Why oh why do you gotta bring the Clans into this? Speaking purely about the history of the tabletop game, the edition released approx.1988 (it's impossible to find any reference to the book I'm referring to in the Sarna wiki, so I'm estimating it came out in '88 based on my memory of when I bought it) was a poorly conceived idea from FASA to rekindle player interest in Battletech, and thereby 1) sell more rulebooks/sourcebooks/technical readouts, 2) sell more tabletop lead. It's a strategy that works remarkably well for Games Workshop, but when GW releases a new edition or new army codices it doesn't unbalance the game into sheer unplayability. Anyone who played tabletop Inner Sphere vs. Clan after the so-called 'Clan invasion' can relate to what I'm saying about the magnitude of the imbalance... ton for ton, Clan Mechs were able to field lighter weapons with higher damage outputs, and since the game didn't have a system for assigning point values to weapon systems, i.e. Clan PPC = 20 pts; IS PPC = 15 pts. It considered tonnage to be an adequate system, but as I already mentioned, Clantech puts out more damage for less tonnage, so a quick and simple tabletop assault game of a 400 ton lance vs. a 400 ton star would almost always result in a Clan win, unless of course the Clan player had remarkably horrid dice rolls, or the Inner Sphere player was very gifted at tabletop tactics AND had phenomenally epic dice rolls (12 HEADSHOT! 12 HEADSHOT!
Besides, I think it's great that all of the so-called 'unseen' InnerSphere chassis designs (from the Harmony Gold wars) are no longer 'unseen'. It makes me happy to see Jenners and Jaggermechs and Warhammers (and on and on) all rendered up. Lokis (Locus? Lok-eye?) while looking sweet in their own right, are a poor substitute for a Warhammer. Cmon guys, hold off on the 'Clan invasion' and render up some Locusts, Marauders, Hatchetmen, Phoenix-Hawks, Battlemasters... you know, chassis we haven't seen in 25 years (ahem, or since the last time we watched the Macross saga) before you churn out the Mad Cats and Vultures and Ryokens.