Over the last couple of months, the Hiring Hall has provided many of our units with excellent new recruits. With the number of potential recruits and Hiring Hall thread pages ever increasing, I hope you’ll agree that it’s in our collective benefit to keep the Hall as clean as possible. That being said, I’d like to remind everyone of the 3 basic rules of the Hiring Hall:
#1 No spam. If you see someone you like pm them rather than post in this thread. It will help avoid clutter.
#2 If hired please delete your post, otherwise you may continue to receive offers.
#3 No hassle, there is no control on what goes on in this thread or outside, but that can't stop people being banned by mods and admins for abuse.
Adding to that, I hope you all agree that once a recruit has been taken in, leaving his post up instead of deleting it, purely for the purpose of extra publicity to his new unit, is kinda ‘not done’. It is somewhat commendable, but that’s why we all have our separate recruitment threads and why we PM suitable candidates that post in the Hall.
To help getting rid of all these 'excess posts', I went thought the entire HH and made a list of all recruits who have been taken in by a unit but did not delete their posts or left them as ‘sneak publicity’, and organized them alphabetically. I also added the relevant page of the HH.
If you don’t know how to delete your posts, just click the 'delete' button at the bottom of your post, and once the pop-up appears, click 'remove'. Easy as pie. Remember, this is not a ‘name and shame’ (as I’m sure a lot of you plain forgot about your posts) but a potential measure to keep the HH clean and concise.
P.S. For the forumwarriors out there: deleting your post does NOT decrease your post count.

Without further ado:
Animouse03 (p.26 - House Jurai)
Arincorn (p.36 - ???)
Arselem DeAvernon (p.27 - ???)
Atimar (p.36 - Widowmakers)
Aznpersuasion89 (p.23 - Dark Sabres)
Banjo Diablo (p.46 - ???)
Berkzerker (p.21 - Death’s Hand Brigade)
Boarneges (p.21 - ???)
Bone Machine (p.6 - Skjaldborg)
Booglysnot (p.54 - ???)
Bosie (p.25 - Bravo Whiskey Charlie)
Bryan Kasigi (p.9 - Cerberus Garde)
Chief Thunder (p.34 - Area51 Gaming)
Chip Geek (p.28 - Bravo Whiskey Charlie)
Chromoid (p.20 - Bravo Whiskey Charlie)
Conora Lance (p.3 - ???)
Cricher (p.33 - ???)
Darkshadowz (p.30 - ???)
Darren Hawke (p.21 - 1st Blackburn Raiders)
Davoke (p.19 - The Templars)
DeathDealer 6 (p.27 - Armageddon Unlimited)
Deblin Thrake (p.27 - The Templars)
Dhirvish (p.20 - House Jurai)
Dork (p.33 - ???)
Durz (p.11 - Gray Death Legion?)
Epitaph (p.42 - The Remnant)
Falcore (p.16 - Skye Rangers)
Fingerhut (p.35 - ???)
fireprince (p.27 - Black Widow Company)
Flapdrol (p.52 - Ghost Warriors Brigade)
Flawless (p.4 - Skye Rangers)
fluffypinkbunny (p.27 - Skjaldborg)
Fomorian (p.9 - 1st Robinson Rangers)
FoxFang (p.13 - 1st Fox Dragoons)
Fros7bite (p.17 - Equestria Royal Guard)
Glory (p.36 - Steel Jaguar)
Grendel408 (p.44 - ???)
GreySpear (p;46 - Templars)
hashiman (p.14 - Black Widow Company)
Haven (p.31 - ???)
i am a bore (p.28 - Area51 Gaming)
Jacob Soloman (p.42 - ???)
Johnny Pheonix (p.4 - Black Widow Company)
JohnnyTruant (p.31 - ???)
Kandorr (p.34 - Bravo Whiskey Charlie)
Karn Evil (p.4 - Skjaldborg)
Krul (p.5 - 1st Robinson Rangers)
Krush Kill N Destroy (p.48 - ???)
Kyle Kerns (p.4 - Armageddon Unlimited)
Lagfest (p.41 - Heavy Metal Brigade)
Leshzor (p.45 - Greyhounds)
LiquidBHK (p.46 - Australian Mech Corps)
Lt Kyos (p.43 - ???)
Maniac (p.45 - Bravo Whiskey Charlie)
Marineballer (p.50 - 12th Donegal Guards)
Masked Usagi (p.25 - Dark Sabres)
Mautty the Bobcat (p.7 - Dawnstar Wolves)
Mindtrick (p.24 - Steel Jaguar)
MinionJoe (p.23 - ???)
Mirakuu (p.26 - The Templars)
monev (p.25 - Heavy Metal Brigade)
Mordegald (p.1 - Armageddon Unlimited)
Motoko (p.7 - Wolf Spiders)
MrDoggss (p.18 - Skye Rangers)
Neo160 (p.39 - The Templars)
OmegaBronze (p.31 - Area51 Gaming)
Oswin Aurelius (p.2 - Equestria Royal Guard)
Phifty (p.30 - Area51 Gaming)
Program 024 (p.12 - ???)
Pyriel Ward (p.17 - Luna Wolves)
QuantumStorm (p.19 - The Templars)
Rabbit Blacksun (p.5 - Sea Wolves)
Rayge (p.7 - CReddit)
Rhyshaelkan (p.31 - Bravo Whiskey Charlie)
Rommello (p.52 - Ghost Warriors Brigade)
Rowan duMartre (p.28 - ???)
Salesninja (p.4 - The Templars)
Serpent 6 (p.24 - Midnight Cobras)
sev922 (p.22 - The Templars)
SGT Unther (p.28 - Armageddon Unlimited)
Silme (p.24 - The Templars)
SilverWolf (p.5 - ???)
Sipher Mashai (p.49 - Greyhounds)
Sirth (p.30 - 1st Mechanized Infantry)
Solis Obscuri (p.5 - Skjaldborg)
SoulReaver DA (p.5 - Dark Alliance)
Tarrasque (p.24 - The Templars)
Taw Jackson (p.8 - 1st Robinson Rangers)
The Outlaw Kazzen (p.32 - ???)
Tiburon (p.1 - ???)
Trireaper (p.6 - Black Widow Company)
vaughn blackleg (p.23 - ???)
VTenebrus (p.44 - ???)
Walter Soebchak (p.4 - 3-7 CAD)
WolfDragon Ghost (p.8 - ???)
wwiiogre (p.8 - ???)
Zetawulf (p.46 - ???)
ZinnNasty (p.51 - Ghost Warriors Brigade)
Hiring Hall Link
Edited by David Decoster, 01 October 2012 - 10:30 AM.