Peace and quiet more like. At least I hope so in relation to the ongoing personal critique you like to sneak under the radar and then find nice excuses to then deflect responsibility for your actions.
And here we go again, placing a public view I'm trying to control things by the creative use of suggesting I have some kind of throne. And yet it has only been yourself who has shown controlling behavior in trying to curtail my posting with the use of videos and posting abundantly.
Joking or not, its just too disingenuous that you like to poke fun at me at a personal level on numerous occasions, make mistakes as you go, think you can just deflect things with excuses and then try to place the blame onto myself?!
Previous quips:
And although on their own the first two posts could be seen as simply humorous (i.e. banter) when you put them together with this new recent troll addition, for me it just shows too much personal attention to my posting practices of which I'm not appreciating or enjoying. The occasional male bonding style reality checks with humour like this is fine, but an habitual focus just isn't cricket Sir. So the bigger picture might be that you need to focus your energies elsewhere and perhaps on material relevant to big Stompy robots.
Trying to be civil about this Galaxy, but your not making it any easier with you simply trying to invalidate my opinion and despoil my experience of the Meme thread. And all I'm trying to do is have fun and enjoy the MWO community forum experience with my fellow pilots.
So not really happy with things even if on the scale of things this isn't that important. So no peace unless its peace and quiet as I've yet to see a genuine concern from my perspective other than an attempt for you to "save face" as opposed to genuinely being concerned about a fellow Memester.
Show me otherwise I guess as "it's your actions not words that define you", that's why so serious.