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The Devil's Horsemen OoC

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#321 pinsndneedles


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 07:38 PM

Hey, no sweat brother! We're just impatient XD

#322 Xetherius


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 08:42 PM

I've never played the table top (unfortunately, I was born after the fact, and my dad wasn't the cool gamer dad) and nobody plays in middle of nowhere, Canada, so I've never been able to start. Been looking into MegaMek over the past couple of weeks, started dabbling, so I'm getting to know it a bit better. As for play by play, I think I could whip something up.

The majority of the Periphery, such as small colonies in the middle of nowhere and minor bandit gangs, having poor amounts of tech available, the mechs were unimpressive. The Franken-Hunchie's armor was shoddily made and attached, most of it battle scarred scraps torn from lighter mechs they looted. Weapons were a medium laser, 2 small lasers, and an AC/5, and a handful of single heat sinks. The Franken-Commando, repaired by Altruin's father, was in decent condition. The majority of the armor had been salvaged from tanks (being cheaper) and a few unrepairable lights, but was in satisfactory condition. It had 2 arm mounted medium lasers, and a SRM-6 on the right shoulder.

This being a small colony, the buildings were mostly agricultural, small factory, and civilian oriented. The 4 bandit mechs were moving toward the small airfield (oriented west to east, buildings to north) and mech housing, where the best loot would be, while the other 4 moved deeper into the city, leaving their 4 wrecked comerades and the 2 dead defenders behind. Altruin flanked west, using the buildings to remain undetected. Once they were away from civilian housing, he charged them, firing on the lead mech (the Hunchie) with both medium lasers. One missed, while the other raked the right arm and shoulder, vaporizing a moderate amount of armor. Altruin slowed 200m out, while the four mechs turned towards him. On open comms the leader yelled "Get back! This punk's mine!", causing the other mechs to back up about 250m. He opened up with the AC/5, which went wide right, and the small laser, which hit the Commando across the left torso causing negligable damage. Altruin used the Commano's higher manouverability, zig zagging (a hint recieved from Clint, an ex-merc and now deceased pilot of one of the defenders) to close the distance, scoring several minor shots across the chest with his lasers, while taking several more hits from the small laser and 2 glancing blows from the AC/5. Once about 50m out, he veered right, trying to get behind the slower Hunchback. Twisting like mad, the bandit leader tried to get the Commando back into his sights. He managed to score several hits to the left side, blowing out the upper arm's actuator. Altruin scored several solid hits to the rear, stripping off most of the central and all of the left armor. The bandit twisted hard left, which caught Altruin unprepared. Directly in his line of sight, he fired everything, the lasers causing moderate torso armor damage, and the AC/5 hitting the left shoulder, blowing the arm clean off. Altruin, starting to panic, charged full throttle at the Hunchback, checking it like a linebacker with his (armless) left shoulder. The Commando rammed into it, destroying the AC/5 and removing almost all of the frontal armor. Both pilots then began to frantically reverse, attempting to dislodge from each other. To the sound of metal screaming the two parted, and the Hunchie seemed off balance. In the collsision, several parts in the shoddily made mech's hip dislodged, causing the right actuators to seize. Taking the advantage, he lined up the SRM and took the shot. Six missiles streaked forth, trailing smoke to their new home in the armorless Hunchback's reactor, causing it to go critical and detonate. The bandit leader, unable to eject, was killed in the blast.

His three underlings stood stock still as the realization hit them. A Commando just took out their biggest and baddest mech, along with their leader and best mechwarrior. Knowing he couldn't pull off anything like that again, decided to try "diplomacy". On an open comm, he yelled "I am Altruin the Mighty! Mercenary, slayer of scum, and protector of this colony! If you value your lives, you will run. NOW!".
Scared for their lives, the bandits took the bluff hook, line and sinker, turning tail and running as fast as their mechs would move, barely sparing a second to tell their remaining comerades that they were retreating. Returning to the hangar, he powered down, stepping out of the mech in front of his father and six shocked defenders.
"What the hell were you thinking! You could have gotten killed!" his father yelled, before running at him and giving him a huge hug. The hardened ex-mercs and soldiers talked among themselves for a few seconds before Griffin, the defacto leader of colony defenses, stepped forwards.
"Son", he said, "What you did was an incredibly stupid and reckless thing, and I have no idea how you didn't buy it out there. That aside, you've saved a lot of lives, and I have to say, that was just about the best piloting I've ever seen for a first timer, simulator trained or no! We've decided that, if you accept, we'll take you on and train you how to be a right, proper mechwarrior."
Altruin was just about to accept, like any rash youth would, when his father told him that they needed to talk about it first. That all changed when they heard what happened 10 minutes later...

How's that for a play by play-ish story of the first battle. He was crazy stupid, missed a lot, was up against a relatively incompetent enemy (smart enough to counter twist, but still), forgot about his missiles until the end, and won - barely, before making up an insane bluff that somehow didn't backfire and get him killed.

Edit: Fix for Rogue.

Edited by Xetherius, 15 October 2012 - 09:04 PM.

#323 RogueSpear


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 08:49 PM

I like everything except for the bit where the mechwarriors apparently had a discussion and voted on it :D
But that's personal twitchiness :rolleyes:
Me like!

#324 Xetherius


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 10:22 PM

I know nobody will read this till tommorow, but I just had one hell of a funny match. Frozen City, I was in my Altas. Big battle from the start, I was stationed at the bottom, they feinted (my) right around the ridge, everyone involved no holds barred. I took down a Dragon and a Hunchie, then my twin LB 10-Xs were gone, turned, had an awesome duel with another Atlas and won using my 4 med lasers and superior piloting. I had no frontal or rear armor left and my centre torso was almost gone. Next thing I know A JENNER ****ING RAMS ME! I tip over, explode (ramming does damage, however slight), and everyone goes crazy at what just happened. Nobody believed it, and I had to compliment him on the kill. He was last guy, then he got legged by our last guy in a K2. The end, true, hilarious story.

Edited by Xetherius, 15 October 2012 - 10:22 PM.

#325 dal10


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 10:26 PM

no one will read it, o'rlly?

You find some hilarious matches sometimes.

#326 Xetherius


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 10:35 PM

Proved me wrong dal, still a Jenner killing an Atlas with a well placed ramming attack is pretty darn funny in my books. David and Goliath moment indeed.

P.S. I like the backstory you posted in the one thread. Over 200 assassination attempts, all failed? Either the Combine's losing it's edge, doesn't really want you dead, or you are one of the most badass deserters ever.

Edited by Xetherius, 15 October 2012 - 10:37 PM.

#327 dal10


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Posted 15 October 2012 - 10:37 PM

I launched my last LRMS on accident once and killed a powered down jenner, still have no idea where the ****** was...

#328 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 06:05 AM

I like the fluff you've added to your bio. *Micheal Graves voice.* "Hey buddy, can I get a peice of that jerky?"

I'd also like to add to the poor state of those bandits mechs could be from lack of techs. Pirates are notorious for their machines always breaking down and in general, sucking.

#329 Shadtiger77


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 11:56 AM

Alrighty, Xetherius has updated his post. Pleas read and adjust yours to how you want them, if you want them adjusted to fit better. I will be posting next bit in about 4 hours.

#330 dal10


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:00 PM

this is where being vague helps, I don't have to change my post :P

#331 pinsndneedles


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:04 PM

Annnnnd edited.

#332 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:09 PM

View Postdal10, on 16 October 2012 - 12:00 PM, said:

this is where being vague helps, I don't have to change my post :P

Same here.

#333 dal10


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:13 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 16 October 2012 - 12:09 PM, said:

Same here.

this just proves that capellans are intelligent, look at the poor davie who had to change his post :P

#334 RogueSpear


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:19 PM

I was smarter - I waited to post.

#335 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:35 PM

That works too. Or you're just lazy.

#336 Shadtiger77


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:39 PM

Alrighty, since most of you already posted up here that you altered, I am going to read over them and pop the next post up early

#337 pinsndneedles


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:14 PM

The poor dear has a weak stomach. Hope my little spiel wasn't too long for anyone :) I got bored and felt like throwing some nonsense in there.

Edit: typo

Edited by Brother Grim, 16 October 2012 - 07:17 PM.

#338 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:18 PM

I liked it. And even a few tons of munitions as salvage can still be worthwhile. I think 1 ton of MG ammo is 5KC-bills and SRM ammo is 27K we won't get rich, but it'd pay for the adventure and we wouldn't leave empty handed. And that's if the cache was in similar shape as the one your girl found.

#339 dal10


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:28 PM

not to complain grimm... but the bodies would not have rotten in an atmosphere without oxygen... nitrogen only would leave them in mostly the same shape as they were in when they died.

#340 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:33 PM

Oh yeah I totally didn't even think of that... Good looking out.

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