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Which Mechs *Need* a Redesign?

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#41 osito


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 03:41 PM

The stalker, jagermech, and the vulcan(looks like its wearing a girdle) need redesign badly. There are also a few that look solid but i would love to see what fd would do with them. those are victor, awesome, warhammer and crusader.

Although i would love to see fd do a ceasar redesign as well. Good weapons mix but the looks could use some work.

#42 Derick Cruisaire


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 03:48 PM

I would like to se a nice redesign of the Dervish as well. The Trebuchet would be cool to see also.

#43 Strum Wealh


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 04:02 PM

View PostNeovenator, on 15 February 2012 - 10:03 AM, said:

When Battletech was released in Japan they had the design of the mechs redrawn for the Japanese audience


While I am generally not a fan of making mechs too 'anime' style I have to say I way prefer the looks of the Ost series of mechs from Japan then the fugly lumps that we got stuck with in TRO3025.

Looking through those... I would expect use of similar design aesthetics to not only send the "anti-humanoid" individuals into seizures, but From Software (as the owners of the Armored Core franchise) might have a thing or two to say about some of them... :)

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#44 El Loco


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 04:34 PM

I must say... the Locust, Wasp, and Ostscout don't look too aweful from their mecha designs^^ The rest made me laugh, thanks for that. I looked up some of the listed 'Mechs... and yes, look at the Stalker or the Ost series and you'll have a hard time not to vomit. Same holds true for Firestarter, Vulcan, Urbie, Wolverine, Battlemaster, Charger, Banshee, Victor, Gargoyle, Nova, etc. etc. So... maybe all 'Mechs need a re-design :)

#45 ice trey


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 05:06 PM

To be honest, I disagree with all of the designs that the opening post listed.

The Banshee's Glasses and grin always looked cool to me. As a kid, it reminded me of a Duke Nukem robot. These days, like Gurren Lagann. Either way, it looks like it wants to rock out - all it's missing is a sweet guitar. My only problem with it is it's pitiful weapons array - easily addressed by the Steiner refits.

The Cyclops, likewise, looks very much like it's namesake. It looks big and bulky, but not so bulky that it stops looking like it's intended role - a computer-heavy command 'mech.

And the Crab, while the legs seem a bit strange, the overall outline of everything hips-up looks pretty cool and streamlined. It kind of reminds me of an F-104 Starfighter.

But as for mechs that really DO need a redesign...
It's got to be said, the Hornet is just god awful looking. It's got the face of an urbie without any of the charisma. You say "Urbanmech", and everybody knows what you're talking about. You say "Hornet", and people twist their faces in confusion.

The Falcon, Likewise, little redeeming about this design, aesthetically. Chopping Block.

The Quickdraw - This one needs it bad. Very bad. There is very little to redeem this 'mech. Too much engine and jump jet for a 60-tonner, ugly design, inadequate armor and weapons in every direction lead to no facing with enough power to do anything. It HAS recieved redesigns in the Experimental TRO series, and it actually looks rather impressive if you get rid of the head and torso-mount the cockpit, but as the design stands, there are not really any redeeming features of the 'mech, and few of the refits make it worth taking.

And of course, the Wyvern really could use a facelift, too. If you think that people complain too much about the Hunchback or Centurion being too humanoid on this board, wait 'till they get a load of the Wyvern. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone using this design. It really doesn't excel at anything, and it looks like some sort of cousin of C-3P0. Couple it with an Urbie for an homage to Star Wars, though.

That should be it - at least in the terms of 3025/3050 'mechs.

Edited by ice trey, 15 February 2012 - 05:06 PM.

#46 tacobellkiller


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 05:11 PM

I've always loved the Annihilator's load-outs and concept but it has always been weird looking and could use a fix up.

#47 Rhinehart


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 06:56 PM

One Mech I was dissapointed in visually was the MW4 Black Knight. I would love to see this get an FD makeover more in line with the original art concept updated to his specs. The MW4 always looked to me like somebody tried to strap a couple of egg cartons or boxcars on the arms. I guess because they turned it into an updated Omnimech version they thought it needed pod style weapon mounts, which I can understand, but I never realy cared much for the re-model. I always thought that if any Mech ought to look like a human wearing techno armor, the Black Knight should qualify. Would love to see FD do a treatment on this one.



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Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:05 PM

I really like how cyclops looks.
Not a fan of bushwacker.

#49 GreenHell


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:17 PM


#50 Cur


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:32 PM

Anything that has two humanoid legs, two humanoid arms and a head.

IE Commando, Wolverine... and many more....

#51 Big Willie


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Posted 15 February 2012 - 10:31 PM

I actually like the Cyclops, but I think FlyingDebris could give it a nice face lift.
I hope the Zeus makes it, and I hope FlyingDebris takes a light touch, this mech is almost perfect as is.

But for horrible looking mechs:
The Vulcan came up on a pole. I absolutely hope this mech is NOT included, and if it is, then it definately needs a facelift.
I would love to see an updated Grasshopper. A great mech that could use some love
The Stalker is another one that is a good design, but failed style.
I actually like the Assassin, but I think few minor stylistic touches could make it a standout mech.
And of course with the absense of the unseen, the Dervish is left alone to carry the 55 ton mantel and thus needs a facelift

#52 Adridos


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Posted 16 February 2012 - 04:30 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 15 February 2012 - 04:02 PM, said:

Looking through those... I would expect use of similar design aesthetics to not only send the "anti-humanoid" individuals into seizures, but From Software (as the owners of the Armored Core franchise) might have a thing or two to say about some of them... :)

COM-2D Commando


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View PostStrum Wealh, on 15 February 2012 - 04:02 PM, said:

Looking through those... I would expect use of similar design aesthetics to not only send the "anti-humanoid" individuals into seizures, but From Software (as the owners of the Armored Core franchise) might have a thing or two to say about some of them... :P

COM-2D Commando


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They copyied some of FASA original work. How rude of them. ^_^

Edited by Adridos, 16 February 2012 - 04:30 AM.

#53 DaZur


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Posted 16 February 2012 - 05:52 AM

View PostDomoneky, on 15 February 2012 - 09:18 AM, said:

I'd like to see a Zeus redesign

BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Actually, while I really like the Zeus in it's present form..(Duh?) I am very excited to see what PGI does with it's reboot design. In my minds-eye I see them removing the mix of curved and angular surfaces and going with a harder, more geometric design. (Does that make sense?) and loading it with slabs of armor similar to the Centurion reboot.

#54 Exploding Boy


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Posted 16 February 2012 - 08:01 AM

View PostGrimJim, on 15 February 2012 - 10:03 AM, said:

I think Justin Nelson in the Steiner XTRO got it most right with the redo of Kevin Long's version. Ppl would play that all day.


Agreed, the XTRO version looks a bit better for sure.
I do like the Banshee (especially the newer variants), but those sunglasses in the orignal art...

#55 Phos


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 08:51 PM

View PostNeovenator, on 15 February 2012 - 10:03 AM, said:

When Battletech was released in Japan they had the design of the mechs redrawn for the Japanese audience


While I am generally not a fan of making mechs too 'anime' style I have to say I way prefer the looks of the Ost series of mechs from Japan then the fugly lumps that we got stuck with in TRO3025.

Man, I see so much Armored Core in these designs, they must have gotten the same guy who does most of the AC part designs for Armored Core.

#56 Zarkan


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 10:12 PM

A good redesign keep the character of the 'mech whilst up dating them but honestly aside from the desgins not being to my taste (for instance I hate practically every first run spindally *** battlemechs the clans got) many simply suffer from their TRO images having horrible horrible perspective choices.

#57 osito


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 11:04 PM

View PostDihm, on 15 February 2012 - 09:42 AM, said:

Anything that starts with "Ost"

I agree on this one. While i like the ost mechs capabilities i cant stand to look at them. Also on the list is the trebuchet. have you looked at this mech....yikes.

#58 Neo-Buzzard


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Posted 13 March 2012 - 11:06 PM

Can someone say "Trashcan"
I'll be okay with it if they use the design from MW4, but the original needs a rework bad. I love the black knight but it just looks so bad.

Then you have this
It just looks weird.

And lastly
I dont think it looks bad, but knowing how popular this mech is, they should give it some special love before/if they add it to the game

#59 Hans Von Lohman


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 02:29 AM

The damn Stalker needs some help. It doesn't fire the imagination at all, and frankly looks so silly that I immediately re-designed it by doodling in my schoolbooks instead of listening to the teachers that schoolyear I got the 3025 book.

I get the feeling that the guys here at MWO are going to avoid the 16 "unseen" mechs completely, which is a crying shame.

#60 Hans Von Lohman


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Posted 14 March 2012 - 02:35 AM

P.S. I would avoid trying to make them look like Japanese Mecha. The Japanese love to design machines that look like Samurai, or at least they love big shoulders, big kneepads, and big feet.

Yeah, I know the concept of a giant robot is actually silly if you think about it logically, but if we're going that route, then I tend to prefer to be on the plausible side of the scale. In other words make them look like stuff you see in the real world army (with legs and arms) and not like the overpowered things we used to drawn when we were 6 years old when nothing but power mattered, and US battleship was better because it now had 8 guns per turret, and definitely had ot have at least 20 turrets.

Edited by Hans Von Lohman, 14 March 2012 - 02:54 AM.

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