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Dev Blog 4 - Role Warfare (Cont.)


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#201 GHQCommander


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 11:42 AM

View PostBrigand, on 21 March 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:

Already see it.
1. Go into battlefield with friend
2. Set up "move to" order within 5m of him
3. Receive same order from him
4. Move and gain reward
5. Repeat
Team? Screw these losers

Also, for maximising team experience gain, every member of a team should be a commander and set up as much orders through command console as they can during the round. Does that sound like exactly the end result you'd want?

When I first read about roles in WMO, I was very excited. But I still do not see, how devs will control role distribution among players and 'mechs. And how they will avoid mages with two-handers and towershields, if you understand what I mean.

I think a lot of you are talking as if you MUST play within your role or be under another players command.

I would be very surprised if that is the case or even if your teamed that your team must play in that way. I think what is being laid out is that a player can take on a role and make the best of that role when they want. When someone asks them to do so, a friend or guild member.

Where 2 commanders exist on a team. Won't it be as simple as the one with higher XP or the teams originally leader (the one inviting other players, could be a scout) designating which is the commander.

I think this is being looked at from a human point of view too much and due to the fact we have not yet seen the interface no one can really picture how much the software will handle things. It is safe to assume, they will not leave it 100% down to the community to put roles into effect and not everyone on a team will find there is enough mission objectives for the role to be shared. So they are just another shooter on the team.

That is how I picture it folks.

#202 Bravo Walker


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 09:36 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 03 February 2012 - 11:00 AM, said:

Commander Skills:
  • • Order View – Allows the pilot to right click and request friendly BattleMechs to attack or defend areas/objectives on the BattleGrid
  • • Command View – Provides a layer of information over the BattleGrid including objectives and any intelligence information passed back by scout Mechs on the front line
  • • Call Air Strike – Calls in an air strike that does AOE damage in a straight line
  • • Call Artillery – Calls in a land based artillery bombardment on to a target area
  • • Call Naval Bombardment – Calls in Naval artillery bombardment that has a larger and more powerful result than regular artillery
  • • Call UAV – Calls a UAV that passes overhead of the battlefield and relays ALL enemy positions to the command pilot
  • • Call Predator Drone – Drops a heavy explosive device on a targeted area
  • • Call Satellite Sweep – Full detail information is passed to the command pilot including enemy location/direction/speed
  • • Danger Close – A short range radar detection system that lets the command pilot know of any nearby enemy BattleMech

With all of these intel skills available to the commander (or any mech, really), how do you balance them against the scout/recon role mechs? Not trying to troll, but it seems like these skills replace the need for recon mechs to go out and collect info. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the intel skills?

Also, I'm getting Image Not Founds on all of the images in these dev blog posts.

#203 Mark of Caine


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 08:14 PM

The more I read, the more I am loving the different roles. This will definitely immerse players in the realism of tactical warfare. You either fight as a team or die on your own.

#204 rta


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 08:21 PM

Looking really nice

#205 NeonKnight


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:01 AM

I do hope in the final version people get XP for damage assists like in BF3. Would totally suck the big fuzzies to spend time working an enemy mech over for an ally to then swoop in and fire the killing blow and then get all the XP for effectively "kill stealing".

#206 Thoth


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:36 AM


I was wondering if the Legendary Founder icon would show up. This is getting exciting!

#207 Delthius


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Posted 22 June 2012 - 03:17 PM

Awesome, can't wait to customize my spec!

#208 Hawker


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Posted 24 June 2012 - 06:29 AM

I'm not liking the need to play various variants of the same mech just to unlock tiers. I would rather instead have to pilot different mechs in the same weight class to unlock those tiers.

Also, concerning the JJ tier, what are they going to replace it with? I think it is better to remove it than replace it, otherwise non-JJ mechs would get a better stat on something else important.

And lastly as I sort of posted this in the other thread, the adds from the tiers should be static not percentages, otherwise mechs with really good attributes will be getting an additional boost. Lets take heat sinks for example. Extremely important and very effective. I am going to use easy numbers here... if you have a mech with 30 heat dissipation and one with 10 dissipation, and say they both have 10% extra due to tiering, then the 30 heat mech becomes a 33 while the 10 becomes 11. That is a pretty sizeable difference as that is 300% increase one over the other (3 to 1) in additional heat dissipation even though they are both getting a 10% increase.

The other way is if say you gained 1 extra dissipation at the highest tiering, then the guy with 10 heat initially will get more bang for his buck than the guy with 30, but they both only gained 1 extra heat. Not too imbalancing, whereas 3 sounds a bit much to me in comparison to the other guy only getting 1. Just my thoughts on percentages verses static attributes.

#209 Dragon Lady


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Posted 28 June 2012 - 05:47 PM

Now I'm getting a "no image found" error for this Dev Blog :P

#210 Teirdome


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Posted 05 July 2012 - 09:38 AM

View PostDragon Lady, on 28 June 2012 - 05:47 PM, said:

Now I'm getting a "no image found" error for this Dev Blog ;)

I'm getting the same. Could we get the images restored? Purty please?

#211 Dimestore


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 01:03 AM

Loving this skills/enhancements system.

#212 Feyd Rautha


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:26 AM

Honestly, I am fearful that the artillery barrage and airstrike options for the commander tree will be overly spammed in most games. I surely hope that PGI figures out a way to incorporate that WITHOUT the ability to spam...

#213 Kniesser


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 03:14 PM

View PostBravo Walker, on 13 June 2012 - 09:36 AM, said:

With all of these intel skills available to the commander (or any mech, really), how do you balance them against the scout/recon role mechs? Not trying to troll, but it seems like these skills replace the need for recon mechs to go out and collect info. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the intel skills?

Also, I'm getting Image Not Founds on all of the images in these dev blog posts.

from what i read the scout class has several skills that give info that the command class doesn't have. the command class skills seem to be more for locating and relaying general infomation about the battlefeild, (hence the name command class) and calling strikes, while the scout class can gain more detailed information about enemy mechs and relay that information back to the command and assault classes

#214 CW Roy


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:49 PM

I like for people to be on equal footing and not having levelling up bonuses like CoWapooty. Previous MechWarriors were certainly just fine without, with their problems stemming from the mechs and weapons themselves. I mean I love the sound of what the devs have done with different mechs' speeds already, and I feel that scouts can scout and fighters can fight without all of these bonuses.

Though once I see the game I may start to appreciate the added depth? I'll leave that as a maybe but probably not. I certainly will not hate it, at least.

Edited by CW Roy, 10 July 2012 - 08:50 PM.

#215 Jiri Starrider


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Posted 11 July 2012 - 12:29 PM

Pics can be found on the Blog post.

Question regarding the below pic and the Founders mechs. As stated here the Founders are "Prime" Variants. Is that Variant A on the below chart? Or do Variants A, B, C, etc. stem from the prime? If so does EXP earned on the prime count as EXP earned as if you were using Variant A, B, C, etc.?

Posted Image

#216 Paralax


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Posted 11 July 2012 - 05:44 PM

  • • Null Signature System – Allows the pilot to appear shut down for 5 seconds


#217 MMax


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 08:55 AM

What about kicking and punching?

#218 Shammus


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Posted 24 July 2012 - 07:01 PM

The command role has some powerful skills, but with great power comes great responsibility Too much for me I think I will be going with something less stressful scout or defender.

#219 Steelpredator


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Posted 19 August 2012 - 07:22 AM

What made a game like Diablo I+II ( im not talking of III) so immensely popular and gathered a huge crowd ?

IMO Customization.....

What sense would have made said diablo when your hero after weeks of fighting still wields a fruit knife and a trashcan lid for a shield and still doesnt know how to put the pointy end toward the enemy......

Every player strove to gain items which made his chars better or special or whatever. The "one more trip down to get that missing flawed yellow gem or a better weapon..". The point is (most) players need achievments and gimmicks to tinker with and flesh out their char/mech.
It added flavor to a game and - at least for me - prolonged the fun i had with it considerably.

Other players may ignore that and get that exp as a byproduct and may even not spend a single point of it. But hey that is your Decision to make.

Basically it is the fear of getting outclassed by the hardcore grinders, isnt it ? Well most casual players - including me - in such a competitive game will have fun but undoubtly are only popcorn for the "pros", no ? So whats new...

But dont take this "tools of fun" away from the many for whose it means so much !

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