William Petersen, on 27 March 2012 - 08:18 AM, said:
That's stupid.
AS7-D Atlas is at, let's say, 30 heat. He miraculously survived all ammo explosion checks, and got himself up to a forced shut down anyway.
Let's assume he has 0 engine crits taken, which, if he did, would suggest his CT was exposed (or he took a very unlucky TAC or two) and was moments away from destruction anyway).
Now let's assume our offender is a Firestarter, since that's the only mech I know offhand who mounts more than one or two flamers. Let's hypothetically modify said Firestarter so the 4th flamer is forward-facing, and add 4 heat sinks so it can fire all flamers and run and remain heat neutral.
Now, the firsestarter is capable of inflicting *8* heat per turn on the atlas. The atlas sinks 20 per turn.
So instead of restarting in 1 turn (30-20=10 < 14 = start up), it restarts in 2 (30-20+8=18-20+8 = 6 <14 = start up).
Let me also point out that, aside from these flamers, the firsestarter in question has practically no other armament of consequence. Let's also point out that said firestarter also must maintain a close distance to the Atlas, so he should be a bit easier to hit and his movement much more predictable.
Admittedly, against a mech with only 10 heatsinks, yes, 8 heat per turn IS significant and will keep the mech in question shut down for much longer, but that wasn't the hypothetical. And still doesn't negate the incredible disadvantage of bringing along a mech equipped specifically to take advantage of an enemy screwing up and letting himself overheat.
Bad hypothetical is, in fact, bad.
As to the idea of changing flamer rules so that they *do* allow a mech to keep another shut down, I don't see the need, no.
Really not sure how else this can be explained gents, give this man a cookie.