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The Windborne Raven (Roleplay)

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#161 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:27 PM


#162 Nor Azman


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:28 PM

[[Eep. Need to post something before Azman gets too far behind. ;) *whistles* She is a beauty though, *looks at the Vulcan*. Of course I am refering to the lady. *nods at Ms Lina Thoren* :D ]]

Azman was lost. I am not! Azman was lost. I am not! As the Browncoat mercenary turned yet another familiar corner. There it was, Azman saw - a marker he left earlier when he suspected everywhere he went seemed familiar. The marker proof that he was going in circles, that he was.. I am not!

Azman paused to gather his bearings again. It had gradually dawned on him earlier on that the city of Rundvik did not have a central spaceport. Azman had been to so many cities in so many worlds that they looked… all the same. As if building architects used the same models, the same building designs for very urban environment… So Azman forgot that Rundvik didn’t have a central spaceport. Next thing he’ll say he forgotten where he parked his mech… Azman gradually slowed down then stopped walking altogether.

Azman’s face was drained of colour.

You did, didn’t you? You’ve forgotten where you parked your mech! Of all the…

Azman began a long internal tirade with himself at how absent-minded he could be…


Azman stayed in the shadows taking cover as he could. The Delian Guards seemed to be everywhere. Killing and looting as they went. Contract or no, Azman avoided those mercenaries as he could. It was not altogether wise sneaking up on mercs when they’re having fun with their weapons. And the Delian Guards definitely seemed excitable with the killing and the looting. Azman tried not to pay too close attention to the dead civilians or the smashed and burning homes. Better not think too much.

Azman turned another corner, hopefully not going round yet another circle, when a grisly sight greeted him. There on the open street lay more than a dozen dead Delian Guards. At the centre of the scene a deserted hover truck crashed to candy shop. The mounted HMG on the truck probably told most of the story. Though most of the bodies were simply riddled about with bullets, a number of bodies, Azman inspected, were downed by very accurate small arms fire, pistol maybe. There were even some bodies that seemed to have been cut down… by a sword!

Who are these people?

Azman shook his head, roughly knowing whose handiwork all this were. There is something very wrong with the people he is trying to catch up with. …with a sword!

Azman was very respectful over the dead Delian Guards as he stepped over their bodies, looting each as he went. Waste not, want not


Azman had picked up some skills during his time on the battlefield. One of which, and sorely underappreciated, is the skill of playing dead. Sure the skill of playing dead lacked that certain showmanship compared to say the skill of mowing down enemy with a mounted HMG or shooting dead center a thrown grenade or cutting foes down in a berserker charge …with a sword! But the ability playing dead has its applied uses; such as when its time to pay your bar tap, or during a messy relationship break-up or when your CO wants some volunteers (always a bad sign), being able to play dead comes to fore.

So when a platoon of 28 infantry Delian Guards marched through, Azman crawled himself under two Delian Guard bodies, his face a mask of rigor motis, dead as could be among the dead lying on the streets.

Azman held his breath (since he was dead) until Delians Guards left, their assault rifles in hand, heavy boots thumbing. But it was the two heavy Rommel Tanks behind the mercenary infantry that made Azman shudder. The two 65 ton tanks rolled down the street, their low turret AC 20 Mech Hunter Autocannons looking menacingly for something to annihilate. The Delian Guards seemed to be in a hurry for some reason. Azman had a guessing what or rather who the reason was.

Azman waited a little while longer after the Delian Guards left before he decided to resurrect himself. Well at least he knows where to go now, looking at the direction where the Delian Guards had went. Azman dusted himself, began to eat some candy he found on the street, then got up. Have to keep moving.

But it was further up the street when he had to stop.

“Now, aren’t you a beauty.” Azman whistled, looking up at a downed 40 tons Vulcan battlemech.

Edited by Nor Azman, 01 March 2012 - 06:58 PM.

#163 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:37 PM

[Azman your character is a d-bag, but I like your style.]

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 01 March 2012 - 06:37 PM.

#164 Nor Azman


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:44 PM


View PostThom Frankfurt, on 01 March 2012 - 06:37 PM, said:

[Azman your character is a d-bag, but I like your style.]

View PostDamon Howe, on 27 February 2012 - 04:46 AM, said:

[[ :o Azman, you're a major d**k. ;)]]

Hehehehe. I hope Azman can be an endearing d**k/d-bag. ^_^ Ah, the life of a mercenary... Don't you love it? :D ]]

#165 Damon Howe


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:55 PM


waste not, want not

[[ ;)

Don't....just don't....

....not two Snow Ravens....please not two Snow Ravens....(are you a Snow Raven as well Azman?)]]

Edited by Damon Howe, 01 March 2012 - 06:56 PM.

#166 Lina Thoren


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 08:10 PM

[[Apologies for the delay. Given that it's taken so long, it's probably best I just continue here.]]

For her part, Lina concentrated on getting up the fire escape quickly, popping up to see the action only occasionally. She didn't waste her time drawing her revolver again; while she was a respectable shot, and it had proved useful in the Windborne Raven, a snub-nose would no little beyond betraying their position. Instead, she'd broken out her phone and started taking trivid footage of the situation, for the inevitable MIMIR and MRBC investigations into the incident. That, of course, was contingent on her surviving to deliver the footage to either organization.

View PostGrafvitnir, on 01 March 2012 - 10:42 AM, said:

"My 'Mech alone may not be enough. This range is too short for my LRMs to be effective, so our weaponry is similar, but while I have superior armor, he has jump jets, speed, and those hovercraft on his side. If I can distract them, you will have a chance to sneak into your own 'Mech and hit him from behind. You can get into the 'mechbay through the third story windows in back if you take the stairs up from the alley. The mechanics often take smoke breaks there, so the door will have been left unlocked.
Drac, keep your brother clear for now. Air support will force the Dalians to take cover within the depot, and we will not have the manpower to retake it.
First, let us go inside. We must speak to Sisgurd and prepare."

A reasonable plan, and one, Lina thought, that belied Graaf's age...and the initial impression she'd gotten of someone crazy enough to charge mercs wielding automatic weapons with a two-handed vibrosword. Even though he'd pulled it off, she'd thought it needless risky, given that he also had a laser pistol. But this....this showed some forethought, more than she'd had at his age certainly. She made a mental note, if she lived through this, to recommend that the KungsArme fast-track him. Besides, she couldn't think of an alternative. A close assault on the depot would be hard enough, even with the distraction: without it would likely be suicidal..

"Sounds like a plan, Graaf. I've primarily LRM's, of course, but \'m sure Achenar Battlemechs wants data on how their new Streak launchers work." She nodded to him, "Lead the way."

Edited by Lina Thoren, 01 March 2012 - 08:11 PM.

#167 Grafvitnir


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 09:18 PM

"The LRMs are what I am counting on. He will want to use his advantage in speed to close with me and prevent my own missiles from coming into play; hopefully I can pull him far enough down the street for yours to be effective.
Thom, Nathan and Drac, we will attempt to leave a hovercraft undamaged. Go with Lina and attempt to take one as soon as the Dalians are occupied with us. With an SRM-2 and an HMG you will be able to scout for us as we push to reach your own battlemechs."

Graaf pushed open the side door to the mechbay and entered the hallway, only for the group to be blinded by industrial flood lights as soon as they were inside.
A booming, hacking laughter broke through the glare, and the lights were dimmed to reveal an ancient man, paper thin skin laced with faded blue tattoos, stretched taut over still-bulging muscles. A long white beard and stained mechanics overalls were all he wore, and he held a massive flechette gun, still aimed at the group.
"Grafvitnir! Gud that it is you! I think it were more skreyja gargan come to stain my floors with blood!" he gestured toward the shredded bodies of three Dalians, stacked like cordwood as his seat, and continued in broken English, "I thing they decide old Sisgurd not worth a trouble! For now. Come inside! How fares your faðir, and who are these new friends?" He looked pointedly at the group, expecting a response.

Edited by Grafvitnir, 02 March 2012 - 08:35 AM.

#168 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 06:34 AM

Draco listened in on the plan and nodded his head in agreement, it was a decent one. He followed them inside, and when the flood lights came on, he instinctively raised his pistol to start shooting them, when Graaf stayed his hand. He heard the conversation, and saw the man. For an old man, he sure was built, he thought. He looked around, and saw the body's. He figured he was going to need more then the pistol to make it to the cache. He found an Assault Rifle in the midst of them, and while it wasn't like Draco's modified, but it would do. Draco looked around and didn't find a hovercraft, which meant that they were going to have to steal one.

Edited by guardian wolf, 02 March 2012 - 11:44 AM.

#169 Damon Howe


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:01 AM

[[not gonna lie, read to the floodlights part and thought ya'll were screwed. ;)]]

#170 Listless Nomad


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:09 AM

[[Hey Draco - heads up. I think Graaf meant to capture a hovercraft outside where the mercs are. I don't think he meant there was one sitting in the garage.]]

#171 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 09:57 AM

[[Oh %^&*, well give me some time, and I'll modify the post.]]

#172 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 11:33 AM

View PostLina Thoren, on 01 March 2012 - 08:10 PM, said:

[[Apologies for the delay. Given that it's taken so long, it's probably best I just continue here.]]
Instead, she'd broken out her phone and started taking trivid footage of the situation, for the inevitable MIMIR and MRBC investigations into the incident. That, of course, was contingent on her surviving to deliver the footage to either organization.

Thom eyeballed Lina taking the pictures on her phone. And nodded approvingly.

"Dat's a good idea you's got there, mien frauline. These fools will never work again. Comstar and the Dragoon's will take these guys to the woodshed."

He chuckled.

"Same thing's kinda happened to me's and my old unit... Oh don't give me dat look, we didn't shoot any civies or anything like dat. We's just robbed a couple of banks and some jewelry stores. Good clean fun, you know."

Thom followed the group on to the Sisgurd's shop keeping to himself and looking out for trouble, which there was none.

View PostGrafvitnir, on 01 March 2012 - 09:18 PM, said:

"The LRMs are what I am counting on. He will want to use his advantage in speed to close with me and prevent my own missiles from coming into play; hopefully I can pull him far enough down the street for yours to be effective.
Thom, Nathan and Drac, we will attempt to leave a hovercraft undamaged. Go with Lina and attempt to take one as soon as the Dalians are occupied with us. With an SRM-2 and an HMG you will be able to scout for us as we push to reach your own battlemechs."

Graaf pushed open the side door to the mechbay and entered the hallway, only for the group to be blinded by industrial flood lights as soon as they were inside.
A booming, hacking laughter broke through the glare, and the lights were dimmed to reveal an ancient man, paper thin skin laced with faded blue tattoos, stretched taut over still-bulging muscles. A long white beard and stained mechanics overalls were all he wore, and he held a massive flechette gun, still aimed at the group.
"Grafvitnir! Gud that it is you! I think it were more skreyja gargan come to stain my floors with blood!" he gestured toward the shredded bodies of three Dalians, stacked like cordwood as his seat, and continued in broken English, "I thing they decide old Sisgurd not worth a trouble! For now. Come inside! How fares your faðir, and who are these new friends?" He looked pointedly at the group, expecting a response.

Thom nodded as Graff laid out his plan. It had merit, he just wished it wasn't him charging the depot headon with nothing more than a laser pistol and the clothes on his back. Thom thought this over as they made their way to the shop.

Graff pushed back the door and the floodlights clicked on.

"Ah, s**t, we're boned."

Thom was already reaching for his pistol, resigned to go out shooting when the booming laughter started. It stayed his hand when the lights dimmed leaving spots swimming around in his vision. Thom blinked a few times trying to clear his vision, while everyone seemed to relax. When his vision finally cleared Thom noticed the old buff man, who seemed friendly enough, but he couldn't help but notice that the impossibly huge needler was still aimed at the group.

Looking around the shop while the two spoke in whatever language that was, Thom noticed the three bodies laying upon the coolant and oil stained floor, and Thom meanedered on over to where the bodies laid. Large pulpy wounds dotted their chests, testment of the needlers deadliness. Thom started to loot the bodies when an idea came to him. He whirled his head around to the group.

"Hey's I's got an idea! It's kinda ghulish, but I's think it'lls work."

Pauses for dramatic effect.

"Nate, Drac and I's will dress up like dees guys and sneak onto's base. We's then sabotage things or we's take over one of dose tanks."

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 02 March 2012 - 12:25 PM.

#173 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:28 PM

Draco heard the guy's idea, Thom he thought that was him. He looked down at the bodies, and then tried to add on to the plan. He then grabbed his radio.
"Wolf Dragon, this is Guardian,"
"Go ahead,"
"Can you spot any nearby depots with vehicles,"
"Elek, we got one, southeast of your position, it's actually close to a spaceport, and has, looks like a small FOB for these guys,"
"Right, how far,"
"A klick, maybe,"
"Great, over and out,"
Draco turned to the rest of them, and watched as Thom started to take the uniform from one of the bodies. Draco went and did the grisly deed, leaving some of his clothes on underneath, so that way they couldn't see the tattoo. Draco then turned to Thom, and Nathan.
"Guys, we got a depot, maybe one klick southeast of here, we can get in at,"
"How?" Nathan asked
"We came back from a perimeter patrol, and we're resupplying for a deeper raid,"
"Well if we come up with a better idea on the way there we can use it," Nathan said.

Edited by guardian wolf, 02 March 2012 - 12:42 PM.

#174 Grafvitnir


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:41 PM

"Huglausi brusi!" Sisgurd spat, "in the service of the Skjolden Jarnfolk one would have been beaten and left in a ditch for proposing such cowardice, but I suppose in the Inner Sphere, an old man must behave more... civilized. It is one thing to allow an enemy's idiocy to destroy them, it is another to lack the honor to engage them under your own flag!"

Graaf looked embarrassed by the old man's outburst.
"Please my friend, forgive Sisgurd for questioning your bravery. I am sure he will warm up to you once he has witnessed you in battle. I hope such deception will be unnecessary. If my distraction can draw them away from their looting, you should be able to enter in the way I spoke of with little resistance."

Edited by Grafvitnir, 02 March 2012 - 09:41 PM.

#175 Orcinus


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:41 PM

“Hey! Get back here!”

The Hunchback continued to reverse, firing its remaining Medium Laser and Small Laser. The Grand Dragon, being much faster, easily kept pace as it continued to blast away with alternating PPC and Pulse Laser fire. The Hunchback raised one leg to take another step back.


The Grand Dragon kicked at the other leg. One PPC shot to the chest later, and the medium ‘mech was flat on its back, trying to roll over onto its left arm so it could push itself back up.

I don’t think so, bub.

The hatchet came down, connecting with the defunct AC/20 and driving the Hunchback back to the ground with the force of the blow.

The next couple of minutes passed in a blur, as the Grand Dragon began to systematically hack at the fallen ‘mech. Small arms fire erupted from the surrounding buildings, but the hatchet-wielding monster paid no heed. Eventually, the remaining arm and both legs had been severed and several gouges had been left in the Hunchback’s torso.

The Grand Dragon lowered the hatchet arm and raised the PPC in its place. The torso twisted a little bit so that the PPC came into line with the Hunchback’s cockpit. And paused.

He engaged the zoom feature to take a look inside the cockpit. The other pilot was frozen in his seat. Tears and sweat marred his face as he stared blankly into the PPC’s barrel.

He placed his finger on the trigger. The grin on his face began to widen. He disengaged the zoom and double-checked to make sure his shot was lined up.

The ribbon caught his eye, tied around his left wrist.


The grin evaporated from his face as he continued to stare at the blue ribbon, slightly faded with age.

Is this really what...?

His finger slipped away from the trigger.

What would she...?

He glanced back at the Hunchback, whose pilot had not moved.

He’s finished.

The Grand Dragon lowered its PPC arm as it stepped back. He glanced onto his radar, still blank from the jamming.

Need to get to the mechbays.

The Grand Dragon made its way around the Hunchback and went off at a run.

#176 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 01:39 PM

[[Ummm... no spaceport GW]]

#177 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 01:49 PM

[[I'm not refering to a central spaceport, but a nearby one, that has a landing pad.]]
Draco nearly shouted back at the old man. There were times when yes valor was required, and you had to fight the enemy to the death, but sometimes, you had to rely on quick thinking and stealth. He quickly glanced over at the old man, and said coldly, in Mando'a so that way he would be able to say it, but not have the other party's here understand it.
"Kuur, dikut,"
Then he returned to what he was doing. The uniform barely fit, and even then, he was going to have to get creative on this one. They were going to get in close and so would need every advantage they could afford.
"Wolf Dragon,"
"Stay on stand by, don't want our friends to go into hiding,"
He looked up at Graaf, and yelled out.
"We're going ahead so we can locate a hovercraft at the depot, before you start shooting the place up,"
He found one of the Dalian radios on the body, and tossed it up over to Graaf, he caught it with ease.
"Radio us on channel 16, callsign Guardian. If you want air support, call Wolf Dragon,"
He then turned and got ready to go.

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 02 March 2012 - 01:39 PM, said:

[[Ummm... no spaceport GW]]

[[Not refering to a central spaceport, but a nearby landing pad, which we just casually called a spaceport.]]

Edited by guardian wolf, 02 March 2012 - 01:48 PM.

#178 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 04:57 PM

Eyeballed the man after he started spitting out curses and gibberish in Swedenesse. Then turned to Graff.

"Yo Graff, what's twisting this old guy's t*t? And what language is dat anyways?"

Finally he decided to ignore the old fart and go on with his own plan. The uniform fit, kinda. Well not really, but good enough to fool anyone not paying attention like crew on a tank or a mechjockey. Besides who would expect three guys sneaking onto a heavily armed base....

Draco shouted back at the old man in more gibberish. Thom had no idea what he said, but it seemed like Draco was following his lead. He could tell that the old man was pissed and he could only assume it was about his idea of sneaking onto the base dressed up like these Dalian d-bags.

"I's figure's we's can carry something infront of us to cover up da shreaded up parts of de uniforms.."

Thom sighed

"I's wished des guys had some C-34...,"

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 02 March 2012 - 04:58 PM.

#179 Grafvitnir


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:08 PM

[[I was going to try to do this IC, but I guess I should recap the point we're at from the beginning, GW. We are less than a block away from the small KungsArme depot that contains Lina's Dervish. There are two hovercraft with magine guns and SRM-2s parked outside along with a Clint and supporting infantry. I'm planning to get into my mech after we converse with Sisgurd, while you, Thom and Lina take up position in the alley behind the depot. When I come out in my Dragon I will draw them away so you can enter the now-unguarded building through the back, get Lina to her 'Mech and hijack a hovercraft. That way we will all have transportation as we move on to retake you and Thom's 'Mechs.
If you feel that going off to attack an entirely different depot with no distraction and no gain except for what we were already planning to get here, all while the Dalian Guard are attempting to gain control of Lina's 'Mech, is what your character would want to do, you're welcome to try to pursuade us, but I'm worried you might have missed a few posts.
Also, while I appreciate the star wars references, I should remind you again that we're trying to stick to Battletech, where Mando'a does not exist except as a fictional language from an obscure sci-fi movie series from more than a millenium ago.]]

Edited by Grafvitnir, 03 March 2012 - 01:05 AM.

#180 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:34 PM

[[Must appologize if I'm posting way too much... I haven't been getting a lot of hours at work.]]

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 02 March 2012 - 06:44 PM.

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