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Looking for gamers over 25

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#61 Surtr


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 08:53 PM

I think an age limit is a bit silly, i think attitude is way more important. I'm 22, started playing mw2: mercs at age 7, taught myself 4th edition btech in the fourth grade. I know more about inner sphere history than I do American (slight exaggeration there). I'm also a tactics nerd ;)

#62 Steel Raven


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 09:20 PM

Over 25 is old now? Wow, I made my bones on MW2 while we have gamers who played the original MechWarrior and the Crescent Hawk series on other BT forums. I guess we are the Vets to the few who learned how to pilot a Mech from MechAssault...

#63 Assad


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 10:12 PM

I love the idea of a "mature" group. I am 30, I have been playing the MW series since the very first MW title came out. I recently re-discovered MW Mercs via mektek.net and have been sharpening my skills. Please, hit me up.

I am sort of new to the Online Universe/Community way of gameplay. I am a singleplayer occasional multiplayer guy so I could use some basic familiarization with strategy/ concepts of playing in an online realm. For instance, how large are teams? What does a house allegiance mean? etc....

#64 Joe Mallad


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 11:49 AM

I just wish they would tell us for sure already if we will be able to name our own groups when the game hits or if we have to pick a house unit to play under that is a CANON unit for example. Wither way... Im in. Kurita all the way. By the way, Im 32 and have been playing squad based and online games for 22 years now lol.

#65 KuruptU4Fun


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 04:09 AM

View PostHayashi, on 24 April 2012 - 06:36 AM, said:

Talking mental or physical age here?

Your title implies physical, your elaboration implies mental.

Though I realize the latter does not preclude the former, we all have our preferences when it comes to friends. If I started with the physical, (as an example people who are 6'5" or above) that group would be much smaller.

BTW, everyone who has posted in the positive has been added as friends.

Edited by KuruptU4Fun, 02 May 2012 - 04:11 AM.

#66 Striker1980


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 04:30 AM

It is a shame we can't just have an attitude free group, I'm sure there are lots of younger players out there who are pretty cool, but I know the kind of player you mean.

I got so sick of having played WOT for months and constantly having to put up with idiots who paid for the biggest tank in the game, WROTE EVERYTHING IN CAPITALS! Then either hid in a corner or drove their heavy tank straight into the enemy camp and then spent the rest of the game abusing their team for not just attacking and then proceeding to call everyone n00bz, very saddening.

BTW I'm 31 so I'm very keen to join you guys in a match, I'm a Merc. not a Drac. though ;-)


#67 elfblood


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 04:41 AM

I'm interested. I have been playing Mechwarrior since Mech1.

#68 Hayashi


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 06:38 AM

View PostKuruptU4Fun, on 02 May 2012 - 04:09 AM, said:

Though I realize the latter does not preclude the former, we all have our preferences when it comes to friends. If I started with the physical, (as an example people who are 6'5" or above) that group would be much smaller.

BTW, everyone who has posted in the positive has been added as friends.

Physical, then. In that case I'm not the guy you're looking for. ;)

I thought it was important to ask because there'd be different reasons for either. From a maturity standpoint, mental age is sufficient... and even some people with the necessary physical age may not possess it either. But when we're talking about things in life to relate to and such... certain experiences only come with age, and it's difficult to shortcut that by any method, so mental age would be insufficient for that.

#69 Ursus_Spiritus


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:20 AM

<34 checking in, :P

though my gf might object MUHAHAHA!

As I have gotten older, I have come to see Age is just a number. Life's experiences and a person's where with all, is what defines us as who we are.

It is how we act when we are not "thinking" about how we should that tells our true age.

That, and you are only as old as you feel mentally.

Some of us have far more experience with life's difficulties and challenges long before, or if at all then others by the comparable physical age.

Granted the % is far less in comparison of younger ages. Only time will tell others how "old" = mature one really is.
Yet there are those that are far older and never mentally mature.

Edited by 8100d 5p4tt3r, 04 May 2012 - 05:25 AM.

#70 veretax


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:36 AM

Over 25? Yup, I'd probably qualify, as I'm in my mid 30s. Though I haven't decided what faction I'll support, or if I'll go Merc yet. I'm rather conflicted about it right now :/

#71 Randolfr


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Posted 10 May 2012 - 05:55 AM

Reading this thinking : remember playing Battletech on a 5 1/4 floppy - none of these guys will remember the ol'Cresent hawks ... mighty wrong call there ... glad I'm not the only 34 year old out there!

guess we all are going to have some blowing up to do :D

#72 Azmodon


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 07:31 AM

I'm game, count me in, I'm always up for team play, especially in clan :rolleyes:

#73 JPController


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 07:41 AM

I'll be game.

#74 Arikiel


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 07:42 AM

Didn't the 25th anniversary edition of Battletech come out just last year? You should make it so only people born before the introduction of Battletech are allowed in. :rolleyes:

#75 Grease Stain


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 07:44 AM

definately interested. and soon to be on the wrong side of 40.

Kurita all the way.

Edited by Grease Stain, 14 May 2012 - 07:44 AM.

#76 Gwydion fab Don


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Posted 14 May 2012 - 10:28 AM

Physical age is mid 30s, mental age is solid enough. Love the DCMS and look forward to taking out dishonorable Davion-payrolled mercs as well as the inevitable vatbreeds.

#77 KuruptU4Fun


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 07:32 AM

I'd like to make a suggestion, though I'm in no way making a requirement.

For people who want to join this group I'd suggest signing up for 2old2play.com
(For gamers over the are of 25) It would make it a LOT easier for us to communicate and coordinate times that we can get together.

Here's links to the registration page and the mech forums we could get together at.



I look forward to making a tight knit group of players...

#78 Jakebob


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 07:36 AM

25 qualifies as "too old", huh? The group I game with is mostly over 40.. (with one young whippersnapper who's not quite 30 yet) what are we then? :D

#79 Leon Kousenberg


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 07:42 AM

Me and My friends intend to do a tour of duty with Steiner, But that does not mean Kurita Creds won't be accepted. The Wombat Rangers would be happy to play with any Kurita mechwarriors or against. All of us are over 25 and have a number of years gaming both table top and Roleplaying.

#80 BlackWidow


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 09:14 AM

Count me in!

I'll pop over to your site and take a look. Long before we got married, my best friend, his brother and I used to run Battletech TT games once a month. Marriage and kids (and lets be honest- a whole heaping of Asheron's Call and WOW) kinda killed it for me. But, no greater games times have been had in the last 25 years since then.

I'm 45 now. Even though I can't fit into my old pants anymore, I bet a new mech cockpit would fit just fine.

Always waiting for missile lock.....


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