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[Officially Disbanded As Of 04/06/2014] 312Th Black Trident Regiment

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#1581 Skylarr


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 01:12 AM


"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want."

William Tecumseh Sherman

#1582 Karaglen


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 05:57 AM

A full week off to play games and go skiing was phenomenal. Now it is time to hit the books again. I have 6 exams coming up, 3 on Monday (St. Patricks Day), 2 on Tuesday ( THE FABLED DAY AFTER ST. PATTY's DAY ), and 1 on Wednesday morning. I think I am in trouble...... but I am going to start off with Thermodynamics, Calculus III, and Special Relativity, as these are my Monday exams. Maybe I will be on tonight for some MWO, but today is all business.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.


#1583 Karaglen


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:16 PM

After a full day of studying Thermodynamics, Calculus III, and Special Relativity, with back of the chapter questions, practice exams, and last years study exams, my brain is absolutely fried. Time to relax with a Whiskey Sour, and an evening of gaming.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.


#1584 mdmzero0


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:25 PM

Ohhh thermodynamics, I never did like that.

Have a bump from MarineMechs! o7

#1585 Karaglen


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 07:10 PM

1 1/2 Lances on tonight..... come join us for some fun conversations and possible sync dropping that could end up in 312th vs 312th or us working together..... LETS FIND OUT... COME JOIN US, AND HAVE A GREAT EVENING.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.


#1586 Airbornegully


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 07:53 PM

Just sent you guys an aplication Hopefully will get to drop with you soon

#1587 Karaglen


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 07:26 AM

Oh look, more studying to do today..... I will be thoroughly enjoying the weekend after these exams that were horridly stuffed together. I understand that professors want students to take interest in the classes, and I don't mind having an exam on St. Patrick's Day or the day after. What I do mind though is having 6 exams in 3 days. Oh well nothing i can do but suck it up and get through it. OFF TO HIT THE BOOKS, SEE YOU ALL TONIGHT ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

#1588 Thee Tactician


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:44 AM

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Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

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House Davion

Daily Update: 03/10/2014, Part Two
I have within the last hour and half updated the Facebook Page and Group with new information about our Gaming community. We are still conducting "Open Recruitment" and though our focus has changed with a new Code of Conduct Update, Description, Crests, Lore, Ranking System and more. We have bigger goals in mind for our community in general.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.


Posted Image

Edited by Wolniewski, 10 March 2014 - 11:46 AM.

#1589 Karaglen


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 04:32 PM

Books are away for today.... nearly a full lance tonight. We are restarting our competition training today. With the new Rules, SoP, CoC, Monthly Goals, Ranking System, and Membership Levels, the 312th is starting a fresh. Let us BEGIN THE TRAINING, LET US BRING THE RAIN.... SEE YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!!

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

#1590 IndgoMan


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 05:49 PM

Hey guys enjoying my mechwarrior online today been recently playing with my old guild again 312th black tridents and im loving every bit of it so come on down to 312th.org and come hang out with us and learn a thing or two about us.

#1591 Karaglen


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 05:21 AM

grrrr...... today is going to be a fun day, pulled a muscle this morning, and I have not even been up for 2 hours yet. Maybe this is a sign to go get back in bed.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

#1592 Thee Tactician


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 07:35 AM

Posted Image

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

Posted Image

House Davion

Daily Update: 03/11/2014
So we are making some really good progress in the areas of recruitment and official training, we have some members that had their Official 312th Black Trident Regiment Hoodies sent out to them today. We have had to drop a lot of inactive and old members as we clean house and implement this new approach to our group as established organization of gamers offline and online. (We are still recruiting)


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.


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#1593 Skylarr


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Posted 11 March 2014 - 10:02 AM

View PostKaraglen, on 11 March 2014 - 05:21 AM, said:

grrrr...... today is going to be a fun day, pulled a muscle this morning, and I have not even been up for 2 hours yet. Maybe this is a sign to go get back in bed.

Get Back in bed and gives those PUGS a chance.

#1594 Karaglen


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:32 AM

Back is a little bit better. At least I can get up and move around with minimal discomfort. Hopefully there will be some quality games on MWO today. SEE YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

#1595 Skylarr


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:48 AM


View Postwolf74, on 23 January 2014 - 10:47 PM, said:

Once agian I here by call for March 15-17 to be Pseudo UrbanMech Day.

Urbanmech UM-R60(73) (3025 Model)

Add Endo-Steel to the mech to make up the Differance between the STD60 and STD100 Engines and was able to now Add the 11th heatsink back in to the design so it now as closest to the 3025 Stock UM-R60

or for a More MWO Combat style (If you have the Spider 5k Mastered)
We add Ferro armor Drop the 11th Heat sink and strip a little armor off the left side and Add two more tons of AC10 Ammo
Urbanmech UM-R63 (3050 Model Not possable in MWO at this time)
Lacking the 2nd Energy slot for the Small Pulse

Urbanmech UM-R60L (3025 Model Not possable in MWO at this time)
Not able to Put an AC/20 on a 30 ton mech

C-Bill Cost to you if you (using the Combat style)
$4,242,173 my est Cost

3,976,173 (Smufy est cost)
Cost breakdown
2,452,540 (SDR-5K)
1,073,633 (Components)
1,341,633 (current components)
- 268,000 (stock components)

MWO Notes: They would have to Add the 60-95 Engines in to the game for the UrbanMech who Default Engine in the Min Engine of 60 (MWO Smallest Engine a mech can have is it's [weight x 2 = Min Engine Rating]) The Max engine size would 85 rated.

I a, looking forward to this.

#1596 Thee Tactician


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 07:08 AM

Posted Image

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

Posted Image

House Davion

Daily Update: 03/11/2014
Yesterday was important day personally for myself, I have been playing mechwarrior for over year with a Satellite connection do to not having cable or DSL in my area. I normal sat round 1500 to 1800 in ping and was forced into support roles, that has now changed as I have upgraded to 4G LTE and now have speeds of a little better then DSL. My ping sits at 60 to 30 and well my skills can not show properly. So why do I bring this up? because it has renewed my excitement and commitment not only to be good but to be the best I can be again. My competitive nature has returned and the new direction of this unit is reflecting it.
We have had interesting week as members are getting use to the enforcement of our CC & SP and rank requirements. I won't sugar coat it, we have lost quite few individuals and gain few promising individuals as well. We are look forward to the future as this new established system comes into effect and are looking for individuals that want to be part of it always so check us if you so desire.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.


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#1597 Karaglen


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 08:09 AM

Just finished the morning round of training. We actually had several decent matches now that certain people have a decent internet connection now. More to come this evening. SEE YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

#1598 The Mad Jester


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:51 PM

Usually I make a pun, or a funny story, but instead I'm going to Conncon, 13/16

a gaming convention in Connecticut over the long weekend. I will fight Giant Kaiju

rampage through Dungeons, try new games, and oh, yea..............

Drink a LOT, ;)

Edited by The Mad Jester, 12 March 2014 - 05:52 PM.

#1599 Thee Tactician


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 07:08 AM

Posted Image

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

Posted Image

House Davion

Daily Update: 03/13/2014
We continue to make progress in our Recruitment efforts and Training efforts on daily bases with sechuled Official training for both regular maneuvers and competition level play Style. So what else has happened in sense twenty-four hours again? well the Standard Protocols are up again on the website. The ranking system got its face lift using actual Solveinean military ranks and the Solveinean Military Unit Sizes wore put up to clear up confusion. The Website is paid up for over 10 years, team speak is being paid off slowly for equal.
Then there are few veteran members that have their hoodies being sent to them, the different level of membership for our offline and online organization is almost ready for posting and members have signed up joined. We are looking into an offline event in and round October of 2014. The 50,000 Crests for the Houses, Tribes and Clans are still being developed daily.
Then there is the lore based off of the Original Solveinean lore that the founder has developed and created being ready for posting on the website, along with his novels. He plans to release few chapters from the Battle-tech Alternative Universe he has created and the Original Universe as well. He has considered releasing the Full Solveinean Language both in its Old Solveinean and Modern Solveinean Formats for those that wish to learn to speak it.
We are considering getting our Stream Radio station back upon our website for daily news reports about this gaming Organization/group and more. So a lot of things continue to move forward at a steady pace and improvements are happening daily here.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.


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#1600 Karaglen


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 07:38 AM

STUDY DAY.... YAY! Lots of snow ... been coming down since last night. Hopefully, I will be able to get on MWO tonight. SEE YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

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