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St. Ives Compact

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#161 Kaio-Kerensky x10


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Posted 07 July 2013 - 10:22 PM

View Postmetro, on 07 July 2013 - 07:25 PM, said:

Hows that mumble channel working out for you. We are getting multiple reports....you were REMOVED.

What are you talking about? Everyone in WOL is totally cool with GDVC members crashing on our couch. They're always welcome in our public channels, and they've been well-behaved, incredibly chill mechbros.

#162 fil5000


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:20 AM

There's a very, very, very small list of people that aren't allowed on our mumble. The GDVC guys and gals are not on it.

#163 Ohsh


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:21 AM

View Postmetro, on 07 July 2013 - 07:25 PM, said:

role playing and trying to establish something that MAY or MAY NOT exist..... = Lunacy.

Oh wait! Lunacy gets you digital gaming points, err members, err recruits....err Burp.

MWO hasnt even, determined St Ives in game seperately or as part of the CCAF.

If they go the latter....you sure have wasted more than the six months you disappeared....trying to get this circus, a ring master.

Insane......repeating actions hoping for different results.

Have a gin and tonic, you will benefit more.

Hows that mumble channel working out for you. We are getting multiple reports....you were REMOVED.

Repetitive rambling there....got ya the boot?

tsk tsk

Oh metro, is this one of those cries for help you're so famous for?

Here let me spell this out for you in ways you can understand.

GDVC is accepted as far as any of us goons are concerned forever and ever. mi casa su casa

Now if you dont accept this, but try to discredit our relationship,

well it just makes you look petty as you usually do.

Now do us a favor and go back to CCAF and drop with the 3-4 guys who are still left for you. : )

#164 Kaio-Kerensky x10


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Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:31 AM

Let me put a finer point on it.

Any pubbies are welcome on houseliaoactual. You have to be an absolutely tremendous shitlord to get any response other than a bunch of goons gathering around to marvel at your stupidity or mock you for same. Assuming you aren't here to favor us with hours-long rants about technocracy or whatever, you're completely welcome. We don't have bans on a hair trigger.

That minimum standard aside, GDVC have been incredibly good guests that we'd house indefinitely, if they didn't want to do their own thing, and we've been supporting them in setting up their own mumble server. Hell, they've even been good sports about the goon tendency to poke fun at roleplayers, and in turn they've made sure to remind us not to get mad at robots when we're taking MWO a little too seriously.

So no. Not only have they not been thrown out, but they are honored guests who are welcome back anytime.

#165 Sabbathiel


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 07:58 AM

Hello. we have our temp website up!!! woohoo and our TS server.

Stop by and visit us all are welcome!



#166 gwarm


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 08:11 AM

View Postmetro, on 07 July 2013 - 07:25 PM, said:

role playing and trying to establish something that MAY or MAY NOT exist..... = Lunacy.

Oh wait! Lunacy gets you digital gaming points, err members, err recruits....err Burp.

MWO hasnt even, determined St Ives in game seperately or as part of the CCAF.

If they go the latter....you sure have wasted more than the six months you disappeared....trying to get this circus, a ring master.

Insane......repeating actions hoping for different results.

Have a gin and tonic, you will benefit more.

Hows that mumble channel working out for you. We are getting multiple reports....you were REMOVED.

Repetitive rambling there....got ya the boot?

tsk tsk

hey mate I'm thinking about joining up can ya send me a pm

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