In scale heavy/assault mechs almost as tall as warhound titan. in level of destruction - titan is far more superior than mechs.
Warhound is a
SCOUT titan

It has 12 crew (1 Princeps, 2 Moderati, 2 Techpriests, 3 Servitors, 4 Servo Skulls)
It is 14 Metres High, and can go up to 58 KPH. It weighs 410 Tonnes, so it is basically the equivalent of an entire lance of assault mechs in weight.
The Reaver is one of the most ancient Imperial Titan designs. It is slightly smaller than the warlord, and is much rarer than the Warhound/Warlord.
Its crew is pretty small (probably more automated than the others) consisting of a Princeps, 2 Moderati and a Techpriest.)
It stands at 22.3 metres tall, weighs 738 tonnes and moves at 27kph.
Warlord is the Imperiums main combat titan and is the most common Imperial Titan.
It is crewed by a Princeps, 4 Moderati and two Techpriests.
It is 33 Metres Tall (this is the canonical height as per the apocalypse rulebooks diagram) though some stories/artwork range from 33 metres to 200 metres.
Then, there is the Emperor Class Titans- the Imperator and the Warmonger types.
These Titans are just... huge.... and scary.... and have a large cathedral bristling with guns on their backs.....