The Outlaw Kazzen, on 24 July 2012 - 11:25 AM, said:
I'm not looking to officially join a team right now but if the game allows it, I wouldn't mind rolling with you guys on missions.
I appreciate you stopping by, appreciate the dialogue in other threads, and appreciate the camaraderie you've shared with me personally as one vet to another. I also respect your decision to wait it out, and I will make sure that we keep a place open for you in the ranks should you wish to join.
I don't know how to allay your fears, but I do know that I want a guy like you on my team. However, I want you to want to be there because you've made up your mind, not because I've convinced you. But I'm going to answer some of your questions.
1) You can join our Teamspeak server and I will provide you with basic access. Forums are another matter - we don't have public forums, because we're usually part of other forums so our in-house boards are primarily for internal stuff. On Teamspeak you can find people playing MWLL or [redacted], and if you're in either, you can join up. If they give you any crap, tell them you know where I keep the keys to the wheelbarrow and you have permission to drive it. Say that exactly, they'll understand what you're talking about.
2) BWC is a multi-game Company and has been around since 2002. There is no internal strife. We do not tolerate drama. We've had exactly two periods where the future of BWC was in question and they were long ago. Today, we are several hundred members strong with a whole host of peripherals and presence. We are more than an MWO merc unit. Now, the whole tyrant thing... I can't really tell you anything about that, I will let my members tell you about me. I've run BWC for over six years and I am one of the founding members. I tried to step down, twice. They wouldn't let me. I am blunt, I am abrasive, and I do tend to tell people exactly what I think. But I always treat my members with respect, consideration, and care. And honestly, as long as external non-members don't walk into my three-metre kill zone I'm usually a fairly laid-back dude. I tend to make sure that my teammates are taken care of (ie, sponsoring Planetside accounts or Founders packs, making sure they get new hardware for their computers, helping them find jobs, etc). I don't know what tyrants do, but again - I'll let my teammates tell you whether or not I'm a cruel jerk. I very well could be.
Now as to the question of joining us without being a member - as I mentioned, you're welcome to hang out on Teamspeak with us and get to know us. I don't often extend that courtesy to random strangers because we are fairly insular. However, like I said... I want you on my team because I value quality people with whom I can get along. We only approach the people we want to join, we don't spam every account in the Hiring Hall. Take that for what it's worth.