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A Grand Ol' Dropship

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:00 AM

(26 January 3049)

2613. That’s 436 years, gents. Over four centuries Semier Data Tron has built the Fortress-class DropShip, and now her line’s put out to pasture like yesterday’s curdled milk. Makes a grown spacer misty-eyed.

Now you might be asking yourself, “Why is ol’ Hardenson talking about a DropShip?” I could probably add to that…“why am I talking about such a rare ship?”

Well, let me tell you. Most mercs gotta find themselves a DropShip. Sure, there’s a few of you dumb enough to completely rely on your employer for DropShip support. But you might as well sign up as regular House troops at that point…not much making you different. Not to mention you’re left at the mercy of your employer if a drop zone gets too hot. No thank you, gents.

Nope, you gotta find yourself a DropShip, even if she might be a bucket-o-bolts you pray to every time you light off her fusion drive.

And if you’re lucky…and I mean real lucky…you might have a chance at snagging a Fortress. (Or try and sweet-talk Barrett’s Fusiliers or the Dragoons out of one of their treasures.)

“Why wouldn’t I just want an Overlord if I’m gunning for a big DropShip?” I can hear you saying. Because, in my not-so-humble opinion, the Fortress is a far more well-rounded gal. She may be several thousand tons lighter than the Overlord, but she carries a combined-arms complement and has three times the cargo space. Not to mention the trick-up-her-sleeve of the Long Tom artillery piece in her nose, which can make all the difference. Let’s not forget what the six Elvidner Fortresses did to the Second Sword O’ Light during the Fourth War!

Now I know she’s rare. Which is gonna make her expensive to acquire in the first place. Not to mention upkeep is gonna be a royal, cast-iron bitch to deal with, seeing as parts are as scarce as a charitable Elsie.

But gents, if the chance ever presents, don’t leave anything on the table…you play your best hand and get one of the best ol’ DropShips in service to ensure you bring your boys home after every mission.

Keep it locked and loaded, gents.

—Jacob Hardenson, MercNet

#2 Seth


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:02 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 26 January 2012 - 10:00 AM, said:

a royal, cast-iron bitch

View PostGhost, on 26 January 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:

"cast-iron bitch of highest order"

I'm starting to see a pattern here, lol.

Edited by Seth, 26 January 2012 - 10:04 AM.

#3 Skwisgaar Skwigelf


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:03 AM

Even more in-depth unit management, me likey!

#4 Ghost

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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:05 AM

Last time I read about a Fortress-class dropship was during the Skye rebellion's assault on Glengarry. The name says it all. The Fortress is a mobile field base that can take on all comers.

#5 DarkTreader


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:07 AM

Mmmm... Dropships....

I wonder if this means that units will be required to pay X C-Bills to transport from planet to planet, if units will have to pay upkeep costs, and if they'll have things like Group Assets like Dropships, or even Jumpships, that can be purchased in the future.

#6 Skwisgaar Skwigelf


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:08 AM

View PostDarkTreader, on 26 January 2012 - 10:07 AM, said:

Mmmm... Dropships....

I wonder if this means that units will be required to pay X C-Bills to transport from planet to planet, if units will have to pay upkeep costs, and if they'll have things like Group Assets like Dropships, or even Jumpships, that can be purchased in the future.

I hope so, the more unit management options the better.

#7 keydet


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:13 AM

Dare we dream about commanders being able to set an LZ to extract to if we want to save our hopelessly outclassed mechs from becoming scrap in the game? ;)

#8 Orcinus


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:15 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 26 January 2012 - 10:00 AM, said:

Not to mention the trick-up-her-sleeve of the Long Tom artillery piece in her nose, which can make all the difference.

Me likey the BOOM-BOOM!

Seriously, however, I like the idea of a merc unit having its own dropship(s).
It saves the trouble of having to ask the employer for dropships for hot drops on top of enemy lines. ;)

#9 Skwisgaar Skwigelf


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:17 AM

Hot drops!

Guns and legs blazin'!

#10 Threat Doc


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:18 AM

I sure hope so, Keydet hehe.

View PostOrcinus, on 26 January 2012 - 10:15 AM, said:

Me likey the BOOM-BOOM!

Seriously, however, I like the idea of a merc unit having its own dropship(s).
It saves the trouble of having to ask the employer for dropships for hot drops on top of enemy lines. ;)
Also allows for potentially a great deal more for cash in contracts, and helps with the Dragoons Rating.

EDIT: I missed my 1,000th post... this one is 1,001!!! Yay, me.

Edited by Kay Wolf, 26 January 2012 - 10:21 AM.

#11 Jack Colten


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:20 AM

(In a different timeline no doubt) Colten's Commandos was a small but tight unit. Our first DropShip was the lancer Leopard Eldon Johnson. We bought it as part of a deal with Davion in 3021 and she was a wreck. Took me and my small unit through 8 campaigns and raids including a few top secret drops. She was a wonder of loose bolts and leaking coolant and I never found a better spacer crew even in my time in the clans. We ended up with three Overloads and a Union and don't you know I still missed that bucket of bolts. I left the old girl and most of her crew on a dead moon in the Periphery in 3050. (Still both in and out of character since it's a meta timeline convergence sorry if it's not appropriate). I sure miss them.

#12 Atlas3060


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:36 AM


a royal, cast-iron bitch

Yes it was and yes that's goooooood ;)

Typically you'd not let the enemy near your Dropship because they might blow up your ride home, but that thing was so tough you lured your enemies near it so they'd die horribly.

#13 harlock


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:44 AM

It'd be SO COOL if they could integrate drop ships into the game. Maybe if the things were big enough you could have fights INSIDE them. Or have them as an on-field captureable weapons platform.

#14 CoffiNail


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:49 AM

Sorry but you forgot the concept art ;)

So this tells me that Dropships are a viable, purchasable, useable (not directly obviously) by the Commander possibly. It would be damn nice to have the Dropship become a often target to need to extract to. Personally I always loved that in the MW2 Mercs missions, Almost Always had to get the the dropship, unless you had more missions in the contract that relied on you traveling by foot.

Be nice to place where you want to start at the beginning of a mission, REALLY and I do mean REALLY spices things up if you have say 8km by 8km maps with say 6km x 6km usable terrain. And you could drop anywhere along those 6ish KM of the border, unless it was a canyon funnel mission, you have a whole lot of options to play. No longer is it, well it is this map, due to their spawn points this means they will probably come from there or there... maybe there but that takes a bit of work. This path is more direct, so a better chance here.

#15 DarkTreader


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 11:18 AM


#16 Dirty


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 12:23 PM

What role, if any will drop ships have in the game?

#17 Edward Radenovic-Espinueva


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 12:47 PM

They should incorporate some of the dropship features from Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. Imo that game had it right. After that... it just went downhill from there, less options for customization, less availability of mechs, very liniear quest/storyline (no option to do your own thing or do side quests or continue the story. I do hope they incorporate in detail salvageable materials.

#18 MilitantMonk


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 01:24 PM

Aye! You alway remember your first dropship. Ours was a Seeker an old troop hauler that was converted into a grain hauler during one of the famines of the 2nd war and then into a Mech transport after the 3rd. Even a hundred years after her cargo days that ship still stunk like a yak's behind! She hauled us into a much trouble as she hauled us out of. ;)

Always have your own ride...don't wanna get left behind like in MW2 Mercs.

#19 anglomanii


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 01:48 PM

View PostGaius Julius Caesar, on 26 January 2012 - 12:47 PM, said:

They should incorporate some of the dropship features from Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. Imo that game had it right. After that... it just went downhill from there, less options for customization, less availability of mechs, very liniear quest/storyline (no option to do your own thing or do side quests or continue the story. I do hope they incorporate in detail salvageable materials.

yep this is definitly what the punters want... transport costs and such will keep a good flow of cash through the game and allow the devs to control the economy better by adjusting transport costs to inflate or deflate the internal cash situation. having multible overheads which are adjustable by the devs will give the whole roleplay aspect a real edge, just think of how you feel about taking a job with high loyaly points reward and xp if it's only just (or maybe not even) cover your operating costs. that will really be the mark of a good commander.

#20 Waylandx


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 01:57 PM

Droping and Poping! ;)

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