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The Windborne Raven (Roleplay)

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#21 Listless Nomad


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Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:55 PM

James made his way through the seating area and sidled up to the bar. After placing a C-Bill on the bar top, the bartender brought a pint of the same black frothy alcohol, then moved away to prepare another round for the popular table across the way. Taking a seat on a barstool, James noticed another young man by the bar, a mechwarrior to be sure – although his clothes gave away no unit affiliation James could see – salute him with his drink. James raised his glass in return and returned to watching the table. Although the mechwarrior had saluted him, james knew enough to see it was not an invitation to strike up a conversation.

Quietly sipping his drink, James listened to the members of the table introduce themselves, and overheard the one buying the drinks say he was newly commissioned into the KungsArme.

“Probably glad to get off this rock.” James muttered to himself, looking around quickly to make sure none of the locals had heard him. It was apparent no one had, which James was thankful for. Although his time in the FRR had been pleasant, one didn’t make very many friends insulting their planet. Looking over at the Lyran, James felt a pang of longing for his own girlfriend. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a folded, and worn picture. The photo was of an attractive woman, with a goofy smile throwing a salute. Like the Lyran, she was blonde as well, but resided back on Robinson.

“Thank God she’s aerospace.” James thought. "I’d hate to have here be amongst us mudrats." Looking one last time at the picture, he folded it back up carefully and placed it in his back pocket, and returned to drinking his drink. The alcohol was beginning to take affect and the celebratory atmosphere was infectious.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 24 February 2012 - 10:16 PM.

#22 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 24 February 2012 - 10:48 PM

Pauses bring his beer up to his mouth as the Lyran introduced herself to the Graaf. AFFC Advisory command? Here? The other patrons converging on the table gave him a quick second to gather his thoughts and enjoy a long draw from his pint.

View PostGrafvitnir, on 24 February 2012 - 05:08 PM, said:

"I am sorry to hear about your 'Mech. I have many old friends among the mechanics here, I can arrange reduced rates for you if there is still much work to be done. Solaris sounds to be a glorious place for a warrior to prove his worth; I hope to test myself there one day as well. Perhaps we will meet in the arena!
Vekfaren is not much of a hiring hall, but keeps your ears open and your wits about you and work will come."

"No worries about my ride, the worst is repaired already. Just got the left arm mounted this morning and the cuz should be finishing up the armor within the next day or two. Just need some odd parts, and to calibrate everything and should be good as new... or as good as 'ole Swampthing is gonna get anyway."

Another sip of Timburki

"But if it's not a prob I could use some help finding some shops for the parts I need."

Finishes off the beer then looks longingly at his empty pint.

"I'm hoping that it doesn't come down to me heading to Solaris, that's a long way to haul my baby and I don't have the C-bills for that right now. Maybe I'll get lucky and hire on with one of the merc units here. There sure seems to be plenty here."

"Yo, I's think we need to order some pitchers... But yeah, so your just out of academy and now joining the Kungsarme? Good for you, man. I couldn't do it. Too many damn rules, you know? I dropped out my junior year at NAMA. Family was pissed."

He sits back in his chair and chuckles thinking of passtimes..

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 24 February 2012 - 10:52 PM.

#23 Nor Azman


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 03:51 AM

[[Hihi. Am really just a firefly geek. ;) I hope no one minds if I sprinkle some firefly nip-picks here and there. Just want to pay tribute to a series that has always made me smile. Even if it was for one season. A comet, eh, burns as bright and passes as quickly. Um just for the mental image, my character Azman is of a minority ethnic race within the Capellan Confederation. ie his brown skin. And no, he's not scottish. Ha.]]


Azman glanced back. He felt someone watching...

Threats are always near...
always near....
always near....

Only a young man at the bar, nursing his drink...

Azman overheard the name 'Solaris' which brought him back. Are any of them gladiators of the game world? If so, Azman should probably note down their names and place bets on them should he find himself on that side of the Inner Sphere.

Provided Azman didnt find any trouble in Vekfaren.

Azman couldnt help taking a closer look at the blonde woman in the group. Aside from the fashionable clothes which screamed money, she held herself upright like. Millitary? Officer maybe by the sniff of it. And her features...Lyran? AFFC is she? Some say the LCAF has been absorbed by House Davion. But there is something about the air about her....noble....

Azman put his glass of milk down and began to search the many inner pockets of his brown coat.

View PostGrafvitnir, on 24 February 2012 - 09:38 PM, said:

Graaf looked up and raised his mug to greet the newcomer, "Hej, Azman! I am Kavellrist Grafvitnir. Come, join us. I don't know of any unification day around here, but today we celebrate any cause you bring us! I am leaving my home to take commission in the KungsArme! I trust you have many stories of your travels? Share them with us, and Alvfinnur will continue sharing the mead and ale."

"Not Unification Day? Good, good. Am not a particular fan of that occasion. Um, as for news and about. Um, been here and there a bit. The usual shouting matches between the Houses and all."

Azman paused from what it was he was looking for, eyes looking up to recall.

"There has been some weird talk out, out in the Periphery. Some say a number of small pirate kingdoms, defended with mechs and fortifications and all, been wiped out to a man, the past few months. Firepower like that means House regular forces, but the Great Houses have never shown any interest that far into the Black. There's even some wild tales that aliens attacked from beyond the Periphery. 'Beyond the Periphery' if you believe such talk. Soldiers' gossip and drunken tales." Azman shrugged.

"Ah," Azman exclaimed, finding what he was looking for.

Azman placed on the table a little kuritan geisha doll with a big head that wobbled.

"I have some of these for trade. They're called 'little geisha dolls with big heads that wobbles' if I get my translation right. Very popular among mech pilots if any of you are of the esteemed profession. Just put one in your cockpit for good luck. They are also very calming."

Azman began to look at the little geisha doll on the table, somewhat quasi-tranced, his head unconsciously starting to wobble a little.

"Soh, soh " Azman murmured, taken in. "Anyway," Azman snapped to, "What news of Vekfaren?"

Azman smiled, ears listening.

Edited by Nor Azman, 25 February 2012 - 03:56 AM.

#24 Sloth901


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 05:13 AM

Nathan couldnt help but over hear

View PostNor Azman, on 25 February 2012 - 03:51 AM, said:

"There has been some weird talk out, out in the Periphery. Some say a number of small pirate kingdoms, defended with mechs and fortifications and all, been wiped out to a man, the past few months. Firepower like that means House regular forces, but the Great Houses have never shown any interest that far into the Black. There's even some wild tales that aliens attacked from beyond the Periphery. 'Beyond the Periphery' if you believe such talk. Soldiers' gossip and drunken tales."

He approached the 2 men at the bar. "Theres something out there, and it isnt the houses." Nathan pulled out a data slab and an image flashed up on the screen. This is a freeze frame from my last battle, I have a camera mounted on my Marauder. "That mech you see there wiped out a Warhammer, a Wolfhound, and a Panther before he even appeared on our sensors"

He took a huge Swig of his drink...

"After that we got visual contact on that thing. Im not proud of what happened after that... My friend's Victor was immbilised and she held it off, as I retreated with wounded to the dropship, Shortly after I left her Victor took a LRM to the cockpit" A tear rolled down his cheek. "10 years of combat operations and not a single loss and in one firefight we loose 3 Mechwarriors..." Nathan finished his drink and slammed the glass on the bar "give me another round"

Edited by Sloth901, 25 February 2012 - 05:23 AM.

#25 Listless Nomad


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 07:52 AM

[[I just want to let everyone know that I (me behind the keyboard) do not actually hate Capellans or anything - just my character ;) )]]

Edited by Listless Nomad, 26 February 2012 - 01:44 PM.

#26 Damon Howe


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 02:28 PM

[[question...the clan invasion of the periphery doesn't start til Aug of 3049...but isnt this RP supposed to be somewhere around Jan-Mar. 3049? I mean it could always be changed of course and we can ignore cannon, but just wondering...]]

[[placeholder response removed...will be more interesting to post later :) ]]

Edited by Damon Howe, 25 February 2012 - 06:25 PM.

#27 Sloth901


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 03:01 PM

[[sorry if its to eary in 3049 for that but if were that early my entire merc company is on solaris, i was hopeing on adding this to my background, if i need to change it i will and wont add it to my Merc unit Fluff]]

Edited by Sloth901, 25 February 2012 - 03:01 PM.

#28 guardian wolf


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 03:27 PM

Draco eyed the room, and began to size everyone up, he heard the call for celebration, but he knew better than to drink more than he could hold, so he reluctantly approached a separate table. He had just gotten off of Barcelona, and was here to relax, so, he tried to. But was noticing all the kinds of people around him, and saw, that the another man at the bar was doing the same. His Dragoons tattoo was visible, and he was a proud member. He ordered a sandwich and a glass of water.
"You sure, the man in over at the other table is buying rounds for everyone,"
"He may be, but I am not one to take advantage of the hospitality of others, unless I am told to do so," The waitress smiled at him.
"You are something else, most others would have leaped at that opportunity,"
When she returned she was carrying a large pint of black mead, and the rest of his order. He nodded and thanked the waitress. And began to eat. He noticed a man at another table, and he would've sworn he had seen that insignia before.

#29 Nor Azman


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 04:44 PM


View PostListless Nomad, on 25 February 2012 - 07:52 AM, said:

[[I just want to let everyone know that I (me behind the keyboard) do not actually hate Capellans or anything - just my character :) )]]

:P I am sometimes fuzzy with myself whether my not liking the FedCom or the Wolf's Dragoons is from the player or the character. hehe. Well, you need to be disgruntled at something. :D As for cannon, I always believe in the importance of being faithful to the outlaying lore, but I also believe it is important being able to play with some 'creative liberty'. Not overboard, but just enough to have fun with it all. :D ]]

[[Will take que from the collective. Azman will respond/or not depending on Nathan's story (change or no). Personally I think it is an interesting aspect from sloth901 ^_^ - roleplaying a character currently in grief]]

[[p.p.s. Windborne Raven is shaping up with real good characters. :D ]]

Edited by Nor Azman, 25 February 2012 - 04:46 PM.

#30 Damon Howe


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 06:27 PM

View PostSloth901, on 25 February 2012 - 03:01 PM, said:

[[sorry if its to eary in 3049 for that but if were that early my entire merc company is on solaris, i was hopeing on adding this to my background, if i need to change it i will and wont add it to my Merc unit Fluff]]

[[also like the part about the disgruntled warrior...adds character...so idk, kinda waiting to see what others think. I can role with it if need be, but I'm a 'stick to the main story guy' myself. :)]]

#31 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 09:38 PM

"Yo Azman, they's called bobbleheads."

Too bad they were geishas, he'd probably buy a hula girl one. :)

Thom leans back in his chair and holds his empty pint aloft trying to signal the bar wench that it was time for another round.

"No worries, I's got dis round. What's everyone drinking?"

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 25 February 2012 - 09:39 PM.

#32 Listless Nomad


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:11 PM

[[Thought I'd make up this little map so everyone had an idea of where people were in relation to one another. i don't want to enforce my view of the bar on anyone - thats half the fun of RP - but I just wanted to provide an idea of where it seemed people were in relation to one another. I hope no one is offended where I put them...gray people are rando bar goers.
Posted Image ]]

Edited by Listless Nomad, 26 February 2012 - 02:12 PM.

#33 Lina Thoren


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:13 PM

[[OOC: FWIW, Nathan's story could still work. Explain it as the Clans' Watch sending a few advance agents for some limited intel-gathering, perhaps?]]

“Thank you, sir, and congratulations on your graduation. From what I've heard, Northwind's is a pretty challenging program. For my part, I'm here as part of the LCAF's—excuse me, the Lyran State Command of the AFFC's—obligations under the treaty recognizing the Republic's independence. While I'm proud to note that the KungsArmé has proven more than equal to the challenge of defending the Republic, both we and the DCMS continue to provide aid and support on a limited, and equal, basis. As for what my actual duties will entail...I won't know until I reach the capital.. If I'm fortunate, I'll spend the next couple months helping the KungsArmé chase down pirates on the Periphery. If not...I'll be helping them chase down supply requisitions on Rasalhauge.” She shrugged, smiling. “'Subject to the requirements of the service,' as always.”

She watched, and listened, as others filtered in. Apart from Graaf and one man who wore the insignia of the Robinson Rangers (Might want to have a word with him later, time permitting, she noted silently) most wore the uniforms—or lack of same—denoting them as mercenaries. Most appeared to be from well-established units, though the Dragoons' insignia was the only one she recognized right off. Most looked pretty hardened as well, even Graaf; while he was polite enough, that massive vibrosword he wore was hardly a toy.

And everyone towered over her...but then that was hardly new.

For now, though, she remained silent for the most part, though she did lean in as the tall, dark-skinned and slightly disheveled man who'd introduced himself as Azman brought up the rumors of rumblings in the Periphery...and one of the newcomers (a tall fellow whose uniform suggested an established unit, though Lina couldn't place the insignia) showed them a pic of an unfamiliar BattleMech.

“...I'm sorry.” She reached over, gently squeezing the man's free hand. Normally she would've dismissed such talk, rumors floated in about aliens form the Deep Black all the time. But the picture looked real enough, and the man was clearly grieving—she'd been there often enough, herself.

“Pirates might've stumbled across a supply cache,” she noted quietly, as she looked again at the unfamiliar machine on the data pad's still image, taking another sip of her local brew. “A Castle Brian, perhaps. And found enough documentation, or kidnapped enough techs, to get some of the contents up and running.” She frowned: the idea of a bunch of jumped-up pirates finding one of the Star League's legendary fortified bases, stocked with enough 'Mechs and supplies to keep a division in the field, was disturbing indeed.

Perhaps she would find herself on the front lines this tour, after all...

#34 Listless Nomad


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:53 PM

[[I say we roll with Lina's idea and just go with it. That being said - whatever plan Graaf had for action in this story, I encourage him to stick to it. We'll have enough unstoppable clan action after the game comes out. I'd rather IS vs. IS action for the time being. That's just my opinion though]]
Sorry for the double post. I was absent minded.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 26 February 2012 - 02:57 PM.

#35 Listless Nomad


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:54 PM

James swallowed the last of the mead in his glass and placed the empty on the bar behind him. Leaning comfortably against the bar top, he spied the giant Dragoon seating himself at a separate table from the boisterous group in front of James. When he saw the Dragoon drinking a water a few minutes later, James began to feel a chill creeping up his spine. It seemed highly unusual for someone in a bar like this to be drinking a water instead of free beer, and to sit himself alone at a table.

“Gotta watch that big sucker,” James thought to himself. “Between him and the Cappie, this is turning out to be a real spicy bar.” Although armed with a flechette pistol, and with his cooling vest’s Kevlar covering, he’d stand a decent chance in a gunfight, but James knew that it was a fools hope to believe many would get out unscathed.

“All these mercs are packing blades – the KungsArme guy has a freakin sword for crying out loud.”

Despite the festive air of the bar, James still felt himself more on edge than he would have liked to. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, attempted to calm down.

“You are just jumpy from a lack of sleep and all this travel. You are far from home in a different country. Keep your wits about you but relax. You’ve experienced nothing but hospitality in the FRR. Chill.”

James’ ears perked up when a patron from the bar approached the table he was watching. He noticed a Vulkaneers patch on the man’s jacker, but it was his FedSuns accent that gave him away. James watched as the an pulled out a datapad and showed it to the rest of the members of the boisterous table. Although he could not make out what the man was saying, he seemed visibly upset about what he was showing. In addition, the perplexed reactions of a few of the members of the table warranted further investigation. The Lyran officer reached over to squeeze the man’s hand and he pulled up a chair around the table, loudly ordering another drink.

James turned to the bartender preparing the Davion Merc’s drink and beckoned him over. Slipping him a C-Bill, and asked that the man’s drink be placed on James’ tab, and ordered another drink for himself. Turning once again to face the room, James caught the Lyran officer looking at him and James smiled back.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 26 February 2012 - 02:56 PM.

#36 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 02:56 PM

[[From what I remember from reading the 'Blood of Krensky' trilogy back in the day, there were rumors of something going on out in the black...
I vote we just go with.

Oh and Vic Davion is the one who stamped the Summoner with the name 'Thor' When the Falcons invaded Trellwan. ]]

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 05 March 2012 - 04:06 PM.

#37 Sloth901


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 04:03 PM

The womans touch somehow calmed Nathans nerves. He drew up a chair and sat down, "Im Nathan by the way, leader of..." he paused for a second "Leader of whats left of Vulkaneers 2nd lance" It was true, he was leader. He officialy took command on Solaris after Will departed back to Barcelona. How he wished his old friend was here now, He looked back up to see a few others had joined the group, one of which looked as if he was Davion. That put him even more at ease. "Well thats my story, Only one other got out with me and hes laying in bed barly able to move" Nathans drink arrived, he took a small sip and placed it on the table, somehow he didnt feel the need to drink as much anymore. He'd just gotten alot off his chest to some complete strangers he'd only just met. Sorry if i put a downer on anyones evening, I... I just wanted to get that off my chest." He got up to leave but someone at the table stopped him

[[role of stopping is anyones to take XD, also clan story is just background i hope it doesnt interfere with Graffs plans at all]]

#38 Damon Howe


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 04:28 PM

[[Rolling with it. :D]]

Damon found himself at the table before he realized it, mead half abandoned at the bar. He liked the taste, but he knew if he drank any more he wouldn't be doing much "information gathering" after that.

And some pretty juicy information just started floating around.

"I apologize, but I could not help but overhear your story. Do you mind if I take a look as well?" Damon asked, grabbing the man's shoulder and directing him back to the table, where a fresh beer was waiting for him.

"Besides, no mechwarrior wants to be alone after losing most of his unit I imagine."

Steering the man back to the table, Damon grabbed a nearby chair and pulled up a seat next to the warrior, and another merc who had identified himself as Azman. Damon nodded solemnly but respectfully to each of the other mechwarriors at the table, acknowledging their presence as well.

He wondered if he had jumped the gun, He heard the other warrior at the bar with him mumbling about the 'interesting characters' and how 'spicy' the bar's crowd was, so needless to say he was on edge, though he tried not to show it. He brushed out his black, insignialess hoodie out as he turned his attention to the man again.

"Sir...Nathan was it? What was your mission out in the periphery, if you don't mind me asking." Damon asked politely, internally wincing slightly at the use of the word 'don't'. He'd gotten better at using those contractions, but his heritage still ground it into his mind to not use those words.

[[Edit: totally using the bar map. It really helps, thanks Nomad!]]

Edited by Damon Howe, 26 February 2012 - 04:30 PM.

#39 Sloth901


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 04:59 PM

Nathan sat back down and handed the datapad to the man "Yes it is, and be my guest, Theres a video on there also but you dont see much more. The camera was destroyed along with my targeting computors in an LRM salvo. As for my mission, it was a routine patrol. Our employers heard rumours of pirates so we went to investigate, This was the 11th planet we'd been sent to, only 3 had any pirates and they were no match for us, mainly light vehicles and out dated mechs. It was going so smoothly, I was left in command of remaining Vulkaneer assets as our commander left to find some new recruits. He said he was going to return with a company, and i believe him, Weve certainly accumulated the C-Bills" Nathan heard the battle raging from the speaker on his datapad... "then that happened" The sound of the LRM's striking played and then silence "The victor was hit shortly after... 25% of the Vulkaneers Mechwarriors are now KIA and 1 more WIA and i have to report it." He picked up his drink, he suddenly felt like drinking again. "If you know what that thing is dont hesitate to tell me"

#40 Damon Howe


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 05:12 PM

Damon scanned the badly blurred image again and again, but he couldn't make it out. It did seem familiar though...perhaps something in the hidden Wolf's Dragoons datapads? He would have to check it out later.

"No, sorry. Doesn't look like anything I have ever seen. Something about its shape though tells me that Ms...[Lina fills in her name] Lina may be right. I definitely think she may be on to something with this whole Castle Brian theory. Seems possible, at the very least."

Damon scanned it once again, though having seen all he needed to he was merely pretending to study it again to buy time.

"Do you mind if I copy this and get your contact info? I don't have anything now, but I might know a few places where they have records on Old Star League tech, aside from what the Legion supplied anyways." Damon asked, eager to pass on this information to both the Skjaldborg and the Wolf's Dragoons. While he was never given total access to all of the Dragoon's knowledge, he knew plenty enough from his mother and superiors that this was definitely a lot bigger than some pirates scoring the motherload.

Not that he was going to let anyone know, for now at least. It wasn't his place to.

Damon pulled out his own datapad from a pants pocket, preparing to copy the info.

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