metro, on 07 July 2013 - 07:25 PM, said:
role playing and trying to establish something that MAY or MAY NOT exist..... = Lunacy.
Oh wait! Lunacy gets you digital gaming points, err members, err recruits....err Burp.
MWO hasnt even, determined St Ives in game seperately or as part of the CCAF.
If they go the sure have wasted more than the six months you disappeared....trying to get this circus, a ring master.
Insane......repeating actions hoping for different results.
Have a gin and tonic, you will benefit more.
Hows that mumble channel working out for you. We are getting multiple were REMOVED.
Repetitive rambling ya the boot?
tsk tsk
Oh metro, is this one of those cries for help you're so famous for?
Here let me spell this out for you in ways you can understand.
GDVC is accepted as far as any of us goons are concerned forever and ever. mi casa su casa
Now if you dont accept this, but try to discredit our relationship,
well it just makes you look petty as you usually do.
Now do us a favor and go back to CCAF and drop with the 3-4 guys who are still left for you. : )