Where Is My "mad Cat" & Other Associated Clan Tech Faq
Posted 08 August 2012 - 04:54 PM
Posted 08 August 2012 - 05:16 PM
Posted 08 August 2012 - 05:44 PM
Oxford, on 08 August 2012 - 05:29 PM, said:
I'm pretty sure Garth or Russ said in a tweetchat they will be playable.
-edit- I added the quotes/sources from where they talked about the clans being a faction.
Edited by Iron Harlequin, 08 August 2012 - 05:54 PM.
Posted 08 August 2012 - 06:10 PM
Flamebot, on 06 August 2012 - 07:01 PM, said:
Skadi, for you... you are permanently confined to an Atlas.
Unfortunately for you, it's stuck with a standard 150 engine... LRM launchers, with the wrong ammo type... and your lasers aren't operational.
Could have been an Urban Mech with gum stuck on the seat..

Posted 08 August 2012 - 06:17 PM
IndigoHawk, on 08 August 2012 - 04:43 PM, said:
You, Wazzock, are talking nonsense here.
GW SUCK at codices for nearly all their games, yes it takes them a decade to re-release ur fav armies 'dex, and when they do u giggle like a schoolgirl at the cheese filled OP'd ness of ur new army, completely wiping the floor with all the others, until that is, they release another 'dex for ur mates army, then u wail like a n00b being pwned etc etc.
* rant ends *
Oi, I love my Warhammer 40k, but Matthew Ward has been butt toying with it for too damn long for me to like more than half of their decisions, I shall always love 40k though.
Posted 08 August 2012 - 06:58 PM
Jus' sayin',

Posted 09 August 2012 - 12:10 AM
Added Q&A
How many clans are there?
list of clans, all hyperlinked.
Posted 09 August 2012 - 12:58 AM
Ow... How has no one corrected this?
As of this point in the timeline there are not 23 Clans. Nor have there EVER been so many at once.
The Clans started as 20. Blood Spirit, Burrock, Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Sea Gox, Fire Mandrill, Ghost Bear, Goliath Scorpion, Hell's Horses, Ice Hellions, Jade Falcons, Mongeese, Nova Cats, Smoke Jaguars, Snow Ravens, Steel Vipers, Widowmakers, Wolf, and Wolverine.
By 3049, there are 17. The Widowmakers by this time had been absorbed by Clan Wolf (early in the history of the Clans, through a process known as a Trial of Absorption, where a Clan is found no longer fit to exist and they fight for their own survival against another Clan, and should they lose they become apart of said Clan.) and Clan Wolverine was Annihilated (through a Trial of Annihilation, where a Clan is found suitable to no longer exist, at all, because of a grievous action. At this point, Wolverines were the only ones to ever suffer such a fate due to the resistance of Clan law and utilizing nuclear weapons on their fellow Clans). Clan Mongoose was absorbed as well, by Clan Cloud Cobra, for attempting to sidestep the rule of the Grand Council (the Clan ruling body).
Clan Stone Lion doesn't exist until the abjuration (exile) of Clan Hell's Horses in 3075, and is formed from their remnants that remained in the Clan Homeworlds.
While I do applaud the member who wrote the original post, it is painfully obvious they copied all of their information from the internet and never knew anything about BattleTech before they made it.
The Sea Foxes changed their names to the Diamond Sharks when said animal was released by another clan to kill the Sea Foxes (the animal they were named after)... they took the name Diamond Sharks as a sleit to this action.
Clan Wolf-in-Exile did not exist until 3057, and is not technically a Clan. They left Clan society (though maintaining all the trappings of a Clan in their own right) after the Refusal War between Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon (a whole story on its own, as the Clan Wolf after the war isn't the original Clan Wolf, in a way, but is seen as such even though... well... read the novels.)
Posted 09 August 2012 - 02:53 AM
Oxford, on 08 August 2012 - 05:29 PM, said:
They said they intend for Clan Tech to be usable at some point but how or when is left to be seen. I hope they simply add a new faction(ie Clan Wolf) and restrict Clan Tech to it; otherwise all of the Inner Sphere will be rolling in Madcats or Vultures instead of the stuff we're logically suppose to be using during the era. If you let any player use both Tech on any faction then the game basically just became an arms race; the exact opposite of what you claimed to be against pre-release.
Posted 09 August 2012 - 08:41 AM
Stable Manager William, on 09 August 2012 - 12:58 AM, said:
Ow... How has no one corrected this?
As of this point in the timeline there are not 23 Clans. Nor have there EVER been so many at once.
The Clans started as 20. Blood Spirit, Burrock, Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Sea Gox, Fire Mandrill, Ghost Bear, Goliath Scorpion, Hell's Horses, Ice Hellions, Jade Falcons, Mongeese, Nova Cats, Smoke Jaguars, Snow Ravens, Steel Vipers, Widowmakers, Wolf, and Wolverine.
By 3049, there are 17. The Widowmakers by this time had been absorbed by Clan Wolf (early in the history of the Clans, through a process known as a Trial of Absorption, where a Clan is found no longer fit to exist and they fight for their own survival against another Clan, and should they lose they become apart of said Clan.) and Clan Wolverine was Annihilated (through a Trial of Annihilation, where a Clan is found suitable to no longer exist, at all, because of a grievous action. At this point, Wolverines were the only ones to ever suffer such a fate due to the resistance of Clan law and utilizing nuclear weapons on their fellow Clans). Clan Mongoose was absorbed as well, by Clan Cloud Cobra, for attempting to sidestep the rule of the Grand Council (the Clan ruling body).
Clan Stone Lion doesn't exist until the abjuration (exile) of Clan Hell's Horses in 3075, and is formed from their remnants that remained in the Clan Homeworlds.
While I do applaud the member who wrote the original post, it is painfully obvious they copied all of their information from the internet and never knew anything about BattleTech before they made it.
The Sea Foxes changed their names to the Diamond Sharks when said animal was released by another clan to kill the Sea Foxes (the animal they were named after)... they took the name Diamond Sharks as a sleit to this action.
Clan Wolf-in-Exile did not exist until 3057, and is not technically a Clan. They left Clan society (though maintaining all the trappings of a Clan in their own right) after the Refusal War between Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon (a whole story on its own, as the Clan Wolf after the war isn't the original Clan Wolf, in a way, but is seen as such even though... well... read the novels.)
Do you enjoy being a rude-***?
I never said that all 23 clans existed at the same time, all of the "info" you posted is clearly stated in sarna if you have half a brain to click on the links and read. Rather than insult the intelligence of the person who posted the list, why not take a moment and look at the information from each individual link.
And as another note, I never claimed to know everything about the clans, i just know more than the people who post threads about "wurs mah madd kitteh i played mechassaultz 1 & 2 and microsoft warrior 4z". I made the post in attempts to educate the uneducated, who have even a bit of motivation to seek out more knowledge than what I have answered on their own.
As an example:
Person clicks on this topic and they're vaguely familiar with Clan lore, they see the 23 clans listed and think "Hmmm.. I dont remember so many clans, but maybe I shouldn't go waving my finger at the OP and read about them. Oh, I see here after clicking on Clan-Seafox or Clan Diamond Shark that Clan-Seafox turned into Diamond Shark. And I also see the Clan Wolf-In-Exile didn't exist until 3057"
then they think
"Hmmm that was nice of him to list all of those, even though they didn't exist all at once, maybe I should just point that small detail out instead of trying to make the OP look like a copy & paste reddit user, hell I'll even like his post"
but even after being insulted by you, I've taken it upon my self to edit the OP and say that all 23 did not exist at the same time. So thank you for your rude & constructive critisizm.
"While I do applaud the member who wrote the original post, it is painfully obvious they copied all of their information from the internet and never knew anything about BattleTech before they made it."
Because that ^^^ strikes me as rude, unnecessary, and condescending. I would advise you to proof-read your posts before bashing someone about a topic that they did not say they were an expert in.
I know quite a bit about battletech, I do however do not know as much about the clans, as the clans are part of battletech. Aside from exact dates, and "very specific" information I could've answered all of the Q&A in my own words instead of using sarna. I wouldn't have been able to give a detailed explanation of why certain clans formed into others and when but I know most if not all of their names.
If you couldn't tell I'm a little hurt at the lack of respect on your part.
Posted 09 August 2012 - 09:31 AM
Posted 09 August 2012 - 11:37 AM
Posted 09 August 2012 - 02:44 PM
Posted 09 August 2012 - 03:35 PM
I know this cause a player I know created Clan Fox after seeing it as a Clan in a MechForce US add in the back of The BattleTech Compendium IIRC. See there was going to be 24 Clans but with Wolf and Coyote the Fox seemed redundant. Clan Demolisher (or what ever the name was) was dropped due to not having an actual Animal totem. So I do believe he is both correct and incorrect. He is Correct because there WERE more than 20 Clans, just some of them were destroyed by editing.
Clan Stone Lion was a MWDA clan so I will have to call that one out as It was not a founding clan.
Edited by Joseph Mallan, 09 August 2012 - 03:40 PM.
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