Two miles North of Ryan's Retreat
Johann was furious. His carefully laid trap had gone straight to hell the instant the Hetzer had fired, with the Cicada now stopped dead in the middle of the road. Johann had hoped to fire on the mech with all three tanks at the same time, taking it out before it knew what hit it. Now the mech was alert....and angry.
Suddenly the Hetzer tank commander's voice crackled through Johann's headset.
"We're down! Repeat this is tank three we're down. Left front tire shredded, we're a pillbox now. Orders? Chief? You wanna hurry up and get us outta ere?!"
Johann frowned at the lack of discipline of the Hetzer crew. Ramshackle pirates, they had no sense of duty or restraint, and now that they were in trouble - panic set in. Calmly, Johann activated his throat mike.
"Dimitry, relax. It doesn't know you are still operational. Sit tight and let us engage it."
The Hetzer commander's voice came back immediately, panic sending his voice several octaves higher.
"Screw that! We're not dying here!"
Johann immediately looked over through the commander's viewport towards the concealed tank, which was overrevving its engine in an attempt to shift itself more toward the stationary Cicada. Johann saw the barrel of the main gun inching towards the mech. He glanced back toward the Cicada to see it torso twist beck toward the tank. In desperation, Johann keyed his mink again.
"Dmitry! Stop what you are doing. IT CAN SEE YOU!"
Just then, another PPC lept out from the Cicada, skewering the helpless Hetzer. The concentrated energy bore through the weaker top armor of the tank, disintegrating the crew within. The tank lay motionless for a moment, before the AC/20 ammo cooked off in a massive explosion, scattering debris over a wide area. Xerxes and Johann looked upward reflexively at the top of the tank as tiny pieces of metal began falling on their roof. From it's first shot until its death, the Cicada had needed only 30 seconds to finish off the Hetzer. Such firepower came at a cost however. Turning to his gunner, Johann smiled.
"She's running hot."
Grabbing the commander override, Johann slowly swung the turret of the mighty tank ever so slowly toward the Cicada. On the thermal display, the mech burned a brilliant white against the snowy background, the cost of its two PPC discharges. Calmly, Johann centered the gun reticule over the mech's hip actuator. He wanted a prisoner.
Suddenly the mech rocked from an explosion, causing it to totter sideways for a moment, throwing off Johann's aim. Reflexively his finger pulled the trigger, causing the massive tank to recoil with the main gun. The massive round found the center torso of the mech, instead of the hip actuator, shivering off almost a ton of armor, but not crippling it. Reacting quickly, Johann knew what he had to do.
"Ortelli! Get us the hell out of here!"
"Right away Boss man!"
Johann could hear the gears grind as Ortelli threw the massive tank into reverse, and felt the tracks gain traction as massive tank lept backward out of its hide. The Cicada was moving now, and easily dodged another round coming from behind the Rommel. Johann spun around and saw the second tank in his wedge charging up the road towards the mech. The longer gun of the Patton had allowed it to engage the Cicada, throwing off Johann's initial shot. Through his viewport, Johann could see the Cicada get up to speed, and raced past the reversing Rommel, directly towards the Patton. Instinctively he slapped open the breech of the main gun as Xerxes muscled a new round into the barrel.
The Patton stopped in the middle of the road, and raised its gun barrel to fire. Before it could however, a massive foot from the mech stomped down on it, crushing the front of the tank, and leaving it immobilized. The rest of the mech carried over the Patton and on down the road, rapidly putting distance between itself and the Rommel.
Johann swung the barrel of the main gun around, and centered it on the rear torso of the rapidly retreating form of the mech. With steeled eyes and his trademark grin, his stroked the trigger once and fired.
Edited by Listless Nomad, 13 September 2012 - 08:47 AM.