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Founders Extension

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#41 eR Spectre


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 07:01 AM

View PostIllydth, on 13 September 2012 - 01:37 PM, said:

Having been in many betas and even a closed alpha test or two what you're asking for isn't typical. It's generally not good practice to annoy your customers and segregate your populations. What "special tags" do is make people say "I'm better than you are because I have this tag and you don't."

Very well... That "special tag" (founders tag) does not mean "I'm better than you are because I have this tag and you don't". It means "I did something for this game as well as for other players". Tag does not segregate population, only in some minds.

I really do NOT think that the extend founders twice just because they are selling well is right - it's kind of unfair for those who bought founders in "first wave".

View PostIllydth, on 13 September 2012 - 01:37 PM, said:

Open Beta is not here yet, you're still paying into an "unknown", it's not "try before you buy" right now it's still pay up front. While it may not be AS BIG of a risk as you, we, whoever took putting out 40, 60 or 120$ 2 months ago, it's still a risk...I guess, even though I'm one of them who would benefit from a "special tag", I just don't see the need.

Its not about open or closed beta - its about that the sale of founders should end long time age, maybe only founder accounts upgrade could be still available.
Pup money to this game now is not a big risk, not anymore. There is enought video gameplay footage, screenshots (and yes there are NDA breaks as well) . Try to compare current situation with situation one or two months ago and you will see there is huge difference.

View PostIllydth, on 13 September 2012 - 01:37 PM, said:

You're a founder, you helped the game grow and develop and become what it is now...why is that not enough? Did you post bug fixes or suggestions on the forums? Did you test things and note where problems occured? Did you throw out ideas to assist in making the game better?

Yes I did, yes I did and yes I did. Did you?


Devs sold the founders with the tags and other bonuses - there was this deal:
We put money to this game only becouse we believed in this game, and devs gave us those founders tags and other stuff as reward. But now - its not reward, not anymore. The founders are just common article.

Do you see the difference? Founders should be (and they were) reward for something (in this case for affiance), not just a commodity (becuase its not anymore about affiance as well there is no risk... "new" founders know exactly what are they buying).

#42 Faolan65


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 09:29 AM

So now with a third round of Founders, would that make the original Founders, the Founder's Founder's Founders?
Perhaps with every round of founders, the previous founders should get a bump in perks.
Being that we did stick our neck out there before much was known about MWO. I hate for that to come out sounding elitist, but otherwise, if everybody gets to buy into founders, then everybody will have the perks and whats the point of a perk if everyone has it, at that point it'd just be a standard feature.
My understanding of the Founders Program is that it is essentially a "thank you" for taking the gamble in believing in PGI, and essentially crowd-sourcing some development capital. That's fine if more people want to take that gamble too, and show thier support with their money, by all means they should get a "thank you" as well. But the gamble is not nearly as big as it was for the first founders. So for that, the Original Founders should have a bigger "thank you".
Its the same way when companies go public, the original stock holder's shares are worth a lot more than what than what they sell to everyone else.

Basically what Im saying is, I think its great that there are a lot more people out there who want to gamble and support PGI by buying a Founders and they should be thanked accordingly, but it shouldn't cheapen the original's "thank you" who took the bigger gamble. PGI should bump the originals to balance that effect.

I re-read what I just wrote and I hate that it sounds elitist, but its just my 2 cents......

Edited by Faolan65, 14 September 2012 - 09:29 AM.

#43 Kadoogan


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 10:24 AM

I agree with Faolan65, and don't think this is a matter of being pretentious or elitist. Most of the Founders took a huge chance by signing up based on some concept art and a trailer video. If everyone is special, no one is special....

#44 Ticlet


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:30 PM

Build a bridge and get over it guys a gamble is a gamble, whether its one month or 2 months stop whining about a bunch of pixels.

#45 Faolan65


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 11:58 PM

View PostTiclet, on 14 September 2012 - 11:30 PM, said:

Build a bridge and get over it guys a gamble is a gamble, whether its one month or 2 months stop whining about a bunch of pixels.

I'm def not talking about a badge of recognition, I'm talking about the perks. If there is a large population of players getting pay and xp bumps, then it cheapens the effect.

#46 Codename Crimson


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 02:04 AM

The same way as the Operation Exodus was based on faith and loyalty, our participation in founders program arises from loyalty and devotion to BattleTech and MechWarrior & faith in PGI to accomplish such important for all of us project.

I don`t think a purchase of beta access and some ingame goodies should now be awarded with a Founder recognition.

#47 Naskoni


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 03:32 AM

The simple truth of the matter is they spit on their word for a cash grab. The End.

#48 CCCP1973


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 06:54 AM

View PostNaskoni, on 15 September 2012 - 03:32 AM, said:

The simple truth of the matter is they spit on their word for a cash grab. The End.

Nevertheless, the more founders will complain, the sooner Devs will End The Foundersale.

Dear Devs, why not to rename sale packages and just to sell premium and premium mechs for the very same amounts of cash (30-60-120)?

N.B. The whole community will show you disrespect if you wont stop Foundersale before Open Beta starts.

From Russia with Love,

#49 ORIGINAL SteelWolf


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 08:38 PM

Those that praise you one day can turn on you in the drop of a hat.

#50 Sabbathiel


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Posted 18 September 2012 - 05:56 AM

Good Luck New Founders, Join House Liao. Good takey outey. =]

Fight with honor!


#51 Culdee


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Posted 18 September 2012 - 04:55 PM

I would buy a Founder's Package, but the official System Specs have yet to be determined. I don't want to pay $120 for an Elite Founder's Package if the game isn't even going to run smoothly on my system.

I searched the forums, and I can't seem to find a general consensus on what a reasonable estimate as to what sufficient System Specs would be. :/

Edited by Culdee, 18 September 2012 - 04:56 PM.

#52 eR Spectre


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 12:39 AM

View PostCuldee, on 18 September 2012 - 04:55 PM, said:

I would buy a Founder's Package, but the official System Specs have yet to be determined. I don't want to pay $120 for an Elite Founder's Package if the game isn't even going to run smoothly on my system.

This is exactly what I'm talking about... No one of the founders (at least from the first wave) knew anything about system specs and many aspects of the game itself. And even so they are decided to take this risk and buy founders account - this is difference about founders and other players. So if you need certainty - you are NOT ready to be a founder.

#53 Wormhole


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 08:05 AM

ok so i bought the founders pack. how long untill its active in game?

#54 Landeraxe


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 12:37 PM

I got the Legendary Founder's Package the first week (if not day) it was available. It kind of gets me down hearing all of these other founders saying "we want different icons because we bought first".

Come on, guys, we should be celebrating the fact that more players want to be founders. I for one welcome them, as equals, because that is what they are. Don't get all caught up in the details of who purchased when, and look down at others who also want to support the game later than you did. Welcome them, befriend them, for they share a love for the game that we also love. Them being a part of the game makes it richer, better funded, and better populated. They are your teammates/rivals to be, and they are here before open beta.

Lets have some community goodwill here; we're better than this petty bickering. These are our virtual brothers-in-arms.

#55 Wikkd


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 03:19 PM

So, I bought into the founders set in the second wave. Not because of "vids" or forums or anything certain that was out. I bought the Legendary setup because I like the game and up until then I wasnt aware of it. I have more than one job and am in school so at times, I fall behind on what games are coming out. Im kinda sad to see so many people want "better perks" because they think their $120 bucks is more important or something. Every person that pays into MWO helps make it better, that simple. I dont think I should get any better perks than round 3 founders. I dont expect anything different. Instead of "love for the game and faith" as so many of you are saying you 1st rounded for...it seems more like you did it for perks and advantages.

#56 Master Fubar


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Posted 20 September 2012 - 01:15 AM

Do we have an exact date when the last day to buy the founders pack is yet? I getting worried it might be too late to get it once I can.

#57 M4A1


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Posted 20 September 2012 - 07:19 AM

View PostMaster Fubar, on 20 September 2012 - 01:15 AM, said:

Do we have an exact date when the last day to buy the founders pack is yet? I getting worried it might be too late to get it once I can.

I agree i dont want to have the money the day after i cannot buy it

Edited by M4A1, 20 September 2012 - 07:19 AM.

#58 Zphyr


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Posted 20 September 2012 - 09:53 AM

No we don't. They will announce it when the day comes. Still, if you are thinking of being a founder, better do it quickly or you may risk missing it.

#59 RaNDoMPReCiSioN


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 10:59 AM

View PosteR Spectre, on 14 September 2012 - 07:01 AM, said:

Very well... That "special tag" (founders tag) does not mean "I'm better than you are because I have this tag and you don't". It means "I did something for this game as well as for other players". Tag does not segregate population, only in some minds.

I really do NOT think that the extend founders twice just because they are selling well is right - it's kind of unfair for those who bought founders in "first wave".

Its not about open or closed beta - its about that the sale of founders should end long time age, maybe only founder accounts upgrade could be still available.
Pup money to this game now is not a big risk, not anymore. There is enought video gameplay footage, screenshots (and yes there are NDA breaks as well) . Try to compare current situation with situation one or two months ago and you will see there is huge difference.

Yes I did, yes I did and yes I did. Did you?


Devs sold the founders with the tags and other bonuses - there was this deal:
We put money to this game only becouse we believed in this game, and devs gave us those founders tags and other stuff as reward. But now - its not reward, not anymore. The founders are just common article.

Do you see the difference? Founders should be (and they were) reward for something (in this case for affiance), not just a commodity (becuase its not anymore about affiance as well there is no risk... "new" founders know exactly what are they buying).

Right on brother, I second, third and fourth what you said!
I covered the same topic on the "first wave" and got a stack of smack mouthed kiddies responses. Well done for setting them straight!

#60 Dracher


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 12:02 PM

So I just purchased a Founder's pack. How long does it take to get activated?

That quick huh.... :D

Edited by Dracher, 24 September 2012 - 12:08 PM.

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