A: Sadly, no. If/when we add the UrbanMech does that count? [Garth]
Q: How often can we expect new chassis and maps to be released, during open beta and "going live"? [TrashcanDan]
A: We plan to release a minimum of one new BattleMech design + variants per month. Our goal is to produce 2 a month post launch. Maps take much longer to develope, around 3 months. We expect to release maps on a regular cadence starting in late October. If you averaged it out, probably 6 maps + variants per year. Currently we are working on alternate versions of the 4 announced maps and two new maps, desert and something unannounced. [BRYAN]
Q: Are there plans to (eventually) allow the Ultra AC-5 to change fire-rates between the "standard" (1x) ROF and the "Ultra-mode" (2x) ROF via a player toggle? [Strum Wealh]
A: We have a plan in place for it that is similar to what you've said, but slightly different. Expect experienced pilots to run into less problems with it than newer ones

Q: Have you guys had thoughts of having different throttles? [ALackOfLife]
A: Yes, we do have plans for different styles. Can't speak to what exactly they are, however. [Garth]
Q: Will a premium account be needed to form a merc corps or lance? [Buckminster]
A: Absolutely not. [Garth]
Q: when will u guys be announcing the date of when open beta starts cause summer is almost over and school starts soon and id like to play this soon [Spartans]
A: I think you can count on a pretty big deal being made

Q: in all seriousness, have you put the creation of new mechs on hold? [Riin Suul]
A: Not at all, however we did take time out of our schedule to harden (a game dev term). We spent a few weeks revamping skins, animations, and fixed a lot of bugs ahead of our Open Beta date. In the queue are the Raven and Cicada, both nearing completion. The Cataphract is now in early stages of modeling and texturing. [BRYAN]
Q: Can you confirm that for fun the devs get in groups, drop against each other in nothing but special mech variants with all ballistics slot, load up a ton of machine guns and run around laughing? [Veliah Truard]
A: We make some pretty crazy variants. All flamers, all machine guns, XL engines for Atlas races, pretty much anything you can think of. The all-Flamer build was pretty hilarious - and lead to the creation of the very first all SRM-6 Catapult. So to sum up - yes, and it is a hell of a lot of fun. [Garth]
Q: Are acceleration and torso twist rates unique to each mech chassis? Example: If I mod a Centurion to travel at 5/8, will it take the same time to get to top speed as a Trebuchet? For that matter, how about a stock Centurion vs. a Catapult? Will the lighter mech accelerate faster? [BarHaid]
A: Each 'Mech is unique, though some react in similar ways. The Hunchback and Centurion both have identical weight/speed ratios, but feel very different when piloted. Generally larger engines in smaller 'Mechs excellerate faster. So you'll go 0-60 almost immediately in a Jenner, but take awhile in a Catapult. [Garth]
Q: How or why do you choose what mechs to add? [Bluetavius]
A: We look at loadouts, speed, tonnage, looks, everything. We try to hit as many different areas as possible, while also including well known Mechs. Our modus operendi is to cover as many playstyles as possible. [Garth]
Q: I doubt this can be answered, but in the reveal trailer you show a Warhammer, Jenner, and an Atlas. The Jenner and Atlas have been announced but not the Warhammer. [Saber Avalon]
A: To be clear, that video was for another planned Mech game set in 3025 - essentially MechWarrior 5. This game is MechWarrior Online, and thus has little to do with the earlier planning, other than they are both set in the BattleTech universe. [Garth]
Q: Do you plan on have Quads in the near future or is it a long time off? [Skylarr]
A: At this point - no. The reason being that we would need to make entirely new (and widely considered the most difficult) animations for them. Also, they require entirely different pathing due to being much wider and longer of 'foot'. So basically, a lot of work for less gain than a bi-pedal 'Mech. That said, I do like them, and hope that at a later date we have the time and resources to add at least a couple. [Garth]
Q: How much time do you plan on investing torward damage models? Example if the right torso is blown out on a hunchback will this be visable or do we have to take our eyes off the battlefield to look at our hud to get an idea? [PropagandaWar]
A: Most things are really obvious - some Mechs, due to shape, can make it a little tough to tell if it's missing an arm, or if it's missing a torso side and an arm (IE. The Dragon), though with others it's very obvious (the Centurion.) So we put a lot of work into it, and 95% of the time you can glance at an enemy Mech and see most of the major damage. [Garth]
Q: Atlai or Atlases? Which Devs in the Devsphere like which better? [Mason West]
A: I follow Atlai, though I can't speak for everyone else. I imagine it's a pretty even spread. [Garth]
Q: Where is BattleMech 16? [Everyone]
A: It’s done. Marketing asked us to save it for something super special. [BRYAN]
Thanks for your questions everyone, and we'll do this again soon!
The MechWarrior Online Team