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The Windborne Raven (Roleplay)

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#301 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 07:49 AM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 14 March 2012 - 06:35 PM, said:

"There's no time. You's hurt. der's an aid kit next to's da hed."

He pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Markus, keep's an eye on him. I's a gotta go, tank's coming."

Durgan watched the man bring the Mech to life then looked over to Markus

"Not much time my name is Durgan, I've been working here a while I know were they keep a small stockpile of weapons here you might find of use come with me."

Durgan waived Markus in a direction further down the garage and then he took off not waiting for the man to follow or not Durgan knew he needed to act fast if he was gonna help his new acquaintances. Durgan reached a large reinforced door on the side of the garage as he opened the keypad and begin entering the code Markus appeared beside him, Durgan didn't pay him much mind for the moment to preoccupied with opening the doors. As Durgan punched in the last number of the code there was a hissing sound and the door cracked open, Durgan began pulling open the door struggling to open it Markus grabbed a end with the two of them the door swung open with ease. The lights in the small cache flickered to life revealing a small arsenal of weapons from small arms all the way up to a portable infantry laser, Durgan walked over to the laser.

"This thing isn't as powerful as whats on that mech of your buddies but it can still pack a wallop, unfortunately I wont be able to lift it with my wounds but if you can take it ill support you"

Durgan stepped away from the laser and instead grabbed a pack filling it with solid plastic explosives, extra clips, clipping a few grenades to the side, and then grabbed a rifle from the shelf.

"We don't have much time there's plenty to choose from here have at I'll meet you out there"

Durgan put on the gear he had grabbed and headed out the doors loading the rifle on his way out. Durgan reached the open door to the garage and scooped out the situation the tank was bearing down pretty hard on them, he noticed a few good spots in and outside of the garage to use as cover especially behind the stockpile of ferro fibrous armor laying around the yard.

#302 guardian wolf


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 07:58 AM

[[Okay here goes, *pops knuckles*.]]
Phiro looked across his right and saw the field below. He had acknowledged the drac's idea and was about to follow through on it. He strained to get his laser communicator to sight in on the Jenner, but then something got his attention. He saw something fly past, it wasn't the drac. As the laser finally connected him to the mech he yelled into it.
"Do not fire we are on your side, WE HAVE BEEN ENGAGED!!!"
He broke left, and accelerated. It was a Sabre.
What the hell is a Delian merc doing with Draconis fighters.
He broke left and started to give chase to the other fighter and noticed that several were already trying to tail the drac, Salaryman. He tailed it as the fighter rolled, then tried to get more sky. As he pulled up, Phiro fired all of his medium lasers, and caught one of the wings. The fighter spun out of control towards the ground. Phiro followed and fired again, causing the Sabre to explode, and turned to get after the other two on Salaryman's tail. Phiro then saw the Delian's Bombardier send another flight of missiles, right at Salaryman. Phiro moved to intercept, and lined up his lasers. They were in close formation, and were flying close together. He fired his lasers, and the missiles went through them exploding as the laserscut through them, and the explosions caused even more of them to detonate. Once done, he went into a vertical dive towards the Bombardier, and opened up with his medium lasers, taking the left LRM rack, out of commision. He then turned to help take care of the last two fighters.

#303 Listless Nomad


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:31 AM

[[I like the addition of Phiro Wolf, and I like your writing style, but I'm worried that he's too good. I mean hitting flights of LRMs with lasers from a moving fighter by eye? That seems a little nuts haha. I'm not suggesting you go back and edit - but for the future maybe tone it down just a smidge. Otherwise keep up the good work!]]

#304 Damon Howe


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:12 AM

[[...have to agree with Nomad...we're a medium lance lead by a heavy with a light in tow and two areospace support...even in the urban setting, we should not be kicking this much @ss...I think it may be time for the Delian's to turn the tables....]]

#305 Listless Nomad


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 11:54 AM

I was planning on it Damon, we've led a charmed life thus far. Luck had to run out eventually :P

#306 Sloth901


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 12:36 PM

[[ we number more than that my marauder and my lance mates urban mech have joined the fight if you read my last post :P

if im right our forces in this fight are:
My Marauder and lance mates Urbie
Grand Dragon
Pheonix Hawk (Although Nathans unsure if he can side with a Drac)
and 1 aero space fighter
oh and Guardians gunnerless hovercraft (if he chose to follow me)

if we count LAM as mech were rocking 2 lances with air cover
Delians may need reinforcments... Is that an assault mech i hear :P]]

#307 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:32 PM

View PostNor Azman, on 15 March 2012 - 03:41 AM, said:

[[The nasty in-your-face BLACKJACK

Posted Image

45 tons medium battlemech, The Blackjack carries two Whirlwind-L AC 2 Autocannon for long range, direct fire support. These autocannons provide excellent reach at the cost of damage capability. For close combat, the Blackjack has four Intek Medium Lasers. These lasers, when combined with the Blackjacks maneuverability, make the 'Mech very dangerous in an urban setting.

The Blackjack excels is in close quarters combat because of its combination of autocannons and medium lasers, jumping capability of up to 120 meters, and heavy armour. All of which make it a devastating street fighter.

Unless Thom you've customized mean Swampthing over there. All support and courtesy to http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page ]]

[[Thom has one of the handfull that slipped through the fingers of the FedCom when St. Ives begged for mercy at the end of the 4th SW. He has the BJ-3, mounts two PPCs, four med lasers and has DHS.. It's like a mini Warhammer that jumps. Very, very, nasty.]]

#308 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:55 PM

View PostListless Nomad, on 15 March 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:

[[I like the addition of Phiro Wolf, and I like your writing style, but I'm worried that he's too good. I mean hitting flights of LRMs with lasers from a moving fighter by eye? That seems a little nuts haha. I'm not suggesting you go back and edit - but for the future maybe tone it down just a smidge. Otherwise keep up the good work!]]

[[I agree with you, but the missiles came from the Bombardier.]]

View PostDamon Howe, on 15 March 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:

[[...have to agree with Nomad...we're a medium lance lead by a heavy with a light in tow and two areospace support...even in the urban setting, we should not be kicking this much @ss...I think it may be time for the Delian's to turn the tables....]]


View PostListless Nomad, on 15 March 2012 - 11:54 AM, said:

I was planning on it Damon, we've led a charmed life thus far. Luck had to run out eventually :P

[[Dude, I've had plenty of luck... it was only bad. And it's only gonna just get worse.]]

View PostSloth901, on 15 March 2012 - 12:36 PM, said:

[[ we number more than that my marauder and my lance mates urban mech have joined the fight if you read my last post :P

if im right our forces in this fight are:
My Marauder and lance mates Urbie
Grand Dragon
Pheonix Hawk (Although Nathans unsure if he can side with a Drac)
and 1 aero space fighter
oh and Guardians gunnerless hovercraft (if he chose to follow me)

if we count LAM as mech were rocking 2 lances with air cover
Delians may need reinforcments... Is that an assault mech i hear B)]]

[[Hey what about me?!]]

View PostNor Azman, on 15 March 2012 - 03:26 AM, said:

Actually character Azman would like to do that... if only he could..but thats another story]]

[[Catch my ManOwaR refrence?]]

#309 Orcinus


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:00 PM

Getting hit by a 60-ton chunk of metal moving at almost 100 kph is not an everyday occurrence.

With a loud war cry emanating over the external speakers, there was a sickening crunch as the Flashman’s left arm was crushed by the oncoming Grand Dragon’s jutting torso. The momentum of the charge carried the two ‘mechs into the building on the opposite side of the intersection, burying the 75-tonner into the structure.

The Grand Dragon backed up a pace, firing its medium pulse lasers. The Flashman’s right arm had become caught in the girders of the building, so it could only respond by turning its torso as far as it could go. That still brought its chest mounted large laser to bear, and it loosed a barrage of lasers.

The blast rocked the 60-ton ‘mech as the lasers punched several holes into its torso.


The Grand Dragon swung its hatchet, which dug into the Flashman’s chest. Using the weapon as a lever, the heavier mech’s torso was forced back to the side. Medium lasers were fired in an attempt to shoot the hatchet off, but the angle was such that they all only grazed the devious device.

My turn…

James’ voice came in on comms, warning him of the approaching Thug, which had taken another street.

“Give me a sec!”

The Grand Dragon, now safely out of the arc of the Flashman’s weapons, began to pound the trapped ‘mech with laser and PPC fire. To add insult to injury, the 60-ton ‘mech lashed out with kicks between volleys, withering away the Flashman’s left leg.

All the while, he was yelling furiously through the external speakers, nearly oblivious to Damon and James attempting to get his attention through the comms. Some were insults. Some were curses. Some were entirely incoherent.

Looks like I'll need to finish here quickly.

When he paused to catch his breath, the Grand Dragon reversed its left arm, pulling both hatchet and ‘mech out so they faced each other in the street. Still stuck in the girders, the right arm was viciously yanked away and hung lifelessly to the side. The 60-ton ‘mech kicked again to force the Flashman back a pace, though the heavier ‘mech remained standing.

Leveling his PPC arm, he paused again to zoom into the cockpit of the mech. The pilot’s hands were still at the controls, but the eyes were splayed wide open. Hyperventilating, the pilot was otherwise motionless.

He gritted his teeth as he disengaged the zoom. And then paused again.

He thought of the techs that were killed back at the facility. He thought of the hostage that they were carrying through the streets. Then he thought of the ribbon on his wrist.

As his right hand slipped away from the controls, the Flashman was hit in the back by large lasers and then fell face first into the ground, motionless. Damon’s Jenner stood a short distance behind it.

#310 Nor Azman


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:24 PM

[[sigh. Guess I need to do a requiem of the dead for the Flashman as well :P ]]

#311 Orcinus


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:28 PM

[[I can't help it when I'm pissed off and thirsty for blood.

And more accustomed to melee combat in a BattleMech.]]

#312 Charles Martel


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 05:37 PM

Charles noticed the Sabre that engaged Phiro and checked his six, yep, there was it's friend.

"You poor thing, didn't they ever tell you to not get close behind a LAM in fighter mode?", he smirked, right before converting to air-mech mode with legs canted forward for powered deceleration, letting the Sabre fly past him, and right into the two overlapping crosshairs. The two medium lasers and single large laser chainfired in timed sequence, hitting the fighter's engine. The rupture of the fighter's fusion engine sent it into a spin, from which it's pilot ejected before the airframe proceeded to break apart.

He quickly converted back to fighter mode, running full over-thrust briefly to regain lost airspeed and altitude. He restablished com link with Phiro, "Well that was an amusing distraction. As for that Bombardier, his missile salvo was quite rude. You take high and I take low?"

[[And for a soundtrack.....

^^ ]]

Edited by Charles Martel, 15 March 2012 - 06:05 PM.

#313 Damon Howe


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 05:39 PM

View PostNor Azman, on 15 March 2012 - 03:24 PM, said:

[[sigh. Guess I need to do a requiem of the dead for the Flashman as well :ph34r: ]]

[[Look on the bright side, I don't think this pilot died like the urbie pilot did (his ac-10 ammo cooked off...pretty sure he be dead...) but his mech isn't going to be seeing a battlefield again...]]

[[...sheesh Orc, killing spree much?]]

Damon eyed the fallen Flashman. That shot had definitely killed the engine, but if his guess was correct the pilot would still live since the thing hadn't catastrophically failed and taken half the street with it...well, most likely, anyways.

Damon established communications again. Between everyone within a 6 block radius opening fire on each other, areospace fighters doing crazy stuff he was pretty sure broke the laws of physics, and the incoming Delians who were sure to have been pissed off that they just lost two mechs to a 35 ton speed machine, Damon had his hands full.

Before he could say anything though, the Thug, which had been stalking closer this whole time, finally appeared behind Damon and lit up his immediate sensors.


Damon barely took one step before the huge assault mech fired. At barely 100 meters, the Thug was too close to the Jenner to fire his PPC's at it, but that didn't stop him from launching them at the Grand Dragon, which stood over the downed Flashman 400 meters away. The first struck the hatchet head on, taking the full blast of the weapon and reducing the iconic symbol of the Skjaldborg Huscarls to mere slag. The second glanced off his left leg, stripping armor with it just above the knee acutator. Damon doubted much remained there. For his part, Damon took several SRM's to his rear. The unlocked missiles landed all around his mech and all over his mech, at least four striking. The missiles rocked the Jenner forward, where he dived down a side-street to get out of the way...at least hopefully.

Running at half a sprint, Damon hugged a nearby building to gather himself.his sensors where in chaos and staticy, slowly returning to life thanks to the close pass by the PPCs...if he had been hit by those, he would've been screwed. The Thug was smart though, by targeting the Dragon primarily, he forced both mechs to retreat and gave him the advantage of splitting them up yet again.

...at least until Damon could sweep around.

Damon checked the comms. For now, all his sensors were offline, and his ECM was only working at 200m effectiveness. He had to recover, but first he needed to establish where he was and how to rejoin the battle without killing himself and his partners.

Damon eyed the buildings he trotted by and stopped. There were several large buildings around him, most between 4 and 6 stories tall. The area opened up into a little courtyard, with a small two story building to the west, completing the small courtyard. Damon had barely a second to register this before he noticed a large spotlight coming from the side street immediately to his left. Damon took off, rounding the corner to his right and jumping onto the two story building. He barely had time to turn before the newcomers came into view.

And it was a good thing he did.

Leading the group was yet another small Urbanmech. This one looked identical to it's brother he downed earlier, except it bore a noticable scar on its left leg and torso, possibly from earlier fighting. Behind the Urbie though, was what chilled Damon to the core.

It was an Atlas. A freakin' Atlas. And he wasn't alone either. Two hunchbacks stood with him, easily recognizable by their huge right torso mounted gun. Behind them came two Vedette Combat Tanks, a Magi Tank, and an APC. Two Swiftwinds brought up the rear, and to put the icing on the cake a second Jagermech was at the end of the convoy, guns to the skies and walking backwards into the area.

The mechs and tanks were quick to set up a perimeter, walking right by the building Damon crouched on. The APC rolled to the center, and deployed three infantry squads to secure the area.

****...a regrouping area...which means the others are in deep crap, they won't see this coming!

Still, Damon was surrounded. And outgunned. He briefly played with the idea of jumping next to the APC and shouting some cliche line over the comms, like 'Nobody move or the APC gets it!...but he'd probably die quickly enough.

The Jagermech didn't give him a chance to think it over. As soon as the mech turned, eyes still on the skies, Damon knew he had seconds before he was spotted.

So he jumped. Damon flew North over the head of the large Atlas towards the five story building, hoping to safely land on top. The Jagermech, catching site of his movement, fired after him. One ac-2 and 5 missed, but the others struck true, peppering his right leg and arm. The damage was enough to make Damon miss his mark, his feet catching the roof's edge and slamming face first onto the structure.

It was just not Damon's day today.

[[whew, that was a lot of writing....heads up boys, company is coming!!! btw, Damon is down but not out. He's sustained minor damage to just about everything, but by now his sensors are back up and running so his ECM is doing its job to distract his opponents (hence why they didn't spot him straight away when they came into the square) His right leg has virtually no armor left on the side and his right arm is mangled, but everything for now at least seems functional. Also, his back is looking thin of armor as well.]]

[[Also, @ Orc: I said Iconic symbol of the Huscarls, but forgot that you're in the Svinfylking...I still think its an appropriate reference though, correct?]]

Edited by Damon Howe, 15 March 2012 - 05:45 PM.

#314 guardian wolf


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:11 PM

[[A FREAKING ATLAS, jesus, now we just got to get the Overlord in as well and we got a standard invasion, okay, coming up with a battle plan.]]

#315 Charles Martel


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:01 PM

View Postguardian wolf, on 15 March 2012 - 09:11 PM, said:

[[A FREAKING ATLAS, jesus, now we just got to get the Overlord in as well and we got a standard invasion, okay, coming up with a battle plan.]]

[[Plan? I think we need to hit the HPG facility and dial 911. Unless the Marauder is a MAD-5S]]

#316 Sloth901


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:09 AM

View PostListless Nomad, on 13 March 2012 - 08:48 AM, said:

Posted Image]]

[[Its a customised Marauder however its basicly a Mad 5M at the moment with ordinary LLasers rather than pulse and Machineguns rather than MPulse, i think we have enough AC's between us :ph34r:]]
[[Lugz is currently on building infront of Graf and im moving up behind]]

Nathans Jump Jets burst into as he jumped over the building. The building Would never withstand a heavy landig on its roof and landed straight into the fray, The JagerMech saw this new threat and began to retreat, but it was to late. The Marauder and Urbie had landed within 100m, at this range they would not miss, An AC20 roared out as the Urbie landed hitting the JagerMech in the leg, Making it fall to one knee. Looking up to fire back the JagerMech looked up to fight back but Froze, Nathan Grinned, He could almost touch his petrified face, 2 large lasers and the LB-X 10 Autocannon fired directly into the torso, As the smoke settle nathan could see right through the mech. He has tore a hole straight through the cockpit and out the other side, Ok maybe a tad overkill he thought to himself as the Monotone buzz began from the computor, He wouldnt have noticed it if not for Stoner 4 yelling at him to take cover, As he turned A bombadier fired an LRM salvo Nathan fired everything he had, The cluster shot from the autocannon and the machineguns cut many out of the sky but it was to late, At least 5 rockets made it through striking him all over the cockpit, The cockpit started to glow red with warnings and 2 armour plates dropped to the ground. The warnings stopped "My Turn" The 2 Large lasers struck the Bombadiers remaining LRM rack disabling it and Nathan moved to cover to assess his damage.

#317 Charles Martel


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:53 AM

As Charles formulated a plan, he smiled seeing it was no longer needed, as the newly arrived Marauder ended the LRM threat the Bombardier presented. He activated the comlink to Phiro, "Well scratch that idea........"

Before he could finish his sentence he saw it, as big as life and twice as ugly, an Atlas, ".....@#%$#@!! New enemy mechs spotted, a @#$%! Atlas, two Hunchbacks, a trashcan, and a Jager with support units including tanks!" He then had to maneuver abruptly as the Jager made it's presence known. He went transonic and climbed, quickly exceeding the range of the Jager's weapons. The autocannon tracers that went by his cockpit were a bit too close and too big for comfort.

He leveled out and scanned the area with magnified optics, "There's a Jenner down there under fire from their reinforcements. Give me a second." He realigned the comlink towards the Jenner, "This is Sho-sa Charles Martel to the Jenner in a very bad place, what is your status?"

Edited by Charles Martel, 16 March 2012 - 12:54 AM.

#318 Nor Azman


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 01:28 AM

Azman watched as the Grand Dragon hacked the Flashman with its hatchet, then felled by lasers from a Jenner (a real one this time and not a hallucinated prancing one like earlier). Azman watched the Zentraedi Officer Pod, eer Marauder jumped onto a building and took out both Jagermech and Bombardier. The Lance Leader from the Thug screamed the names of her dead comrades in comm, her voice for the first time broke sounding feminine.





The odds that the reinforced Delain Guards Heavy Lance would have been beaten so easily. Azman clicked his teeth, calculating, calculating… Azman gradually lowered his Vulcan’s weapons that were quietly aimed at the Thug’s exposed back. He could run. He should run. He normally do. Azman tapped his fingers on the control console, indecisive. A moment of decision was at hand.

“You should run, Azman.” Little Ivonava urged, her breathing laboured.

“No mei mei. Everything will be alright…”

Azman could always trace his troubles to his decisions on choosing to fight losing battles…

The damged Vulcan began shooting its heavy machine gun covering the damaged Thug. Both damaged Vulcan and damaged Thug stood back to back, determined to make a final stand.

“Let us drink to the battles we lived and we fought…” Azman sang softy, reassuring Vera.

Edited by Nor Azman, 16 March 2012 - 01:02 PM.

#319 Lina Thoren


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 06:32 PM

[[Sincere apologies; haven't been feeling well these past few days. Will be back ASAP.]]

#320 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 07:21 PM

View PostLina Thoren, on 16 March 2012 - 06:32 PM, said:

[[Sincere apologies; haven't been feeling well these past few days. Will be back ASAP.]]

[[Hope you get better soon, homie! Oh just started a new job and it's killing me, I'm sore and tired as Hell, but will entertain you folks with more tales of Thugish Thom sometime this weekend. Maybe I'll even meet up with Lina and Graff. Don't worry I'll drag some badguys along... It seems we got Kai Allard's rival (other than Thom, anyways) with us.]]

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 17 March 2012 - 09:40 AM.

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