September 24th, 3049
Blackthornes Dragoons
1st Assault Regiment, Reinforced
ATTENTION: Blackthornes Dragoons will be hiring individual pilots, lances and full companies to bring the unit back to operational strength. The Blackthornes Dragoons operate on a Free Company basis allowing Company Commanders to manage their companies as they see fit so long as those companies maintain the ideals and honor of The Blackthornes Dragoons. As such, full companies as well as units down to the individual are welcome in our ranks. Currently the Dragoons have 6 fully combat ready companies and are looking to add 3 to 6 more.
About Blackthornes Dragoons: We were formed roughly 12 years ago and across the Inner Sphere have several hundred members of which a few over 70 are currently Battle Mech certified. It is our hope that we will have another 30 or so ready in the coming months, but feel obligated to open our doors to any veteran pilots or commanders looking for a loyal Regiment of seasoned veterans who understand the value of honorable combat, professional discourse and the value of team work without peer. We maintain our own secure communications systems that can support up to 512 pilots and support personnel and require its use for all engagements. Those wishing to give things a try with us should log into our Teamspeak server using default ports at TS.blackthornes.com with a password of Blackthornes .
Full details regarding Blackthornes Dragoons, to include entrance on a trial basis can be found on our Regimental page at http://www.Blackthornes.com where we look forward to receiving your application.
This is a short compilation by MAJ HybridTheory CO of 1st BN "The Hearth Guard".
See you in the drop bay.
Best Regards,
Colonel Aeron Sley
Blackthornes Dragoons
Edited by Aeron Sley, 30 August 2013 - 12:38 PM.