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Mechwarrior Online threatened by new consoles?

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#1 Celestial


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:08 PM

With the recent announcement that the 'Xbox 720's chipset is now in production (and has been since december last year) It is likely that it will launch late 2012.
While Mechwarrior online will be released mid 2012 ( we hope).
With every new console generation, masses of players flock to the consoles because the first few years of their lives they are superior to PC's. This current generation of consoles nearly killed PC gaming back in 2005-2009. And only now is PC making a comeback.
This game is dependant on players to continue playing, so if my prediction is correct and PC gaming is killed in 2013, will Mechwarrior Online have enough time to be successful before the new consoles are released?

#2 PewPew


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:16 PM

Doubt it... People want to play games, not consoles. They aren't going to think, "I really want to play MWO. Too bad it's not on GameSystem1440"

#3 Tyzh


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:23 PM

Simulation style games have never worked on consoles. There won't be any real competition. Not to mention your prediction is based on the statistically significant sample of one.

#4 Trireaper


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:26 PM

One word, No
Why you may ask? Because first of all, the 760 will not have as many games for it to start off with. Second, Mechwarrior is freakin awesome (duh)
Last but not least, whay Tyzh said

#5 ManDaisy


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:26 PM

Computers are like yesterdays cars. If anything consoles will appeal more to fit a child niche only, as they lack the brains and money to upgrade their hardware. Also considering the cost of mass producing consoles, they will only become more of a cost as the demand for superior technology increases. A situation will arise where it doesn't make any business sense to make a console any more powerful then it already is. The little technological advances that a console will offer over a computer will be easily overcome with time, (console cycle 1-3 years then obsolete). Older more educated consumers will see that waiting a little wile will drastically cut the price of a console, however in order for a new console to be successful it must cover the market(be mass produced) so manufactures must eat the cost of production, which will eventually outweigh any game sales (demand will fall if prices are too high, (cost of production will be too great for game sales to make up for) . You can see already major game producers are trying to outsource their engines to the pc platform in order to cut console production cost. Sega, a major example, instead of producing its own console, has simply asimilated all the existing consoles into its franchise in order to dig itself out of its financial grave after the fall of the dreamcast. The rise in online games and especially providers such as steam, is proof the pc games will continue to remain strong. Console also due to their inherit weakness/strength of simplicity will never be able to seize the large MMO multiplayer market without themselves becoming essentially a pc.

Edited by ManDaisy, 24 January 2012 - 12:45 PM.

#6 Dlardrageth


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:31 PM

Hm, I totally see people buying yet another new console just to play MechWarrior. Not. And something like real compatibility between consoles doesn't exist. Somewhat different with PC market (even with minor Apple/Linux issues). I know which horse I'd bet my money on here for a simulation style game... (no pony pun intended :))

#7 Treffies


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:33 PM

Also consider pc gaming in 2005. At the time hardware constantly had to be upgraded to keep up with the games that were released at the time (at least thats how I remember it)
Nowadays you can get by just fine with a 3 year old machine (at least I have)

#8 Adridos


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:42 PM

Why should it be threatened? :)

Consoles will be as expensive as top of the line PCs and that means most people will stay with older generation for a long while. :ph34r:

#9 Joe Davion 86


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:43 PM

Agreeing with Treffies on this. My old Quad Core (not Core 2) Q6600 and older 8800 gt can still keep up with todays games with a few tweaks here and there (ie grass off in skyrim everything else on high) and im quite content with that. So no i don't think the new consoles will kill off PC gaming, especially in the realm of RTS games, 4X games, and simulation games. They just arent set up right for them.

#10 TheRulesLawyer


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 12:54 PM

People predict the demise of PC gaming over and over. They are continually wrong. As long as people have general purpose computers for other uses there well be a market for PC games.

#11 IceSerpent


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:04 PM

Consoles are irrelevant IMHO. I actually think we'd be better off without that particular crowd in the mix - less of "make it ezmode now!" whining.

#12 Stone Profit


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:10 PM

Well, the moment I saw MWO was coming out, I knew I was buying a new computer along with a control setup, so it really works both ways. People get a console in exlusion to a PC, or a PC rather than a console, or some buy both. I think it rather evens out due to who the console games attract and who PC games attract. And do not forget that many people own a PC for other reasons, and any PC bought standard this year and beyond will have no problem playing MWO for the forseeable future. no one purchases a console to use for other purposes. I wouldnt be too worried about it.

View PostIceSerpent, on 24 January 2012 - 01:04 PM, said:

Consoles are irrelevant IMHO. I actually think we'd be better off without that particular crowd in the mix - less of "make it ezmode now!" whining.

Thats just asinine dude. I know plenty of PC gamers (and you're probably one) who cry if the game is too hard, and I know many console players (including myself, but probably not you) who only play on the hardest mode available. so please take your ignorant attitude elsewhere. :)

Edit: Spelling and Punctuation, but not Grammar. :ph34r:

Edited by Stone Profit, 24 January 2012 - 01:12 PM.

#13 Tannhauser Gate


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:12 PM

As long as PCs can out perform consoles for about the same price.
As long as people need PCs for professional, school, and home use.
As long as consoles continue to lack interface devices that can push games with chat and complicated controls beyond A, B, up, down.

#14 Rabbit Blacksun


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:14 PM

unno ... i play both on hard/ultra/uber death/blood/ rage ... which ever is gunna be the hardest mode available... just cause i want to play the game and see how good i can get ... (mind you doesnt always mean i succeed lol )

#15 MilitantMonk


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:34 PM

Show me a console that can run abandonware from the early 90s of PC gaming....
Show me a console that can handle RTS, Sims and MMOs...
Show me a console that can run tax prep software, fill out my home budget, and still plays a mean game of solitaire...

Yeah I'll still be PC gaming it seems.

#16 Patrio Sioux Daltum


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:48 PM

PPC gaming is still new to me; I only just bought the right stuff that good games need(Though I really should get Bootcamp). I'm a longtime subscriber to console gaming though I see no reason why we can't have both.

#17 Outlaw2


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 01:53 PM

Current consoles are showing their age, which is why computers are regaining ground. These new console will have to be more feature rich and graphically proficient, if they want to compete. The difference between console and gaming computer will shrink even more into a head on collosion...and its one computers have the advantage in the end. Why choose a console that limits you when you could get a computer that can do anything you want it to do?

PCs themselves have changed since the last generation of consoles. The PC environment has changed. You can make a computer now for $500 that can run pretty much anything right now at max or near max settings. Couldn't really do that 5-7 years ago. Making your own computer gets easier and easier as manufacturers make better and cheaper enthusiast parts. The number of people that make their own computers grows. Need to upgrade your computer lessens as they last a little longer. This is partly due to many games being designed for the console as well, but also explosion of indy games on the PC that are not so graphically intensive. Lets not forget social networking games...More PC game makers are coming to grips with a torrent rampant enviroment and coming up with creative busniess models to still make money. Steam (and its derivatives), indy bundles, F2P games, ect... all encourage players to spend money rather than to download it off piratebay.

Edited by =Outlaw=, 24 January 2012 - 02:03 PM.

#18 TheRulesLawyer


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 02:05 PM

View PostMilitantMonk, on 24 January 2012 - 01:34 PM, said:

Show me a console that can run abandonware from the early 90s of PC gaming....
Show me a console that can handle RTS, Sims and MMOs...
Show me a console that can run tax prep software, fill out my home budget, and still plays a mean game of solitaire...

Yeah I'll still be PC gaming it seems.

1) ps3 running linux and wine
2) all have been done on the current gen systems in one form or another
3) ps3 running linux can do all that I'm sure. :)

The ps3 *can* be a general purpose computing device. At least if you don't have one of the newer neutered ones. Still not the same as a PC though. I think the main issue is UI optimized for a joypad rather than a keyboard and mouse and the requirement to still cater to SDTV. If they make console with kb/m as native inputs and get rid of SDTV support they'll go a long way to converting me.

#19 trycksh0t


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 02:11 PM

I doubt it. The reason the PS3 and 360 dominated gaming when they released was because PC gaming was still fairly expensive to keep up with, and the developers were able to rapidly adapt to the newest hardware, so upgrading your regularly was almost required in order to keep up. As has been stated above, this is no longer the case. Not only is PC hardware cheaper, it has a drastically longer life-span. Current generation entry and mid-level PC's ($400 - $700) can handle anything that's come out recently, and will be able to take just about anything you can throw at 'em for quite awhile without needing to upgrade anything. The misconception that PC gaming is expensive comes from people thinking you need a "Gaming Rig", which are those several-thousand dollar machines. If it became common knowledge that this is simply not true, in-fact I find most of those "Gaming Rigs" to be complete overkill, I believe that PC gaming would explode on much larger level, as they really are superior to consoles in every conceivable way.

#20 Malooko


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 02:20 PM

I personally think that the PC is here to stay. The cost of new PCs has dropped so low that *most* anyone who can afford a next-gen console can get a PC for just a little more. And I would rather have a machine that can do my school work, personal crap, music, games, and whatever else on two more screens that be limited to something that is games only. Dont get me wrong, I own an Xbox 360, but it was not until years after they came out and I got it for a smoking deal off Craigslist.

I enjoy tinkering with my computer and changing things. Doing the same on any console can only get me banned from the network.

PC's forever!!!

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