle and with a deft movement of her hand the bartender opened the bottle as Otto whistled appreciatively.

"Fancy trick, don't worry about a glass, I'd rather drink it straight."

"Alright." The bartender answered unable to hide a bit of surprise at Otto's request. "That will be 20 C-Bills."

"No worries! Just put it on the company tab, the Green Hearts." Otto answered waving a small identification card emblazoned with a large green heart at the women with a wink and drawing a swig from the bottle before she could object. "While you are at it, add a tip for yourself, I am sure the Captain allocated a generous amount of money in the budget for spirits."

Edited by Vodkavaiator, 09 August 2012 - 05:54 PM.

#26 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 06:39 PM

[[Umm... since this is a goverment function on the capitol of the Lyran part of the FedCom, wouldn't drinks be provided by the host?]]

#27 Oni Storm


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 12:44 PM

James' dance partner looked back at him mischievously, her eyes dancing and sparkling (at least that's how they appeared to James)

She curtsied "A pleasure kind Sir, and I am the Lady Katie (she paused for just the briefest of seconds) Pride of Epsilon" (she was always so proud of her families name, that it allowed her to present her self so :D) she thought as she offered her hand, standing there slightly bent in an obvious attempt to show her cleavage and the vauge hint at what lay beneath. "A drink or three, huh? You aren't trying to takre advantage of sweet little me now are you Mister Soderlund? or is this just another attempt to get at that bartender's nickers?" and with that she took his hand, and the lead, as they headed to the bar. Where upon arrival she rather quickly and unsurreptitiously asks the bartender [see note below] "How about a three way? and a c*m shot for you and me to enjoy?" causing two of the more uptight patrons to spit out part of their drinks , as yet another haughty vixen chokes on her cherry, coughing abruptly.

Drink Notes [for those interested]
Three Way


All ingredients are mixed in a generous rim salted pint glass, and are made with 3 shots each of Sauza Hornitos Reposada tequila, orange or mango flavored triple sec, lime juice and blended with tamarind (a tart, tropical fruit) then finished off with a sprinkling of crushed almonds.

C*m Shot

Ingredients: Mixing instructions:

Blend liquors in shot glass. Top with whipped cream. Serve.

Edited by Oni Storm, 13 August 2012 - 05:39 PM.

#28 Oni Storm


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 01:02 PM

"How about a three way? and a c*m shot for you and me to enjoy?"

Rang out loud and clear in Victor and Catherine's ears and without a word stared into each others eyes with that (oh crap she's at it again) look of amusement and horror. Quickly they waltzed their way to the corner of the dance floor closest to the bar and began to make a bee-line before things went too far and got out of hand, heading from that moment of awkwardness and instead into the downright weird and nasty. "I hope we aren't too late" was all they said in quick hushed whispers simultaneously as they headed to the bar.

Edited by Oni Storm, 10 August 2012 - 01:03 PM.

#29 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 02:01 PM

"How about a three way? and a c*m shot for you and me to enjoy?"

Rang out loud and clear cutting off all conversations in the bar as all the few patrons looked at one another in various different expressions ranging from disgust to bemusement. DeMarkus with a humorus look upon his face opened his mouth to add some smart remark, but Kaylee punched him in the side.

"Don't even think about it!"

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 11 August 2012 - 09:13 PM.

#30 Listless Nomad


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Posted 11 August 2012 - 09:07 PM

James watched as his partner expertly curtsied, showing off her grace and excellent figure at the same time.

"A pleasure kind Sir, and I am the Lady Katie...Pride of Epsilon." James smirked as Katie paused between her first name and her last. Her mischievous smile belied her self satisfaction, and told James this was obviously a joke she was proud of. He smiled at her as she offered her hand to be led to the bar, and couldn't help himself as his eyes drifted down momentarily to her cleavage. He quickly caught himself, but from the look on her face, she had clearly noticed. The fact that she remained slightly bent also indicated that it was intentional.

She is certainly living up the promise of giving me a night I'll never forget...

"A drink or three, huh? You aren't trying to take advantage of sweet little me now are you Mister Soderlund, or is this just another attempt to get at that bartender's knickers?"

"That ship has sailed Miss Pride, and besides, I've believe I've found a far more interesting partner to spend my evening with. <wink> She seems really stuck up anyway, she probably has really boring knickers..."

With only another of her mischievous smirks for a rely, she took his hand, and the lead, as they headed to the bar.

When she arrived at the bar, before James could even open his mouth to call the bartender over, Katie called out loudly "How about a three way? and a c*m shot for you and me to enjoy?"

James' mouth dropped open and his brain struggled to process what he had just heard. Many of the nobles and ladies near to the bar spit out their drinks, or looked disgusted. At a loss, he reflexively he assumed a rigid posture, and prepared to be reprimanded by a superior loitering somewhere close by. One of the patrons further down the bar grinned and looked like he was about to say something, before his rather attractive wife smacked him. James could feel his face reddening as he went back over what Katie had said.

That WOULD be a night I would never forget...

James' reverie was broken when the bartender placed the two drinks in front of James and Katie. Upon seeing his rigid posture, and red face, the bartender just rolled her eyes and walked further down the bar to attend to a rather flustered noble. He had apparently made a rather inappropriate comment to his date, and she had promptly stormed off into the crowd, leaving him to drink alone. After a few seconds, and no Colonel or Planetary Governor had come over to chew him out, James began to relax. He picked up his drink and held it out to toast to Katie.

"To a night we'll never forget..."

Edited by Listless Nomad, 11 August 2012 - 09:11 PM.

#31 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 12 August 2012 - 09:20 PM

Kristian covered his face with one hand, trying to make the gesture seem like he was casually resting his head on one arm. They’d come here to try to talk Quickscell products up, make them seem like they were part of fashionable and trustworthy society, not just a common as dirt brand normally associated with backwater hicks. Whoever this woman was, she would not be good for business. Fortunately, he was wearing a fairly ordinary tuxedo; he felt sorry for the others at the bar, in their distinctive dress uniforms and suits.

He coughed into his hand, hoping to break the tension. “So. Anyway. Rasalhague, and them not being defenseless,” he said to the Löjtnant, pulling out his binder and flipping through the pages, “Have you considered bolstering with vehicles? I know, they’re not as cool as BattleMechs, but a Vedette tank will set you back less than a Commando, while going almost as fast and carrying superior weapons and armour. They might not scare the Inner Sphere Houses as much, but you can run a much bigger force of Vedettes for the same cost. Against pirates, you can just drown them in armour.”

Kristian glanced back at the man in the sapphire blue suit. Come to think of it, he did seem familiar as a Solaris jock. If only he could place him to a season, he might be able to break the ice a little...

#32 Oni Storm


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Posted 13 August 2012 - 05:57 PM

As Victor and Catherine arrived at the bar they realized it was all too obvious they were just a little too late. The uptight upper echelon had obviously taken offense to Katie's somewhat rude and crude attempt at humor. Yet he had to admit it was one of her more admirable attributes as to how she managed to quickly become the life of the party or center all the attention onto herself and away from whatever nefarious dealings were going on elsewhere in the building behind the scenes. It had helped on more than a few occasions now actually, but for the life of him he couldn't quite get nor understand her angle if there even was one this time. He looked at Catherine and shrugged, then caught that slight gleam in her eye that meant she had a plan now as well.

"I'll have one of those too barkeep and how about we really get this party started, a Blue Cosmopolitan in the name of House Stiener and a Screaming ****** [see notes below] for everyone in order to bring us all together in the harmony and union that is being put forth and we are all here to foster in this bright new future of Hope and Prosperity for all the Great Houses and their peoples of our beloved Inner Sphere" Catherine said in a most regal fashion as she grabbed a nearby chalice and held it high. She knew full well that with words such as these no man or woman in attendance would dare speak badly or turn their backs on a toast to both their benefactors and hosts or more importantly prospective clients that were in attendance. She knew this and it made her announcement and beaming white smile all the sweeter as she looked around for any signs of even one person that would dare risk such embarrassment and social slight.

Victor continued to look at her wide eyed and awed, remembering back to the first time he saw her win the national debate back home. She could still reel and floor just about anyone with but a few spoken words, and in this case he had to admit it made him almost feel again.

Blue Cosmopolitan

Ingredients: Mixing instructions:

Frost the rim of a chilled cocktail glass with sugar. Stir absolut citron, blue curacao, grapefruit juice, and sugar syrup in a mixing glass with ice to prevent cloudiness. Strain into cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Screaming ****** (San Francisco Style)

Ingredients: Mixing instructions:

Simply mix then add ice.

Creator/contributor's comments:
BTW, its the Cognac that makes it 'screaming', for a standard ******, there is no Cognac.

Edited by Oni Storm, 14 August 2012 - 05:54 PM.

#33 Grafvitnir


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 11:16 AM

Graaf was startled as a young woman shouted across the bar,

View PostOni Storm, on 10 August 2012 - 12:44 PM, said:

[font=Helvetica, sans-serif]"How about a three way? and a c*m shot for you and me to enjoy?"

He stared intently into his glass, pondering if it was appropriate to respond. Clearly, the lady's judgement was compromised, but she was still standing steadily, and had just come off the dance floor, so it was probably that she wasn't highly intoxicated (yet). The crowd here certainly wasn't as rough as in the spaceport of Rundvik, but you could find men willing to take advantage of a tipsy young woman on any world. So Graaf would ignore the comment, and keep tabs on the woman's safety.
He shook his head and returned to his conversations.
He turned to the salesman who was coughing as he tried to shake off the shock, "True indeed, and we have quite capable armoured regiments. I have found a lance of Hetzers with good cover to be quite the unwelcome surprise for a group of raiders. Whatever the poor manufacturing standards, our mechanics are capable of making the perform."

He turned back to the older couple, "Davgrim Holmlundsson? That would be my father! He came to Solaris several times in '30 and '31 to earn prize money for his return to Rasalhague. I was only about three at the time, but I saw a number of his fights on holovid when I was older. Did you know him well?"

#34 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 07:10 PM

View PostGrafvitnir, on 14 August 2012 - 11:16 AM, said:

He turned back to the older couple, "Davgrim Holmlundsson? That would be my father! He came to Solaris several times in '30 and '31 to earn prize money for his return to Rasalhague. I was only about three at the time, but I saw a number of his fights on holovid when I was older. Did you know him well?"

"Know him's well, no. We dids ameet a's couple o times though's ata socials." DeMarkus' eyes got a glazed over look as his mind wandered back over the years. Through the fights, duels, blood feuds, assassination attempts, the glaring flashes of holovid cameras and the blur of an endless number of reporters and endoring fans, to the first year that DeMarkus spent on Solaris fighting for Rainbow Stables.

"During '31's I's did mostly light bouts when I's fought single matches. But where's are mys manners? How is Ole' Havgrim? I'm asaying dat rights I hope."

He then looked over the young FRR officer's shoulder at the buisnessman on the other side of him.

#35 RogueSpear


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 08:18 PM

Vantas finally made his way around the dance floor and through to the bar, where several small cliques were forming. As he scanned the various bottles and draughts lining the bar from the corner of his eye, he did a quick glance round the assorted nobles, merchants and soldiers. He picked a few who he vaguely recognised, some others who looked to be approachable, and several he was looking to straight out avoid when an elegant looking woman abruptly raised a chalice and in a voice of song demanded a toast of a Blue Cosmopolitans to the Steiners and Screaming Org*sms for the crowd.
Well if you aren't a little minx.
In the brief instant of stunned silence his arm shot out like an elastic band, suddenly snapped across a classroom - though the sound in this case was his fingers, high and to his left in the bartender's vision. "I shall drink to that!" He raised his voice to be heard by the gathering. "Never let it be said that the Rogue's Armoured Irregulars do not honour their hosts or fail to provide their associates with satisfaction." His eyes scanned the room, quickly judging which noses were turning up at him and which eyes seemed to find the commentary amusing - or better yet, interesting. Seeing a face or two of those he had hoped to speak to turning from shock to disgust, he continued after a brief pause to smile. "But in deference to our esteemed colleagues, should we not perhaps keep the ah, volume to a more subtle level? I dare say some of them are entirely unprepared for such things, it would only be polite and kind to allow them time, would it not? I myself find myself without a partner, so if my lady is willing to accomodate my whims, shall we swap your screams for the sigh of appreciation of that 25 year old Lagavulin single malt that I daresay looks to be in prime condition all the way from Caledonia?"
A slight twitch of his eyes took in the upturned noses returning to a more natural degree, and he thought he even caught a nod from some elderly woman at his attempts to control the situation. But only briefly, and only the slightest of movements - his eyes remained locked on the chalice toting harlot that held his, and possibly the entire corp's fate in her hands.

#36 Oni Storm


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 05:20 AM

"But in deference to our esteemed colleagues, should we not perhaps keep the ah, volume to a more subtle level? I dare say some of them are entirely unprepared for such things, it would only be polite and kind to allow them time, would it not? I myself find myself without a partner, so if my lady is willing to accomodate my whims, shall we swap your screams for the sigh of appreciation of that 25 year old Lagavulin single malt that I daresay looks to be in prime condition all the way from Caledonia?" Vantas said trying to placate the situation.

Catherine looked a little taken back and slighted that this man might suggest she was being vulgar (after all compared to Katie, I'm a saint) but tilted he chalice towards him none the less. "Yes most kind sir, that does sound delightful, but alas I am here with another [she grasped Victor's arm tightly] and can not in good consciousness leave this toast unattended until all the drinks are passed out and we to the health of this venture and hopefully many more." Cat looked around to watch the various servants delivering the drinks to various tables, some with slight flushness and hints of embarrassment upon their faces, others with a bit of amusement at the idea of having fraked with the status qua. Still Catherine held the chalice high and waited saying to the Gentleman before her in a more hushed tone "Perhaps though once this is done, we shall be able to join you, and while I may not be able to leave to be whisked around the dance floor I'm sure my dear sister Katie here wouldn't mind a round or two with you."

Katie smiled politely at this knocked back her previous shot, then leaned in close to James and whispered in his ear "Don't worry I'll have this one finished off in a dance or two. Unless you think you're up to having a little more fun than this crypt is used to?" she squeezed his hinny just under his jacket and covered from view by all but the bartender and those setting right behind them.

Edited by Oni Storm, 15 August 2012 - 05:21 AM.

#37 RogueSpear


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 06:52 AM

Matching her lower tone, Vantas bowed gracefully. "I'm sure I would be pleased to make your acquaintance and enjoy your company, but neither you nor your sister need abandon your date. I am afraid I am here for business and saw the opportunity to attract some attention," His eyes twinkled, "and enjoy myself all at once. Besides, a ruffled potential employer is oft no potential employer at all. Still, Captain Vantas Strider, commander of the second 'Mech company of Rogue's Armoured Irregulars, at your service." He took the proffered glass of whiskey from the bartender, deftly sliding his card under the glass into the bartender's hand as he did so. As the bartender paid for the drink, he raised it to the lady and dipped his head.

#38 Listless Nomad


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:31 AM

As James held his glass aloft, waiting for Katie to join him in his toast, when a loud but feminine voice rang out close behind him.

"I'll have one of those too barkeep and how about we really get this party started, a Blue Cosmopolitan in the name of House Steiner and a Screaming ****** for everyone in order to bring us all together in the harmony and union that is being put forth and we are all here to foster in this bright new future of Hope and Prosperity for all the Great Houses and their peoples of our beloved Inner Sphere"

In shock, James lowered his glass and turned around to face the voice, only to feel his eyes grow wide at the sight. Approaching the bar was another gorgeous woman, attired similarly to Katie (though perhaps more modestly), but with her arm around a rather pale and dour looking man. James turned to Katie to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, and saw a riot of emotions play across her face. First was amusement at the content of the message, followed by comfort at the sight of a familiar face, and finally a slight pout like a child would display at the approach of a parent coming to ruin her fun.

They look almost identical! They have to be sisters...

James opened his mouth to ask Katie who the new woman was, but once again, before he could speak a booming voice rang out from the edge of the dance floor.

"I shall drink to that!"

Engrossed in the spectacle unfolding before him, James relaxed slightly, and began sipping his drink. Katie was similarly engrossed, and once again had the mischievious grin on her face as she studied the nobles and ladies surrounding the bar.

"Never let it be said that the Rogue's Armoured Irregulars do not honour their hosts or fail to provide their associates with satisfaction."

James smirked at the last comment.

People here definitely seem to have a sense of humor. I might just have to meet this man. He seems like a guy I could share a drink with...

"But in deference to our esteemed colleagues, should we not perhaps keep the ah, volume to a more subtle level? I dare say some of them are entirely unprepared for such things, it would only be polite and kind to allow them time, would it not? I myself find myself without a partner, so if my lady is willing to accomodate my whims, shall we swap your screams for the sigh of appreciation of that 25 year old Lagavulin single malt that I daresay looks to be in prime condition all the way from Caledonia?"

At this, Katie let out a slight giggle and a big grin erupted on her face as she waited for a reaction from the man and woman who had made the original toast. After a moment to gather herself, she responded, her face slightly flushed.

"Yes most kind sir, that does sound delightful, but alas I am here with another and can not in good consciousness leave this toast unattended until all the drinks are passed out and we to the health of this venture and hopefully many more."

The woman's tight grip on her date's arm indicated that this was no mere party hook up, and that there was something deeper and more lasting going on between them. The gentleman from the Irregulars noticed this as well. Before he could respond however, the woman continued.

"Perhaps though once this is done, we shall be able to join you, and while I may not be able to leave to be whisked around the dance floor I'm sure my dear sister Katie here wouldn't mind a round or two with you."

Ah, so they are sisters! That makes total...wait what?!

James did not appreciate that his date for the evening had been so casually offered to another man, and although he knew he had no right to be upset, he wasn't going to just give up without a fight. This woman had let him relax more than he'd been able to in months, and he'd be damned if some suave merc was going to steal her. James knocked back the rest of his drink and began adjusting his uniform. The alcohol was beginning to get into his system, and women always seem to complicate such matters. Katie smiled politely at her sister's comment, and deftly knocked back her previous shot. Before James could let his annoyance get the better of him, Katie leaned over and whispered seductively in his ear.

"Don't worry I'll have this one finished off in a dance or two. Unless you think you're up to having a little more fun than this crypt is used to?"

At that moment, she reached under his dress jacket and squeezed his hinny. Only the bartender and the people seated behind James could have noticed. This calmed down James considerably, and his mind drifted to what Katie could possibly have in mind. As he prepared to leave the bar to accompany Katie on whatever she had planned, the merc spoke again.

"I'm sure I would be pleased to make your acquaintance and enjoy your company, but neither you nor your sister need abandon your date. I am afraid I am here for business and saw the opportunity to attract some attention, and enjoy myself all at once. Besides, a ruffled potential employer is oft no potential employer at all. Still, Captain Vantas Strider, commander of the second 'Mech company of Rogue's Armoured Irregulars, at your service."

Katie sat back against the bar in somewhat of a huff, disappointed that whatever plan she had in mind wouldn't come to fruition. James ordered another drink for the two of them and slid over next to Katie. Hidden from view, returned the favor by pinching her on the behind.

"Look alive, your sister and her boyfriend are coming over."

#39 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 15 August 2012 - 11:14 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 14 August 2012 - 07:10 PM, said:

"During '31's I's did mostly light bouts when I's fought single matches. But where's are mys manners? How is Ole' Havgrim? I'm asaying dat rights I hope."

‘31? Of course!

“You’re DeMarkus "The Hangman" Frankfurt! The guy who punched Min the Merciless into abject terror in his opening bout! It...it’s an honour to meet you, sir.”

Kristian fumbled in his pocket for his camera. “Would...I be able to a get photo with you? My mum’s your biggest fan, you see, and she’d be thrilled!”

Spelling Edit

Edited by Sparks Murphey, 16 August 2012 - 01:26 AM.

#40 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 August 2012 - 04:23 AM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 15 August 2012 - 11:14 PM, said:

‘31? Of course!

“You’re DeMarkus "The Hangman" Frankfurt! The guy who punched Min the Merciless into abject terror in his opening bout! It...it’s an honour to meet you, sir.”

Kristian fumbled in his pocket for his camera. “Would...I be able to a get photo with you? My mum’s your biggest fan, you see, and she’d be thrilled!”

Spelling Edit

"But of course's. It'd be my's pleasure."

DeMarkus gave Kristian a firmhandshake.

"Yo, Löjtnant. You's a wouldn'ts minds ataking a holopic of da kid and I?" He asked of Graaf.

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