Flametrace, on 20 March 2012 - 04:00 PM, said:
About the gauss rifle, that's actually the best thing to do to a TKer. Especially if crits are in game. just use him as a nuke against the enemy 'mechs.
And about the kill switch, maybe have trusted "server admins"/PGI (On the extremely rare chance they're in the server) get the ability? A commander would definitely abuse it. And it would be nice to make him spawn with low armor in the largest group of enemies on the opposing team. Free scrap, anyone?
This is, by FAR, the best example of self moderation that anyone has yet to come up with! New quote of the hour!
Red1769, on 20 March 2012 - 04:05 PM, said:
Red Beard, you've done nothing to give alternatives to reduce the chance of griefers/TKers.
Have I been unclear? I don't think there should ANY measures taken at all to reduce the chances of grievers or team killers. I thought that was clear in my opinions. So, what example can I give if I do not think it should be done?
In fact, you think this entire thread is a waste of your time and is laughable.
I hereby redact my originally stated opinion. I have come to see value in this thread. I will replace my stated opinion with this:
I believe that entertaining the "IDEA" of expecting the developers to moderate the game to these ends is a waste of time.
Do I get to do that? You are right. My statement made no sense before, and I do value the fact that somebody brought it up!
I don't see why you're still here.
I am still here for the same reason you are. To have my opinion on this subject heard, whether folks agree with it or not. I just happen to be of the opposite opinion, and you seem to not like that. Should I have started a thread saying "No TK penalties!! Yay!" ?
We all agree that over enforcement is a bad thing, right? But too little is also a bad thing, correct?
ANY enforcement by the devs is a bad thing, IMO.
Yes, we know it's a game, but obviously people don't have fun in games that allow backstabbing SOBs free reign.
I don't really think of it that way.
Self-moderation can't be wholly relied upon, especially if you can't see a record of some kind.
I agree and I believe the devs will have a stat tracker of some form that includes "things of this nature", but not specifically just for this.
But you're against fining them for the TK yet you quote it as "quote of the hour."
Yeah, I could have carved that dudes post up a bit better. I meant to chop that part off, I didn't agree with that portion. I see why that would be confusing.
Now agreed that banning someone is a little extreme for this, if it's only a few times. But extreme numbers, like hundreds of possible reports or something, I would say that's enough excuses for a temp ban for so many days, and then increase it if it happens again and again. Key word in there is temporary.
I agree, extreme stuff like that, though rare, may need a bigger hammer.
You're gonna have bad games no matter what, true. TKers are more common than you think, obviously, but not as common as what other people are making it out to be, again obviously. A little extra work for a system that isn't too overregulating yet isn't too loose that may or may not have a significant impact sounds good. It'll be a failsafe plan. Do you believe in failsafe plans? If you do, what's wrong with having one? It's not necessarily a waste of resources...just something good to have to make you feel safe.
I can go with that. What you said there is a good, subtle compromise.
I have shown respect in all of my posts, to those who deserve it.
Thank you for a well thought out post. I enjoyed responding to it and I do respect your opinion.