Drop Limits: Tonnage or Battle Value?
Posted 19 June 2012 - 08:46 AM
Like the Dev's have said, it is possible for lights to down assualts.
So if they come up with a system(maybe like the one on sarna) to measure a tech level and match them up acordingly it might be more fair.
A Atlas with a PPC cant beat a Cicada with a ER PPC
So for example, you have succession war/age of war tech(D or high tech according to sarna's tech rating) VS Clan tech(F or Hyper advanced) Then you could balance it out by having 2 companys vs one trinary.
This would make more intresting battles as you have different numbers of mech but it is still somewhat even. No system is perfect.
Although the most even is BV, BV is tonnage baised.
Posted 19 June 2012 - 01:51 PM
limit the groups to 600 tons total ( this will get people to play more then just the 100 ton mechs )
examples of groups
group 1
6 atlas ( nothing else tonnage reached )
group 2
12 hunchbacks ( tonnage reached now wich group can find locate and destroy the other group faster )
group 2 has alarge advantage as more eyes on the field more guns ect
heavier doesnt always mean better for the team you need a mech that fits a specific role and can do the job at the lightest spec possible to allow tonnage for others in yer team to have the tonnage to get the mech they need into the fight ( example of this : the team needs 1 assault class mech so instead of the atlas they bring the awesome and save 20 tons for another player on there team )
Bringing the Big guns the 100 ton massive tanks can still be done but better be done in such a way that they can pull there weight and do there role
Posted 19 June 2012 - 02:58 PM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 10:21 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:19 PM
WAR is not "FAIR"
Posted 12 March 2013 - 10:41 AM
Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:16 AM
Damn man where can I get a UAC20 or LBX20?

Those 4 Mechs will all have to make some serious choices about their armor level, versus speed, versus how much ammo they want to carry (or do the pick 2 deal)
A Hunchback with a STD 250 (10hs) with a Gauss rifle or AC20 and Max armor is done. 1 & 2 tons of ammo respectively and run 65kph.
So in the end, you may have a Gauss, but will run slow and have limited ammo. A much faster Hunchy may find you easy pickings one on one....

Tonnage is the best option outside of a perfected BV system, but sadly, none exist at this time.

Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:07 PM
Edited by Eddrick, 12 March 2013 - 04:08 PM.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:30 PM
A player should arbitrarily be forced into a weight bracket they do not want to play. Said players should play and through experience and testing figure out the best role they fit for their team.
I do admit, 11 assaults and 1 light is ridiculous. But with newer maps being bigger those 11 assaults are going to be slow pickings and the light will be fodder for a more balanced team.
Posted 12 March 2013 - 06:44 PM
In other words, if Team A has 1 light, 2 mediums, 3 heavies, and 2 assaults - then Team B should have 1 light, 2 mediums, 3 heavies, and 2 assaults.
Actually tonnage isn't all that important, nor is weapon selection (C-Bill cost). Just match the number of each weight class on each team.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:36 AM
Posted 13 March 2013 - 08:59 AM
Note: I'm probably a little more hardcore than some and certain not all will agree with this op.
Posted 20 June 2013 - 11:36 PM
Will it be squad based tactical game play? Or will it be a fancy fps with alot of unlockables? I envision a mwo where both teams tacticly select their mechs in a transparent turn based draft pick based on the mission and map using match specific resources. What i mean by match specific resources is that both teams select mechs that when added together equal the same weight/points/whatever can be used in order to ensure that both teams have an even playing feild.
There could be a planning phase prior to the mission exicution where team commanders selected based on rank can path routes and attack patterns and can group their own lances based on weaponry, speed, and chassis. Hell there could even be plays like in football that people could chose form.
It is my firm belief that this game is on the verge of greatness but is risking a catastrophic failure due to the elemination of tactics in favor for an easy to learn game. If it continues down this path not only will I stop playing but I am convinced that many others will as well.
(I've posted this in different places so that it will be read, and not just buried. Hopefully no one frowns upon that.)
Edited by Rex Zero, 20 June 2013 - 11:39 PM.
Posted 21 June 2013 - 05:19 AM
so someone who loves their Assaults would only be able to bring 2 to the field, where a dedicated Light Pilot would be able to bring all 4 and include a few Mediums if he wanted.
Posted 21 June 2013 - 05:21 AM
This results in a system which will dynamically balance itself over time, resulting in a changing meta as more popular builds get more playtime.
Not only will it result in more evenly balanced matches, but it'll result in less stagnant gameplay.
Edited by Roland, 21 June 2013 - 05:22 AM.
Posted 04 July 2013 - 07:06 AM
Posted 04 July 2013 - 07:17 AM
BV assumes all dice rolls are even, which in an action game like MWO is useless. Jenners can kill Atlas mechs with ease despite being 1/3 the BV.
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